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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

See that's interesting.. since I don't see it anywhere either.. mainly because of the social circles and bubbles I am in. But..

Hearing about friends who have had their drink spiked - that's part of rape culture. Guys who try and get girls drunk so they can have sex with them.. that takes us into that zone also. Guys who think it's okay to laugh about fucking someone and treating them like shit.. that's also how it starts.

While I am not affected directly by it.. I know that it is out there.. so I don't say that it doesn't exist. It does.. Just like there has been a rise in guys 'stealthing'... or gay guys purposely participating in unsafe sex practices.. There are various types of cultures that many of use don't have any contact with.. Neither of these 2 things I have anything to do with.. but if I did.. I wouldn't sit back and pretend it is okay or be silent if someone was bragging about it.

We know for a fact that there are men out there who have some very poor and dangerous beliefs when it comes to how they treat women. Bragging about treating women like shit is what rape culture is about. We know that Australia.. hell the world has issues with this.. so clearly it exists. As lestat said.. our culture condones objectification.. it degrades and allows men to come to their own conclusion as to what they believe women are worth... and letting men just talk about "fucking some slut" shows no respect and basically if that's how men can speak with other men.. that isn't a culture that should be encouraged because it shows that if they can say it.. they likely believe it and will act upon it also.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Hercy »

What was the context of the thread that got you banned? If it was a thread to discuss particular aspects of rape culture, then I could see it. For instance, if there was a thread about climate change that took the view that climate change is real and the purpose of the thread was discussing the likely effects and consequences of climate change, then I could understand that if somebody came in to that thread and started saying that climate change wasn't real, then that's off topic.

Anyway, hundreds of thousands of words have been written about rape culture and there's no one correct definition. Different people will have different views about the degree to which it permeates society. I don't think that it's helpful to take the most extreme definition (e.g. rape culture means that everyone thinks rape is ok) and then say that rape culture isn't a thing.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by lestat »

Gaf was an echo chamber, if your view didn't agree with the hive mind, you weren't around for long.

The only reason why the place became popular is it had a lot of insiders and developers posting on the site, but that started to disappear in the last 2-3 years, the SJW contingent increased their stranglehold until they began to eat their own.

Not to mention the heavy Sony bias that always existed there, I've already seen a few microsoft exec guys relish in the demise of Gaf, this is good news for ms/nintendo, the sony hive mind is destroyed.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Lepo5 »

I think we have a "let's exaggerate everything bad that's ever happened so we can be all dramatic and call it a culture" culture.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by GameHED »

Turd Flinging Monkey is so right here:
We stopped hearing about the Bill Cosby scandal because the guy is innocent and the reason the feminists are so desperate to take down a patriarchal figure is to further push the communist ideals of not having families and being self-centred and fucking people for fun rather than to create productive members of society that will grow the nation's power.

think of communists as secret agents that want to infiltrate all the positions of influence in society that can influence the youth to do self-destructive activity to weaken a nation.

And we the gamer gate guys are the only line of defense left to defend the male only spaces. But we are the vandguard against overall feminists to stop them corrupting future generations into following their example and turning rogue on western civilisation which is the only thing holding back the illuminati from creating the global communist dictatorship.

GCF: if you believe that rape culture is real. Fine. But show us the evidence because gathering evidence is how you win court case mate. Not just accusing random people and putting innocent people in jail just because they are sleazy people. Yes the bad guys exploit people, but the question is whether or not they were raped is a seperate topic. If I am a fat ugly dude with lots of power and influence and you suck my dick to get a role in a major movie which pays your bills and makes you famous, then I don't see that as rape because the woman consents. Your appeals to emotion will not work against us here on gamesranch. We don't care if rapists exist. Them existing doesn't strengthen your argument. If you can't convince a judge that real rape happened then your sis wi ll not get justice. You can stop rape by calling the damn cops. Not going onto social media and spreading rumours and speculation. All that will do is become town gossip. It's a sin to spread gossip and rumour and manipulate people. If you have evidence then trust in the science to put the bad guy in jails. Don't become the bad guys.

The ultimate goal of radfems is to demonise father figures who demonstrate the power of strong family. Communist jews want to make people dependent on government for welfare so that they can then create laws and rules to control and manipulate the people receiving the government services. It's all about control over society. When you are strong and independent family you don't need to accept government welfare because you raised your kids properly. The big government guys hate that. They want you to see the government as the sugar daddy so that they can control you if you are weak. The state is the god, your politicians are the high priest, and the central bankers are the pantehistic gods that the government worships because they give the government life through digital ones and zeros which they can create from nothing. Like God the computers that create your currency to purchase things are the Father but in digital form. (no actual miracles are performed but it has the same effect as jesus multiplying the fish to feed the poor. But it's all fake version of it. The feminist need to be taught family values and unbrainwashed from the communist jews who love to see everyone poor.

Capitalism triumphed over communism, and they are sore losers so they want to destroy the strong western nations made up of strong christiian families that teach little girls to hold their virginity on and keep their pussy as tight as possible for their husband. This scares them because when women do this and mary their husband, it creates a very strong bond between the woman and man who knows she can be trusted and isn't a whore. Man then focuses on long term relationships rather than loose slutty women who are infested with STD like a resident evil styled zombie which causes health problems later on. Without funding feminists are doomed so keep up the good work MGTOW monks! don't give them an excuse to make themselves into victims again so that they can use the tax payers money to fund programs to spread more propaganda against responsible dads. lol If they are this desperate, by feeding on their own people, it means you are winning. Gamer-gate was just the begining. Infiltrating thier groups should be the next step, followed by counter infiltration to expose thier fake gamers within our own communities. (who are trying to sleep with mods and seduce game devs then get them into trouble by creating fake narratives to take over game scene and promote SJW ideas into our games. Fuck off. We saw you coming a mile away, you sexist shits. :lol:
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by GameHED »

Vince wrote:
GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:
Vince wrote:
Like I said though, I don’t believe we have a culture that accepts rape as the norm. I don’t see how talking about wanting to fuck a girl constitutes rape culture. That’s just guys talking like idiots. It’s when they act on those urges when we have massive problems. And I’m 100% against any form of violence, especially sexual violence.
But fuck me- all of this bullshit because I don’t believe we live in a rape culture? I should’ve kept my mouth shut...
It's effectively the foundation of rape culture. Talking about it with other guys can lead to BEING idiots.. and then guys suddenly loosen their morals and sense of what is right and wrong. When guys continually joke about it.. they are effectively desensitizing the topic. "Oh she totally wanted it".. letting these sorts of comments slide are the ones that influence dead shits to do things because they heard some other dead shit brag about it. did she totally want it? She was saying No? What part of NO don't you understand?

Given that there are guys that behave this way and have attitudes aligned with what we have discussed.. it stands that there is in fact a rape culture. Just like there is a culture of objectifying women. You say it's all bullshit.. yet I wonder if those affected by sexual assault would agree. No. They wouldn't. In the paragragh above.. you basically gave guys a free pass for being idiots. We don't give free passes for guys being idiots on the road, so.. why do we just laugh it off when it comes to sexual assault? Guys saying and doing things that are unwelcome should not be just laughed off as them being lads. Fuck that. When you've been on the receiving end of guys just being "lads" maybe you'd understand the difference.

Look clearly we have different definitions of what constitutes rape “culture”. I don’t think we are living in a culture that condones rape. I don’t see it promoted anywhere. I don’t see it condoned in any forms of media whatsoever. If there ever was a culture that allowed rape to become the norm, it certainly isn’t that way now. And I totally understand how somebody who was raped would feel towards rape culture. I mean to say that I’ve never been raped before so I wouldn’t know what they’re going through, but their feelings would be amplified significantly towards believing a rape culture exists. I just don’t see it anywhere. Sorry to disagree with you.

Real rape and false rape accusations = two seperate things. He is trying to confuse us into thinking that by allowing comedians to joke about rape, that means you are encourage real rapists to rape his sister and that you are a bad man. Nope. The mainstream media used the same tricks against people who play violent computer games. By trying to lump those whol love to play violent games like mortal kombat and laugh at fatalities because it looks cool, with those violent people who kill people in real life and need to be locked up and not encouraged to commit those acts on real victims. The guys who love violent games are not the same as people who commit real acts of violence and treat humans like playthings.

The left wing guys are really good at using emotion to cloud your judgement. And the bottom line is talking about rape and joking about it regardless of whether you think it is in good taste is NOT the same as telling real rapists that it is ok to rape people. People who use logic and reason are wasting their time talking to people who only think emotionally without understanding that there is a distinction between those two things. It's like me trying to explain to grandmothers that porno with rape fantasy in it (or 50 shades of grey where the main character is a sick sexual deviant who gets a boner abusing a girl who is powerless) is not the same as videotape of a woman actually being raped by rape gang and posted to youtube with criminals gloating about conquering the victim. They won't understand you. They will think you are just condining the action in real life vs just liking to see gangbang pornos. If they can't tell the difference between art and expression vs the real act invilving criminal behavior then you wil be labelled and shamed into submission out of misunderstanding by the dumb person who expects all of society to just believe them when they think something is bad when it isn't bad.

If I hate guns for instance, I will be convinced the guns are the problem and not the people commiting the murder with the guns and want guns banned even if the vast majority of people in society who own guns are not criminals. It's guilt by association. You may not condone violence against others and own guns because you want to shoot one, but since guns are used by criminals, you may as well be shamed just in case you are a criminal. No need to provide evidence to the public to prove that you are a bank robber, mass shooter, or psycho who wants to damage other people's proerty with it. Just worry about the FEELS is how left wing people think.. LOL

What you can do as an experiment is talk to these people about male rape in prisons. In prisons men rape other men not for sex. They are not gay. They do it as a form of control and dominance over the victim. Let me ask you this question: why does the media never talk about men suffering from being raped by other men in prisons. Why is all the focus only on women being raped by men? Could it be because feminists are just trying to raise funds for feminist causes and see true victims of rape as rivals in attention so they hide it to make out that only women can be victims of rape to fit the whole 'patriarchy is the problem' narrative? Why is it that when female teachers are caught raping male kids/teens are not thought of as serious crimes and the females get off easy by the judge while male teachers fucking female students is seen as really bad comapred to the other way around? I thought feminists said we are all equal and that gender is a social construct? LOL You see when you use logic and reason and require that the other side provides evidence for their claims, you basically destroy their illusion.
Last edited by GameHED on 23 Oct 2017 04:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by flipswitch »

There will be a couple of new GAF replacement forums up soon. One is called ResetEra.
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Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

It’s naive to think ‘rape culture’ is only about rape. Every adult girl I know well (and I really mean every one of them) has a bad story about men chasing them, groping, trying to trick them, forcing themselves onto them, plying them with substances, or worse. While it seemingly affronts a lot of men to hear it, a disturbingly high percentage of men given the opportunity will sexually assault a girl whether they believe it’s assault or not.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by lestat »

flipswitch wrote:There will be a couple of new GAF replacement forums up soon. One is called ResetEra.
All these relaunches are destined to fail, as you can see by this thread alone, a lot of people hated neogaf but tolerated it because they had no choice for news, all these offshoots won't get the industry insiders like before and it's the same echo chamber nutjobs running the show.

stuff like this.
There was an incident a month ago where one of GAF's oldest members who was also a moderator (#10 user, IIRC) had his moderator privileges revoked because he said that committing acts of violence against reprehensible people like neo-Nazis is absolutely unacceptable because sooner of later someone is going to do the exact same thing to us, and we won't have a leg to stand on if we don't believe in some kind of standard of behavior. If we throw away due process and the law and all that stuff because Nazis are bad, then we will eventually be on the receiving end.

He was immediately dogpiled by GAF members outraged that he was a "Nazi sympathizer", and within minutes had his moderator rights revoked. That's the kind of culture GAF cultivated. The number of people banned since the 2016 election has been astronomical because the grief-striken elements of the user-base, including moderators, embarked on a witch hunt to purge their forum of anyone responsible for crushing their dreams of Hillary Clinton's victory. The moment the forum realised Trump was going to win was utter, red-eyed fury. You know how 9/11 broke a lot of conservatives and they went super nutty? Trump winning completely broke GAF's culture, and since November 2016, they've been determine to fight a tooth and nail culture war against "Nazis" and "white supremacists" that they see under every bed. To them, derailing every single VR-related topic with what amounts to libel against Palmer Luckey is their moral obligation because if they don't harass and attack people unprovoked, the Nazis will win.

It's not harassment when I do it because I'M RIGHT. Wheras those EVIL GAMERGATE SCUM (an already foggy definition that has expanded to include pretty much everyone I don't like) harass people I LIKE and that's TOTALLY DIFFERENT.
This is the slippery slope the left fall under, thought police, ignoring rights to free speech and a fair trial. A lot of these things are fundamental to fairness in society, once you remove free speech and innocent until proven guilty, you're just left with chaos of mob rule.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by jizzlobber »

I reckon I was grabbed on the arse and dick by no less than 100 different women when working as a glassy when I was 20.

Does this mean there is a rape culture among women too?

As far as I'm concerned rape is rape, and 99.9 percent of the public are dead against it.
There are some dickheads out there who treat women like objects, I probably did when I was young, most of it was all talk... That ain't rape, not even close.

The title is absurd!
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Hercy »

Rape isn't rape. A significant amount of people have the view that rape can't happen within a relationship or to prostitutes, or that some women are "asking for it" by wearing certain things or by walking alone at night or by agreeing to go home with a man. Those views are part of a tolerance of particular types of rape by a significant number of people in society. For instance: ... pe/5749088" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by GameHED »

Look guys this isn't about rape, it is about controlling society. And one example is how now they are trying to get masculine men to be ashamed of being masculine by making it a crime to not be effeminate. Basically my predictions about depopuation are coming true here. they need sons to be seperated from their fathers so the state can move in and be the parents to your kids. By normalising abnormal behavior such as single parent family, it lets the state have power over the lives of every day people.

I know it sounds extreme but you got to look at the big picture. These are people that do not like tough guys because they are jealous that masculine men have everything they wish they could have, so the only solution is to make everyone weak to make them feel better. This is God's honest truth. There are some people within society that when they see someone better than them at something, they get jealous of that success and so instead of congratulating them and admiring them and wanting to be like them by emulating that behavior to get as close to being a better person, they instead turn to the dark side and want to pull that guy down off the ladder and make that person look bad because by destroying them they can feel equal to them in some way by plotting their downfall and making themself feel good because they are equal to them by holding that person back a bit.

It would be the equivalent to using the blue shell in mario kart after you are getting slaughtered and then winning a race due to rubber band system that lets the losing racers have better things. Now you could say that jealousy isn't bad because it means sucessful people don't become boastful and by letting a mob of losers take him down like hyenas to a sick animal brings balance or something like that, but most of us believe that if you are strong, independent and productive, you are the superior one over those that keep leeching and asking for the government to create unjust laws to cheat in order to give destructive people a boost.

The fact is most of us who are honorable do not want the left to cheat. But the left think cheating is justified since they are weak. The solution is to make yourself invisible like the rich elites so that if you ever achieve things, hide it and keep the wealth to yourself or the feminist will find a way to take it off of you to pull you down off the ladder out of jealousy. I figured that if feminist think they are being opppressed by men, the best way to trick them is just prtend to be gay. And hide your masculinity like the closet gay man that has to hide hiis gayness. This will let you go under the radar and feminists will have to work a lot harder to leech from the rich nerdy guys (they are a target because they can make advances in AI that will allow the sex robots to act realistic enough to pass as human) that will usher us into the utopia of the future where women are obsolete like manual labourers were when machines took over their jobs and they committed suicide because they couldn't support themself. The way to survive is encourage girls to turn against cucks by blaming the male feminists for not doing enough to protect women and make them feel guilty over not being competent enough. Eventually they will crack and go MGTOW themselves since girls will shame them for being losers. Basically divide and conquer to buy some time for asians to have monopoly on sex robot industry which won't be controlled by western white entitled feminists from america canada, australia etc It is these women that have destroyed society and so they will have to just confrom to the new hi-tech world or die off like the manual labourer guy had to adapt to change when his muscles were no longer needed to do work by educating himself to feed his stomach.

If you hate rape culture that is ok with me. But it's not illegal to laugh at jokes ok? Just as making fun of dad in sitcoms isn't illegal despite malephobic views of the writers who are cuckholded by feminists. I'm sorry but you need to just tolerate masculine people who find stuff you find offensive funny and get on with life. Your sisters need to be taught not to accept drinks from strangers (always have a chaperone) and to always assume that there are some weird people out there that are going to take advantage of them. This is not condoning rape anymore than telling kids to look both ways when they cross the road is condoning drunk drivers to speed in a school zone where there are a lot of accidents waiting to happen because of a lack of lollipop ladies. If you want to help real rape victim then call the fucking cops and stop trying to play victim and instead try to get justice.

You just need to be grateful that you don't have to deal with real world problems like starvation which people in the third world have to deal with. The SJWs willl be brought down. Mark my words. When the government collapses due to lack of money what you will get is a dictatorship to keep the rioting mobs under control possibly by chucking everyone into FEMA camps. By crushing them now, it prevents them getting out of control later when they are starving in the streets like the people in venezuala who were just given free shit and when the shit ran out, they turned on each other like characters in the hunger games movies LOL
Teach your sons not to trust sperm jackers who want to gold dig by getting themselves pregnant and trapping you into an unwanted marriage in order to obtain half your resources. Do you want to be like Master Chief and survive the Flood hordes? Then think rationally and logically and keep calm and only focus on surviving until you can get into a position of dominance and then have the flood zombies and covenant aliens turn against each other as you run out of the combat zone amongst the chaos.
Last edited by GameHED on 23 Oct 2017 07:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Lepo5 »

Do we live in a murder culture, or a home-invasion culture or is it just a rape culture?
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by guttermouth »

lestat wrote:Gaf was an echo chamber, if your view didn't agree with the hive mind, you weren't around for long.
Yep, pretty much this. If you had a different view you where either a white supremacists, an alt-righter or a Nazi, ohh and if you where black you where a black-white supremacists. Just ya typical hypocritical leftists pushing their toxic ideology

Hell they even banned the nicest bloke on the internet Boogie2988 and the mods promised to dig up dirt on him, get him blacklisted from all publications and end his career.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Hercy »

Lepo5 wrote:Do we live in a murder culture, or a home-invasion culture or is it just a rape culture?
If one in five Australians held the opinion that drunk people are partly to blame for being home invaded or murdered, then yes, we would.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Lepo5 »

So 20% of the population now dictate culture, ok right, got it.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Cletus »

GameHED wrote:
I played this and walked off to make a cup of tea and wandered back near the end of the video. Then 26.24 happened and I wondered who you have in your collection?

Oh also, does your collection stop you from killing chicks?

This was the original video he posted, he's changed it now. We know too much.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Hercy »

The new video still has an ad for that product at the end.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Cletus »

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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by GameHED »

Yeah he advocates sex dolls which I hear is scaring the prostitutes who fear they will go out of business due to people prefering them over the real thing.
A sex doll will never shame you into doing things it wants, will never age, and doesn't nag the man to talk. I guess this is what it comes down to after feminists took over the western societies. Men have had to either go to thailand to get sex from a ladyboy, do a sex worker in australia under erotic massage, or fuck a doll.

In europe I hear they have these sexdoll brothels and men prefer it to the real thing. I guess it is just masturbation with a big object instead of a dildo like women use. If you are an average or ugly guy who doesn't want to do a pilow, doesn't want to settle for an average looking chic, and has no interest in STD this is the safest option for you, When the robots get advanced you will see integration with VR helmets where you do the doll in the virtual porno and the robot actually responds to your touch.

If you've seen the tv series Westworld, that is where society is headed. Nobody is getting married and I think unless the family courts are done away with, we may end up like japan with the rise of the herbivore man being the norm. This freaks the japanese government out and they are trying to get people to breed but it's not working. It's the illuminati. They are behind al this but nobody believes that they are genocidal maniacs even though the georgia guidestones clearly shows their intent to lower the population down to tiny amount to make the world a more easy to manage place for the pagan gods they serve which see humans as evil. We laughed at the hippies but they are winning. The world is being depopulatated for tree spirits.

And before feminists think sex robots is objectifying women, the same could be said of dildos or erotic massage appliances in chemist under sexual health products section. When you plug a hole with a fake dick, you are saying that man is only valuable for his penis alone and not his mind and intelligence and creativity and all the other talents. We get to throw all the stuff you try to shame us with back in your faces. And I don't think this is just a fad like the waggle. Unlike the waggle countries like china have shortage of females for men so the whole idea of sex robots is here to stay. Whoever becomes the bill gates of the sex robot industry is going to be rich man. (high demand for it in any country where feminism has destroyed the dating scene and merely looking at a girls butt and staring at a girl's tits is considered 'rape' or 'sexual assault' under left wing terms)

When people are broke they turn to escapism to help them cope with the fucked up world. Drugs, videogames, sex robots = the big business. See the movie Strange Days. We are living in that now. Everyone is addicted to their phones and doesn't even communicate to each other the normal way. Kids can't go to bed without bringing the phone with them like it is a part of their own body or something. We have become attached to our technology and it's going to become self aware in future as people decide to marry their game console or sex robot over pleasing their wife or girlfriend. Perhaps a 1000 years from now we become machines like the beings in the Transformers cartoon where sex no longer exists and we can literally identify as an attack chopper by literally transforming into one so the courts can't limit us to either male or female gender. All the sex will happen in the virtual world and your nerve endings and brain is stimulated by the computer which directly gives the orgasm. Sad world we live in but you have to admit wouldn't you like your own Android 18 from dragonball Z? That has always been the anime nerd's wet dream. Why are porn mods in Skyrim on pc so popular? People are lonely but will never admit it. I am here to just offer truth and don't necesarily condone these types of behavior. But to show you guys what feminism has done to destroy relationships. And the evil family court is now going after gays too. Once gays get the truth they will turn against the system and join everyone else who has swallowed the red pill.

Nobody is saying you can't have your fun being in the Matrix. But don't shame those who want to escape. I bet that guy got raped by his mother or something horrible which has caused him to turn against the society. The most non-violent solution is to walk away. Let the feminist attack each other and after everyone is dead, we go back to the old ways when virgin pussy was common and even people with small dicks could please a girl because she was unable to sucessfully sleep around because the dad taught her to not be a slut and society rewarded good parenting instead of supporting feminism which destroyedthe lives of many children who end up growing in single parent households and joining gangs and becoming thugs who will blame white people for the lack of order and structure when in fact it was the white feminists communist athiest jewish groups that promote thug lifestyle instead of showing positive images of blacks who are well educated on tv and movies to encourage black kids to stay civilised and not take the easy way out by choosing the dark side. Don't worry cletus judgement is coming for the hollywood entertainment industry. People like Candy are pirating all their movies for me to get revenge.

The reason they went after Bill Cosby is because he represented a strong moral father figure to kids in the 80s with his 'father knows best' advice. Feminist see patriarchal figures as the antichrist and if you look at all the crap hollywood movies lately like Star Wars Force Awakens, Ghostbusters, and mad max, they all seem to have pro-feminist views that man is to blame for the bad stuff and only women are the good guys. You are too ignorant to see this and kids today are sick of hollywood promoting promiscuous sex and shoving garbage values down their throat all the time to ruin their chances of suceeding in life. It's up to the kids of the future to become members of the resistance and hopefully MGTOW is the solution because if people don't breed, you will become extinct. Not a joke. It may be the artificial womb saves humanity from it. But I bet the tech is being surpressed by the illuminati like they tried to surpress free energy when Nikola Tesla was still alive. Money is the root of al evil and if you can't meter something, the greedy businessman doesn't want to fund that project. He wants power to control others under his will. All people want to be gods over others. That is human nature. But without responsibility, these guys become dangerous to society so people must be aware of the plans of the crazy groups. eg transhumanists that think they will be gods if they merge with tech, not understanding that it could all be a trap like how social media was a trap set to gather information about everyone by getting them to give up their information voluntarily.

Anyway marriage amoung the normies in modern day is doomed thanks to sexually immoral feminist bitches. The smart men always go into a deal prepared with evidence before accussing :
This is like the reverse version of the movie "Gone Girl". This is how you slut shame. Gather the evidence before making the claim, and you don't need a social media smear campaign of unfounded rumour and gossip to make you look good to the public. Just BE good and you deal a killshot to the target and also provide a community service by warning off other men from marrying the slut. No need for man to make false accusation or create fake news. Truth is superior to manufacturing fake evidence. If everyone did this they could avoid lot of suffering and save time. But people don't think rationally when they are in love. They don't think long term about whether she is good for me or bad for me. They just think with their dicks and short term. Master your animal instincts and don't let them ruin your destiny and you will avoid traps by choosing a straight path. Public perception about you is meaningless. What matters is truth, not opinions of millions of biased busy bodies that love drama and wish you were characters in a soap opera for their entertainment. lol
Last edited by GameHED on 23 Oct 2017 10:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Candy Arse »

The only loss from neogaf imploding is indeed the news and I think the OT gaming threads were a great way to get quick info about a new release.

Outside of that, a total cesspool. Not just a Sony hive-mind either lestat, the Nintendo plague there was out of control.
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Madmya »

Hercy wrote:Rape isn't rape. A significant amount of people have the view that rape can't happen within a relationship or to prostitutes, or that some women are "asking for it" by wearing certain things or by walking alone at night or by agreeing to go home with a man. Those views are part of a tolerance of particular types of rape by a significant number of people in society. For instance: ... pe/5749088" onclick=";return false;
Was this survey done in an Islamic community by any chance?
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Re: Somethings going on at gaf

Post by PhoneMonkey »

I think Lepo’s comment up above sums it up nicely - it seems some take anything bad that some human beings do to other human beings and then apply the label ‘culture’. And if you dispute it (even if your arguments are pragmatic, sensible and polite) you find yourself lobbed into the social shit pit.

Pretty recent phenomenon, sort of came out of nowhere.
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Somethings going on at gaf

Post by PhoneMonkey »

Also, I would say 1 in 5 people that invades homes is probably hitting the glass BBQ.

So my question would be, is home invasion part of the Ice culture or is Ice part of the home invasion culture?
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Somethings going on at gaf

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

The term culture takes the present and history into account. Consider there was no legal avenue to prosecute marital rape until very late into the 20th century for example. It was actually legal for husbands to rape wives. Still is in some jurisdictions. There’s a literal instance of culture overriding consent.

And fair enough you’ve cited bad behaviour by women. Yeah that happens. But when was the last time you had a woman rub herself on you during your morning commute, or while walking alone had a woman pull up next to you and offer you money for sex? Happens to my female friends and loved ones many, many times and that’s just two of the more common annoyances. Women have to be on guard always. I don’t. That’s the society we live in right now.
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