The Official Wolfenstein II thread

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The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by unfnknblvbl »

Anyone else playing? Holy crap this game is good. I'm surprised nobody else has made a thread about it!

Great visuals, fantastic audio, and an engaging story make for a great experience here. Literally the only thing that annoys me is the amount of internal dialogue that BJ spurts. I mean, I hate the "strong silent type" character like Gordon Freeman, but this guy is on the other end of things. I don't care about how much you miss Caroline, ffs.

Other than that though, the gunplay is superb, the levels are well designed, and even the baddies are cool to interact with. I'm not a fan of multiplayer-focused games, so I'm super happy with the heavy emphasis on the single-player campaign.

I'm only about 6 or 8 hours in, but so far I give it a 9/10.
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by GameHED »

Yes the last Wolfenstien game was given middling scores. People playing it disagreed. Good to hear this is good too.

Will pick up soon.

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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by Rorschach »

Picked this up on launch but yet to drop serious time into it. Played the first two levels, looks incredible. Violence on an ultra scale. PC version is baller.
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by Madmya »

It's already half price on the xbox marketplace. I do want it...
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

I played through New Order over the last couple of weeks, and loved it so this is high on my wish list :up:
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by t0mby »

I'm playing through TNO for the first time atm, currently on the U-boat. Great game, looking forward to the sequel. Not sure if I'll play TOB.
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by unfnknblvbl »

I haven't played TOB yet, but I freaking loved TNO, and The New Colossus is a more than worthy successor. I love the way it picks up from exactly where TNO left off.

...I don't even mind BJ having a backstory now, since it's explored in an interesting way.
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by lestat »

I picked it up with my X half price but I just haven't had the time to get into it. I actually need to finish off the first, I have a 2/3 play through on xbox, restarted on PC and then on PC my safe got corrupted so I'm just going to finish it off on xbox.
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

It’s half price on Steam right now. I want it but will play TNO first.
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by GameHED »

Picked up my copy from EBGames black friday sale at $49.

A negative review of the game(exposes the liberal propaganda):
Sounds like the game tries to preach to you a little much. Fuck the SJW crap.
Save your money for mario odyssey. Jasper was right.
If you didn't buy Titanfall 2 yet, buy that instead.

Nioh was $23. Lot of bargains to find..
If you like the game don't be butthurt. The reptilians play both sides against each other to create controlled conflicts to drain you of energy for the eventual NWO. The game must be exposed for what it is: vehicle for pushing communism down your throat despite both right wing and left wing occultist dictatorships being the same thing in different skin. Both are inferior to freedom. We should kill commies as much as the nazis to save the world from evil. Then celebrate whites and blacks fighting alongside one another in wars. The jews must learn if you promote satanism in any form we will come for you for turning to evil for safety not because of who you say you are but what you are in deeds. (nothing to do with races. God will punish evil by letting other evil people do the punishing for him. It worked that way in the old testament against the disobedient jews who were killed instantly for disrespect, and it will not change as God doesn't change. He even punishes the disobedient fallen angels so do not think you are free from judgement. Evil must be fought with good. Not becoming evil yourself.

Future generations of kids will grow up to rebel against the SJWs as more and more their hypocrisy is being exposed for what it is. Perfect example is Anita Sarkesian being exposed as fake gamer and feminists being demonised for not even following their own rules - ie they want equality but don't want responsibility of being a responsible man and seek to blame others for failure. I thought men and women were equal? Why would men have a patriarchy if women have the same rights? Answer: because there is no equality and men are smarter, and so they can use men as scapegoat to get more welfare from daddy government. When that government runs out of resources, you will fight each other like Nephilim giants running out of food to eat and feasting on each other for survival. It is destined to happen as more people are becoming red-pilled each day. Men are dropping out of SJW infested schools and becoming free.)

The japanese companies thankfully are free from this crap. I would highly recommend you buy tekken, mario odyssey, and any game that doesn't fund the SJW propaganda machine. Your money paying for SJW and feminist crap gives these guys a job. You don't want that! They are useful idiots for the illuminati and puppets of thier subtle brainwashing. Vote with your dollars. (I will speed through this and return it hehe)
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by unfnknblvbl »

The game is about killing Nazis, and overthrowing a Nazi empire. There's nothing remotely "SJW" about it. It's the same basic premise that we've been enjoying for the past 25 years. Literally the only thing that has changed to make this game some kind of "SJW political commentary" is world politics - not the game itself.

Seriously, get over it and stop reading shit that's not there.

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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by GameHED »

The modern left's version of being a 'nazi' is not supporting forced diversity. In other words if you don't believe in affirmative action, feminism, and collectivism they will label you one even if you have no affiliation to a white supremecist group or would kill real nazis in world war II if you had the chance.

The world is changing. The definitions of words are changing.

In the 50s the word 'gay' meant happy. Today the first image that comes to your mind of 'gay' is homosexuals. Why? What changed? It's the culture. The left are engaging in a culture war. They use political correctness as their weapon to silence free speech. And when you debate them on things and they can't win intellectually they just scream at you like a 5 year old kid and accuse you of being a nazi for not agreeing with them.

It's the same reason you guys get kicked off neogaf and other boards because you don't agree with the political views of the people that own and run the site or the wife or girlfriend of the owners that runs or moderates the site who tone police you as if they are morally superior. (very similar in the past when you would attend a dogmatic church and the pastor was a control freak and felt a need to promote their interpretation of something in the bible over others rather than having faith that people will come to the truth through prayer for it)

They don't care about truth. They want to suppress it if it doesn't benefit them. It's called selective hearing.

If a real nazi attacked them you'd be there to stop them killing jews right alongside blacks, asians, gypsies, homosexuals etc... By accusing you of things you are not, they can create scape goats to allow them to play a victim perpetually to obtain victim status and therefore get money from people. The trick works ALL the time. .... Until Gamergate and the truth community that looks up who these poeple really are and what their true agenda is.

If you are grass roots guy trying to protest positive change that is cool. But these are not the true grass roots. They are fake groups pretending to be grass roots guys. There is a difference. One is real and the other is there to be used as social engineering mechanism to make the population fear freedom and justice. You'll understand in future. These guys are very sophisticated at controlling people and changing other people's perceptions. It's a skill just like conmen who run pyramid schemes and stage magicians who use illusions to trick the eye.

Once you learn their tactics you can expose them for what they really are: they acouse you of the thing THEY are. In psychology it is known as projection. The radical left technique is to accuse the opposition of the thing THEY are guilty of doing which places all focus on thier opponent. And it works. Because you are always on the defensive. The energy you spend denying that you are the thing they accuse you of gives energy to the idea that you might be what the accuser claims because you are always trying to defend yourself of the allegation. It makes you fear the false accusation because if they shout it enough times, the public will believe it because of the repetition. Test it on little kids. Spread a rumour around the playground and see if it spreads and whethr it affects the kid who is affected by the rumour and see how it affects them mentally and psychologically. Do they now place importance on what people around them believe about them now? Or do they shrug it off? Most in politics DO care if the public believes a lie because if it spreads and cost them a career, they will sufer financially won't they? So the left love to do it.

The left are very good at being cry bullies. It's not a new tactic, but they hate it when you use it against them. Why do they target videogamers? We beat the shit out of them with GamerGate and this is revenge. They think they can beat us in war. They think they can change us and not us change them. It's a war just like any other one. And it's the same reason youtube is de-monetising the christians, right wings guys, and comedians because they are still pissed that Donald Trump won. If you beat these guys in debates they usually resort to violence. When that doesn't work they try to sneak their way into the spaces and spy. That won't work either because we already know their playbook and sense the chamelions.

Does this game have SJW messages? Yes in the background. Much like how tv shows have anti-male messages in them to make little boys think of dads as the bad guy and the mum as the good guy. It's very subtle and over long period of time when exposed people believe wheat they see because they don't think for themselves. Majority of people in the world are not rational. They will let emotions dictate the decisions they make. Call me a pessimist but this game basically wants you to believe what the political beliefs are of the people who made it. It's not like GTA5 which poked fun at both sides of politics. This one is clearly left wing. Nothing wrong with that if you like politics in games. But I prefer neutral games that poke fun at all busted systems.
SJWs, like the feminists need a scapegoat just like the neocons NEED terrorists to use as bad guys. If they can't find one, they invent one. And then if they can't invent one, they accuse innocent people of being a bad guy with no proof. It's all about getting money off of the haves. It works on the white guys because in the past they WERE racists. But the times have changed. If white guys who are masculine are still so powerful then how come women are able to vote without white guys just bashing women up like the caveman days? The answer is because women have all the power now. So the narrative won't stick anymore. But every day they are whining for more rules like manspreading laws and other nonsense. This is like giving children power and not expecting them to care about responsibility. If you give in, they will push for more rubbish because the left interpret your agreement with them as a sign of your weakness that must be exploited (ie that you only give in because you can't resist them due to lack of strength, not due to being nice to them) just like seeing an opening in a boxing match and striking just when the opponent drops their guard.

They don't interpret it as you feeling sorry for them by giving them what they want. They see it as opportunity to punish you, not you going easy on them as a gesture of your kindness. Let me explain why: You the powerful guy can't ever be seen as the 'nice' guy in the public narrative doing good deeds for the enemy or they lose their victim status in the public eye. If you are seen as being nice and then the public accepts you as a nice person, they/feminists/sjws/minority can't whine and complain anymore for more power to be given to them from you, you see? It's psychology thing. If they are ACTUALLY given power and equality, (which they have been - feminism has been around for 60 years now) and the public KNOWS that, then it means no more free handouts (which is what many PREFER) and they have to compete on level playing field with men. They don't want that. They'd rather be seen in public as powerless and stay that way because it gives them someone to blame when they make mistakes for things and can stay victims forever so they don't have to improve themselves. (more fun being avictim than a strong person with independence) To a weak person, being a victim and getting free shit is still more comfortable than trying to become strong and then having to compete with other strong people. They rather hack the system and stay weak in the public eye so that when they cry, people listen to them out of pity and give them handouts.

Many of the MGTOW guys think feminists are just irrational and crazy people. No. They know what they are doing. It's a game of being a victim in the public eye so they can extract resources from the public. By crying all the time they can make rich people feel guilty perpetually and this technique works which is why women love actresses so much. It's a skill that requires you be good at lying to the public and convincing the public that your act is REAL. But truthers know the heart of the evil witches that want to be control freaks. We don't want their kind in our games. We interpret these jedi mind games as sophisticated brainwashing and manipulation.

Maybe you think I am bieing extreme but women have ruled over men for thousands of years because pussy is what society is obsessed with. Why wouldn't they use it as a weapons to get what they want and trick people into believing they are victims all the time if it fucking works?? I know I would if I were a chic and could get free shit and favours from others without effort. It's just nature. I'm not defending it by any means. Just telling you how it is so that you will be shielded from con games. I feel it is my duty to warn others of deceptive tactics. Men gave women power, but women want to still say they are not powerful so that they can say they are oppressed. Saying you are oppressed then lets them gain more power because people believe it when they see them crying to the UN that the world is unfair despite feminism having already WON! You got your equality. Now they are pushing for female dominance. Only solution is denying women resources to teach them a lesson not to play mind games with us. MGTOW is going to gain in popularity and sex robots will probably be more accepted in future as a result. Artificial womb tech may be option for the rich until it becomes cheap enough so the normies can avoid marriage to deny lawyers easy money which they make from corrupt family courts. World is changing. 'Nazis' are anything that doesn't agree with left wing agenda. In the past Nazis were the actual soliders you kill in WWII . Notice how the swastika is removed from games and movies? Chinese brainwashing mate. The movies have gone international audiences now. You can't just say the truth. You got to edit movies to make it easy to sell to the bad guys lol
Let me ask you a question: Why do yo uthink they remove this today? Could it be because they want to teach kids that nazis were not the soldiers our grandads fought in World War II and saved the world? And then teach those kids that Nazis = anyone who doesn't agree with left wing SJWs. I think so. It's culture war. They don't want masculine men to be the heroes of world wars. They want to replace men with women which explains why holywood is making remakes of movies with men in them and then changing them to women. It's brainwashing. Men are bad. Women are heroes. In 10-20 years the brainwashing effects of this is that adults will see conservatives or non-feminist men who are masculine as nazis because their definition of one is what the SJWs taught them, not what they were in history. Ok? It's generational war that will go on for long time. And to win you got to deny them money or they will profit from this and you will be seen as the bad guy for not agreeing with intolerant religious left who worship the government and the UN. I don't want to be a slave to any government. We are the government. No censorship. No lying about history. Just tell the fucking truth. Fuck the SJWs. I'll play or pirate your game but don't want to fund stuff. And society is never going to be utopia for left wing because they NEED VICTIMS. Without them they defeat the whole purpose for why thier political party exist. Same with neocons NEEDING terror or thier military budget will dry up. Never trust politicians. Learn from Jedi masters man.

Masculine men could resort to violence.. ... -1.3642485" onclick=";return false;

..but the best way to beat them is shunning collectivism from society completly. By walking away you starve them and can use them against each other to fight each other for the scraps of resources and watch them turn on each other. (least violent method to deal with them and it is positive method of punishment since it teaches them to reflect on their own actions because they can't blame others now if you ghost.
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Re: The Official Wolfenstein II thread

Post by t0mby »

I caved and scored the Collectors Edition with the Terror Billy action figure for $70. I don't usually but it was only $20 more than the vanilla version.
selfish wrote:Being a massive fanboy and trying to hide it is Lestat's worst bottleneck.
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