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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Candy Arse »

So is anyone else salivating at the thought of a new Blade Runner very soon?
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by stanard »

Trying not to - don't want to be disappointed!

Am getting hyped for Thor though.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Saw It.

Wasn't as good as the one from the 90s.

It was gorey but lacked the building up to horror that is lacking in modern horror movies where it all about jump scares and loud noises to make grandma have a heartattack.

Blade Runner: Will probably see it when it's ready but it should just be a TV series like West World imo. Ghost in the Shell had a tv series (animated) so why can't Blade Runner?

I thought the Ghost in the Shell movie that was made recently didn't capture the power of being a cyborg enough. If stories were told in episodic form, you can make more in-depth characters who can change over time to think about why they exist and what motivates them to do what they do and this works best to get people to think about the impact of the technology on society and how it affect us in negative and positive way. Eg notice how everyone looks like zombies when you walk on the streets with their phones with them? They are more connected to each other than ever but will ignore the local guy on the street who they could have talked to for strangers on social media. Everyone has become more cold and detached from friends and family in the real world for love and attention in the virtual world which is fake.
And now the feminists are using social media to push 4th wave feminist crap down our throats like a religious vagina worship cult that is taking over the entire world. Governments can use these tools to brainwash people into becoming more collectivist in thinking to get them to confrom like what organised religion used to do when people went to a church and the leader of that church group could shame anyone who disagreed with the leader's interpretation of things in the bible and use the people as a mob to harass the guy that disagreed with the leader's opinions on things.

How political groups can use social media as a weapon is by creating millions of sock pupet accounts to create a sense that their numbers are larger than they actually are and bully (through peer pressure) the free-thinking guy with original ideas to conform to the popular thinking of the day rather than everyone thinking for themselves so they don't need a social group to obtain validation from. And this would work best in tv series form than movie. Movie could be made as miniseries. Each season has one big replicant boss that is the mastermind behind things and taking them down is like trying to beat a boss in Metal Gear Solid game.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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Thor Ragnarok 4 out of 5

The characters are all funny, (It's like a buddy cop movie like lethal weapon) the action is decent (too much twirling in mid air though) and it doesn't waste your time with useless bits that pad the running time. Hulk and Thor together as a team make a good mix because they are both reliant on pure strength to survive.

I'm getting jaded now so I wasn't hyped for it but taken alone as a comic movie, it has all the ingredients I want from this stuff. These comic movies are starting to feel more like soap operas now and the villains are not very deep and interesting enough to care about them or respect their presence. What I mean by this is how the villains are 2 dimensional characters but the heroes are 3 dimensional and it's a common flaw I see in these marvel flicks. They are good overall action flicks. But they forget that it's not about punching and kicking each other only. If the characters are not different enough from comics in film form, you are just recreating something we see from kids stories. They need to make bad guys as much the draw to see movies as much as the titled character.
If Logan was the depressing story, this one is the high energy funny action movie with happy ending to make you feel good (Thor never loses his spirit or lets doomsday events get him down or let it affect who he is as a classic hero )
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Won't see Justice League. I'm tired of weak villains. Make the running time longer if you have to. You need serious bad guys that bring seriousness to the comic movie like the second Tobey McGuire Spiderman movie.

List of movies with shit villains:

Justice League
Thor Ragnarok
Wonder Woman

They need to make a reverse universe movie where the bad guys are the good guys and have to save the world from good guys who went evil because the bad guys don't want any competition. Sort of like the gangs in GTA2. They all fight each other for their own interests. Have Zack make this movie and make it hyper violent like Watchmen.

Enough trying to copy marvel and enough trying to make heroes dark. Just give us a dark world and go nuts with the deaths, murders, and fights, and make it like the Street Fighter Animated movie where the story takes a back seat to the fights. Geezus.
The moral of the movie is heroes would not be interesting if they didn't have villains to bash up and villains wouldn't be smart evil geniuses if they didn't have heroes to force them to come up with better master plans. Maybe they should stop fighting each other and bring an end to the war and fight for themselves instead of the normies for once? Normies have cops and the criminals have gangs. But super people have ruined so much property it might be cheapers if they were given a super planet for them to fight on whenever they have conflict so the earth doesn't blow up. On the super planets there are no cops, no buildings that can break, and everyone on the planet has super powers. Most of the animals are monsters that would normally be dangerous to normal people but pets to super heroes and super vilains. And the floor is indestructible so you can't cause earthquakes just be stomping the floor in anger after losing a game of chess and create sinkholes for people to fall into and die. If Hulk wanted to smash things, he could go crazy and never run out of stuff to smash because it regenerates after being destroyed to give him things to break when he gets angry. Basically it's the danger room from the X-men comics but it's a planet-wide version of this and all disputes are settled on the Super Planet instead of earth where fragile people exist which only get in the way of the fun fights.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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Heard The Last Jedi was shit.
Return of the Jedi for millenials? Might have to pirate it first to see if it's worth seeing, then if it's not shit I see in theatres.
Hollywood hates originality. :(
Bring back George Lucas. Enough reboot stuff..
if you are White male you are going to die in star Wars. Disney SW = SJW fanfiction about star Wars to me. I see It as an alternate universe Or as a "what if?" story. The fans themselves have to be the ones to fill in the story and make that Canon.
Making lukę a loser had to happen based on being White Guy. Leia had to survive because feminism. Prequels as much as fans didńt like them, were free of SJW stuff.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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Jesus Episode 8 is TERRIBLE.

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Saw Last Jedi Last night.

I loved it. It had a few slowish spots in it but upon reflection I understand why they were there.

At first I couldn't understand the hype behind Laura Dern but completely understood by the end.

I liked that Rose was not your typical Hollywood looking actress. She was cool.

It all felt rather emotional due to Leia.

Given everything that was in it.. and what it set out to achieve.. the multiple layers for it as well.. I think this is my favourite Star Wars movie. At least for now. It definitely needs another viewing.

I'm saying 9 roasting Porgs out of 10.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Vince »

Candy Arse wrote:Jesus Episode 8 is TERRIBLE.

It's better than TFA. I thought it wasn't too bad but some of the plot holes and inconsistencies with characters and such were fucking laughable... without spoiling anything, where does the story go from here? I'm not hanging for episode 9. This felt like the final film of the trilogy. Maybe JJ will make another death star or something totally unoriginal again... Anyway, not a great film but I didn't leave the theatre empty like I did TFA. I just really can't explain so much in this film.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Candy Arse »

It's an incoherent mess. George Lucas no longer holds the title of Director of Worst Star Wars movie.

Leia flying through space was so bad :lol:
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by unfnknblvbl »

Candy Arse wrote:Leia flying through space was so bad :lol:
I liked the whole film*, except this. If they had just left Leia to die in that scene, it would have been fine. But to keep her alive all the way until the end? That shit makes no sense, unless they filmed her "farewell" sequence for Episode IX already.

*It could benefit from an extended edition though, since it was certainly all over the place very quickly...
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Candy Arse »

Too much forced shitty "humour".

Too many animal friends, reminded me of Sonic games.

Rose and Finn's arc was 100% pointless filler. The kiss on the battlefield was the height of forced cheese.

Laura Dern's character added nothing.

99% of the movie felt like a waste of time and had no direction - let's just kill off Snoke without explaining a thing about the character.

Every scene with Kylo Ren and Rey was mint. The rest sucked so hard.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Candy Arse wrote:It's an incoherent mess. George Lucas no longer holds the title of Director of Worst Star Wars movie.

Leia flying through space was so bad :lol:
The most insulting thing was making Luke a potential child murderer who kills kids in thier sleep. This is the guy that would give his own life to save his evil dad at the end of Return of the Jedi. It just seems so out of character to me. Like taking yoda and making him suddenly really crap at light saber dueling for no other reason than the writers needed him to die or at least be easy to kill to sell newer action figures that are not yoda. (this is a common thing in japanese robot shows where the hero wrecks his mobile suit to get an upgrade so model and toy companies can sell kids a new toy haha) It would be like making optimus prime as emo as rodimus prime and whining about how he hates being responsible because killing decepticons is too hard and he'd rather win a participation ribbon for effort rather than suceed at achieving the goal of bringing peace to society.

Face it guys SW in the Disney era is just girl power fan fiction. No explanation is given for why in the lore, the female protagonist is killing things without breaking a sweat. Very lazy character design. The whole purpose for why she is good is that it is what feminist fantasise about. No in-lore explanation is provided for it which is the biggest reason people hate perfect characters with no backstory. They destroy any reason to watch them fight things because you establish early on that there is no danger of them even being close to death in any given situation. Until they fix that flaw it will always be forgettable movie experence and not a timeless classic like the OT when Lucas was trying to do serious war movie in space where you actually felt bad when people die due to a sense of real danger/risk and realistic limits to people's ability that made each tactical decision matter where the audience can understand clearly why something is threatening and forced them to care knowing the level of risk involved due to odds being stacked against the good guy.

It's just too cartoony for me. Take your daughter to go see the my little pony movie over this crap. I'm serious. Your little daughter will thank you later. lol My ticket was free so I didn't feel angry going. But I am disapointed how there are going to be yearly SJW fan movies using the SW label.
I feel sorry for Mark Hamil. The guy must have known he was doomed for not being black, mexican, a lesbian woman, or asian because it seems like the white guy is the new Jar Jar character in these movies by feminist writers reckoning. I warned you guys they were going to invade 'nerd culture' (thier words not mine) and try to use our fave escapist fantasy universes as propaganda to male bash. All the male characters are unlikable losers who require females helping them all the time. :lol: They did this shit on purpose and want to attack patriarchal figures by killing them off in movies because male authority is seen as evil dictatorship to feminists who don't distinguish between good patriarchal leadership and evil patriarchal ones. Let Jordan Peterson write the next Star Wars movie FFS lol Purge these shits and give us timeless classics with respectable heroes kids can look up to and not losers, cowards, and average joes who just win by pure luck and unearned abilities which are magically granted to them and let them win without having to earn merit by learning and experience. (the whole reason fights are interesting to see in the first place because we know skill is a huge factor into why it is hard to kill a character. If you fail to actually block, dodge, react ahead of time, or lose focus by not respecting the bad guy, you won't get a second chance, which is what made Darth Maul a cool villain because he looked a lot better than the hero at fighting.

urgh nevermind... Millenials will never get good story-telling techniques by creating suspense and using it to keep the audience scared for the hero. If you are not a millenial you know what I mean: New movies lack consequences for failing. Failing is seen as ok so conflict has no risk associated with it therefore anything heroes do has little significance in the grand scheme of things and holds little weight in shaping a future event because we know nothing dramatic can happen if nobody pays consequences formaking wrong decisions in the wars. If things have little significance, why should we watch? The result is irrelevant. These new guys who make movies don't know how to create mature stories with mature concepts in them for kids to think about and learn lessons from. Old myths had these things. And now its just low brow generic action scenes which by themselves are entertaining to watch but the result of the fighting lacks any kind of gravity. You see that in cartoon universes. But when watching movies we should be seeing history changing battles and events that will affect the fates of millions even billions of people. You don't get that sense in these new movies. It feels more like a high budget tv drama with emo children and probably will be forgotten about by those watching it as they grow up to adulthood. Everyone will remember Lord Vader, but you mention Snoke and people will think of him as the discount Emperor. He died so easy and nobody knew why his character was even needed.

Am I being harsh? Yeah because although its a good action movie in general, star wars was more than just that. It resonated with people of all ages and became classic. Can we get that back? Yes if they fill in the gaps to explain important things about characters we are supposed to give a shit about (but which we don't thanks to so many of them lacking ACTUAL heroic virtues to deserve our respect lol) You need to explain lore so we can understand reasons for why people lose or win at things based on the rules of the universe or it's just chaos to us. Even superman can potentially die because he is weak to Kryptonite and knowing this you get a sense that if he ever has to fight in losing condition, there is chance of death if he doesn't avoid making bad decision to engage when it might risk losing earth to villains. If superman were to suddenly NOT be weak to Kryptonite and the readers are given no explanation, you've ruined any reason to care about the story from that point on. That's what I feel like when I'm watching these new SW movies.

Give George a second chance I say.. Revenge of the Sith was decent and he repented from his mistake of focusing too much on kiddy fart and burp humour. As long as fans can pressure him to make mature stories and he creates all-new content, then things will be good. Stop re-telling the same shit over and over again just to milk the cash cow and have some respect for the artistic visionary already.. lol I know murica is all about commercial crap, but long term you will benefit by giving people quality rather than mass production SW movies created in factory by souless feminist droids haha..

great comments from youtube summing up what this movie did to fans of older SW movies..
Mechanical Elves3 hours ago
Agree 100% with them, The movie was good on the surface i:e a visually stunning popcorn movie but where was the lore? This movie reminds of a really hot girl putting on nerd glasses and claiming she's a nerd while giggling. The burning of the tree was symbolic of the burning of the lore and the payoffs to the lore. It's like they said lets take the core of starwars out and leave a pretty husk in its place.
the hot girl isn't hot after the makeup came off and underneath she reveals you were under hypnosis using jedi mind trick to convince you that she is hot. Now that she snapped her fingers to break you from the hypnotic spell you feel a lighter wallet and she takes off her clothes and you look and see she is a trap. Too late now, the money made from these action flicks with unlikable people will now be used as justification to continue to make a dozen more with zero care for consistency in character behavior. People just act randomly and have multiple personality disorder acting out of character all the time now and nobody cares because they just want to see cool explosions hehe
paulTHEboss3 hours ago (edited)
Eli and Jamie C So you’re telling me Luke was already better in the force than anybody else in Episode 4? You’re telling me Luke defeated Elite Guards in episode 5 without any proper training? Nope, Sir, not the case.
Luke did not face Vader in episode 4 and won, Rey did face Kylo in episode 7 and won.
Luke had training in episode 5, faced Vader and *lost*, Rey had hardly any training in episode 8 and defeated multiple elite guards.
Luke wasn’t able to use a Jedi mind trick until the beginning of episode 6, Rey did it just seconds after first being confronted with the force.
Luke learned, got a bit better, then unite with Vader against the darkside. Spiritual warfare. You unite, but never with evil. You fight against evil by uniting with good to conquer fear. Once you care less about death than beating evil inside yourself and in those trying to seduce you, you win. Evil is a force that can move from person to person to corrupt them into doing bad shit. Fight the evil by rejecting it, not killing the person corrupted by it. That's classic star wars. New Star Wars isn't about spiritual warfare and leaning away from mytholgy and legend and more towards science fiction and personal drama of selfish guys who desire power over the other guy. The burning of the church/temple is the begining of the athiest star wars now lol Great observation! Only a matter of time the feminist write stories where the new breed of Jedi trust in blasters more than the force and just use lightsabers for chopping weeds and pruning the trees in thier yard. "Use the Tech, Rey" -voice of Yoda being a troll to the female jedi who are too lazy to train. :P
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Vince »

Candy Arse wrote:Too much forced shitty "humour".

Too many animal friends, reminded me of Sonic games.

Rose and Finn's arc was 100% pointless filler. The kiss on the battlefield was the height of forced cheese.

Laura Dern's character added nothing.

99% of the movie felt like a waste of time and had no direction - let's just kill off Snoke without explaining a thing about the character.

Every scene with Kylo Ren and Rey was mint. The rest sucked so hard.
To me it felt like this movie ended without the need for a 3rd film. I don't understand how Rey's parents were literal nobodies. Who was Snoke? Where did he come from? Where was he when Vader and the Emperor were around? How the fuck does Rey become so powerful in the force after almost zero lessons or knowledge in the Force? I mean Luke was Anakin's son and he still had years of training yet a daughter of nobodies knows it so well... she says she knows the surroundings on the island with Luke whilst looking at the Jedi books, yet how could she when she was abandoned on jakuu as a kid with parents who supposedly have no knowledge of the Force?
Yoda creates lighting from where? And how when he is dead? Since when can dead Jedi interact with external Force? Leia living without any burn marks and superman-ing back to the ship?! How? When did she learn to use the force like no other before? How did token Asian and Finn NOT die from the rebel ship lightspeeding through them, yet every single other character is dead? I mean they literally have not 1 mark on their bodies... the time inconsistencies throughout this film were laughable. They had 18 hours to get plans from that God awful casino world yet days seemingly go by between Rey and Luke.
Those cute creatures somehow make it on the Falcon for what purpose? Phasma has 3 mins of screen time and Finn kills her! How? He's a janitor and she's a captain! Man the more I think back on this film the more I'm so disappointed in it. I wasn't the number 1 TFA fans, and especially not happy with JJ leaving so many unanswered questions like his tv shows do, but to give us such weak or even no answers at all is pathetic.
And the kid at the end displaying force powers with the broom... why? Is it to show that a total nobody from any part of the galaxy can exhibit force powers? It is trying to reinforce to us that the rebels (or whatever they are called) live on for generations to come? Is it a fuck you to George Lucas and his midiclorians explanation? This was a Skywalker story which has now become a story about a character who has learnt the force so fast that in 2 years (movie) time she could become a fucking God!
It all doesn't make much sense. And I've said it all along but give Star Wars back to George Lucas. Let him come up with the ideas and leave others to write and direct like he wanted with the prequels. This shit is ruining a saga I once loved...
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Candy Arse »

I pretty much agree with everything you said Vince...I also agree with GameHED (WTF?) about Luke Skywalker...they basically killed his character in every possible way in this movie.

No one goes into Star Wars movies expecting Godfather parts 1 and 2, but c'mon. This shit was worse than Episode 1! So many holes, so many unnecessary characters, arcs and scenes.

The only payoff in the movie is Kylo and Rey's interactions.

At least with Episode 1 you had the awesome Darth Maul v Jedi fight, anything with Maul basically, and the podrace was really well done. Even the fights in Ep8 were hot garbage.

Shit movie.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by PhoneMonkey »

I'm pleased to see I'm not the only one who thought this movie was a cinematic bucket of shit.

One critic even labelled this travesty an 'intelligent blockbuster'. I could put a wall of text up here about it, but what really cemented this turd as the worst thing I've seen in years is the tortured comic relief - that shit belonged in a TAFE drama class.

The Star Wars franchise has been abused worse than a choir boy in the Catholic church.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Mavy »

I thought the movie was awesome but as for where they've taken the story I hate it so much. How can that be? Pure spectacle?

There were so many pointless parts. Luke, Finn, Rey. The twist with Snoke I thought was pretty awesome. The pacing was terrible. Battle to battle to battle. No where does the movie get a chance to breathe. All while following the slowest chase scene ever. That's a plot point for a TV episode (actually I think BSG did it). When that happened I thought to myself 'man I hope they don't stick with this long'......

The biggest problem with this movie for me was that it made TFA unnecessary. This movie ended like it was the start of the trilogy not the middle. How are they going to wrap this all up in one more film? I'm also worried with JJ coming back he'll retcon a whole lot of shit and do it the way he wants it done and we'll have three totally unrelated movies. The ending also gave me the feeling that the solution to the galaxy's problems is to give everyone force abilities ie. The Force Awakens, in everyone. Like everyone becomes a citizen in Elysium, or everyone becomes a superhero etc.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Candy Arse »

What twist with Snoke? They killed him without explaining the character! Awful.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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Exactly. They built him up for years just to kill him off as something that was meaningless to the overall story. Though in saying that the thought did cross my mind of who was going to be the greater evil that would take his place. Even though Kylo Ren was standing over him I certainly didn't think it would be him. So yeah now they have no big bad. It's like they killed him off so that viewers would take Kylo Ren seriously.

I really think the acting is worse in this trilogy than the prequels. Rey sounds (and acts) like Hermione. Finn is bland. Kylo who cares?
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

Fuck youse and your spoilers ya cuntz.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Vince »

Sad thing is, this had room to room and become a great trilogy after what I considered a pretty weak start. Snoke looked like he could've been one of the great villains. He was menacing without doing much. He manipulated Rey and Ren perfectly, but couldn't sense Ren move the fucking lightsaber right next to him? Some idiots are comparing it to Palpatine killing Plageius but if i remember correctly he killed him in his sleep... plus, through the lack of knowledge in this series, we don't know how powerful Snoke truly is! Maybe he really couldn't sense Ren move the saber cause he's not truly that strong in the force... who knows? The film makers decided to kill him off so we will never know now.

Such a massively disappointing film. I forgot to mention the abortion of a character that Benicio plays. Couldn't understand a fucking word he said cause he played him with a mumble and a stutter. Then he betrays them and we never see him again! Like what in the fuck was that? What a waste of a character. I kept expecting him to rescue them like he did on that casino planet, yet nothing. He just disappears.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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Yep. Useless.

I was sitting there thinking. Lando. Lando? Lando!. Fuck...who’s this guy....
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Vince »

Shit I just remembered about Maz being in this film... in another totally pointless scene. Looked like she was in a video game. How were they receiving the image of her? Also, what is Maz's significance in this trilogy? How did she gets Luke's light saber? Will we ever find out or is it just another stupid mystery in JJ's film that will just get forgotten? Seems like it's an insignificant plot point now anyway seeing as though Luke is dead. I mean who cares how she got the light saber? Did it ever matter or was it just convenient to have it for Rey to get to give to Luke? For some reason though Rey never got to mention it to Luke or even ask him. Maybe he will come back as a force ghost or some shit to retcon it into ep 9... but it's just another fake mystery JJ set up in ep 7 for absolutely no pay off in ep 8.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Mavy »

In the future these movies won’t be known as Episode VII, VIII, IX, they will be known as the one where Han dies, the one where Luke dies, and the one where Leia dies. What a trilogy. Really if any original character should die in this trilogy then Luke is the obvious choice (for obi wan reasons), but more than one? No. All of them? Definitely not. And people think George Lucas ruined their childhood.

It’s still an awesome movie and it should not be.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Candy Arse » ... cab5d28f59" onclick=";return false;

Nailed it
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