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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Cletus »

not sure...i cant see it. i assume deleted though. They're pretty soft.

I basically said what i said here about carrie fisher
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

I found it last night after my last post, I had a laugh.

RIP Leia, may your soul fly through space for all eternity.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

lestat wrote:Well you guys just saved me a ticket, fuck you Disney.

Funny how paid off reviewers are on this one, the user scores are pretty bad right now.
As a generic fan movie it's ok. As a SW movie it fails by betraying the older movie lore.

Eg luke is heroic guy that wants to help in emergency so he gives a map to R2 to locate the secret place where he hides.
Then in this movie, Rey finds Luke to ask for help, then Luke tells Rey to fuck off; telling her he came here to die in peace. So why did Luke give us the map again to find him???? lol ... Cuz it's a patchwork of different writers who didn't actually plan long term. This results in characters suffering from multiple personality disorder and acting out of character.

A big problem I see in future movies is trying to explain all the inconsistent behavior. If they keep changing writers too much and the next writer trashes the ideas of the previous guy who had different plans from the current one, then you will see more of that odd character behaviour. Terminator also suffers from this too. When James Cameron lost control over it the quality suffered. So everyone sees terminator 2 as the gold standard to compare the other movies against. (Terminator 1 and 2 are like games with the nintendo seal of quality with no bugs in them. These new movies then are the rushed-out-to-market mario clones which will be forgotten by edge magazine staff for being so generic. And Candy will claim everything is a tinfoil conspiracy to stop non-nintendo games from rising up due to a ceiling put there by the japanese mafia who are racist against western roundeyed americans who killed consoles in the 70s with ET on the Atari. Reality is the americans were just greedy and lacked foresite by not having adequete quality control. Much like MS during the Red Ring of Death days in the xbox 360 lifetime which cost MS reputation and trust points, but was probably good for indians as it created jobs for them in tech support so they can feed thier starving kids :P)

As long ws we keep paying these movies will keep being made for the blind fans who just buy anythng with the SW label lol The SJW are the core target of these movies now. They don't need the money anymore from us old guys..Killing off the older fan's characters is thier message: "get lost retard. We don't need you. Our characters should have the spotlight, not yours. Nyan-ya nyan-nyan yaaaaah" *Disney smiles as cash rolls in* but it's only due to audiences being too dumb to notice all the bad stuff that mainstream reviewers don't mention about the movie because they are too young to care about the overall lore being kept due to not having big attachment to the classic stuff. (much like newer Gundam fans not caring about science fiction portion of the new shows compared to the original universe shows where explanations were given about things to educate audience about certain limits of technology in order for them to reason why some things are possible to do in the universe, while other things are not based on the rules in that universe so we can believe that these events are not magickal but just different from our rules in our world)
Last edited by GameHED on 20 Dec 2017 10:49 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Hercy »

Also, if he didn't want to be found and didn't want to be a Jedi, then why, with the whole universe to choose from, did he go and live on the one island on the one planet containing the universe's only ancient Jedi temple?
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

I would assume after what happened with Ben Solo.. he went soul searching. He got there.. found the texts.. realised the Jedi were flawed and decided to hide there... possibly also due to him being out of fuel for his x wing also.

That's not a particularly far fetched theory.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by guttermouth »

I think he was feed up with diversity quotas and decided to stay.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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No, he stayed in isolation as a silent protest against the lack of strong female characters in previous Star Wars movies.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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I thought he was hiding there to avoid the rest of the story.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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No need, the story avoided this shitcunt of a movie.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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Cletus wrote:
We FINALLY agree! Still think they were a little soft. Wouldn't go all out saying it's terrible but good enough!
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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I noticed during the second viewing that Luke doesn't leave footprints in the salt. Maybe everyone noticed that the first time..
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:I would assume after what happened with Ben Solo.. he went soul searching. He got there.. found the texts.. realised the Jedi were flawed and decided to hide there... possibly also due to him being out of fuel for his x wing also.

That's not a particularly far fetched theory.
The movie has to explain that. Not bury this in comics and other stuff. Would rather see a movie about what happened with Luke and his betrayal by evil students than mary sue character. They'll probably make one as prequel to this if it gives them more money, but older fans are pissed that Luke has regressed into a whiny kid again compared to his ROTJ version of himself. Mark Hamil's legendary character got beaten by a litle girl with no training whose parents sold her off to be used for sex by space pedos and slavers. Dude they first character assassinated Luke before they killed him off. At least Han had a less humiliating death.

I just got this idea that maybe movies need to take a 'choose your own adventure' book format where there is multiple versions of the same story. One where Luke is evil and kills kids sleeping and another where Luke is pure like Ryu from street fighter and holds back his power so he doesn't become the next Akuma and murder things. Which is the true version of the historical events? You decide by ignoring the path that you think shouldn't be canon. Disney can rake in double profits and nerds can avoid bad version of event. Lucas already altered history by making greedo shoot first. This might be an interesting way to handle future movies. They removed the guns from ET to make it kid-friendly. Why can't we have a star wars movie where the SJW characters are killed off and Luke is the sole survivor of the war and seeing all the death around him, he trains an ex-sith guy and this guy becomes the hero because he sees the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and just fights for what's right in his heart? Isn't that where the OT was heading towards anyway? IE yoda's generation only followed rules and regulations without making exceptions causing anakin to change sides. While Luke undid this mistake, and showed that if religious guys lack a heart and don't love, you miss the puzzle piece that makes you whole. The prophecy about anakin saving the world turned true because he destroyed the religious tradition by going rogue. Without rebelling Luke wouldn't be born. Jedi are forbidden to be down with the normies due to rigid traditions.

By killing Luke they showed how little they care about the OT fan. It's like EA helped Disney on how to ruin shit and piss off people. The idea that Luke would murder Kylo in his sleep brings him back to the time when Luke was forced to go into the cave and fight fear. He kills a figure that has his face on it. He passed that trial already by not murdering dad, so seeing that again is retelling the same story again. Lucas would have given us NEW stories if he was allowed to do it. Too late now. We'll get yearly EA-style movies and disney will rake in so much cash that nobody will care about backstories or the motivations for why characters behave as they do. Star Wars is for science ficion fans mostly now (less epic fantasy from here on in) rather than general audience that watches good movies with stories that make sense. It's got a big-enough army of followers that it doesn't need to care about older fanbase which wants to know more about the Knights of Ren, Luke, Snoke's backstory etc.. It's a movie aimed at little girls. May as well watch Sailor moon or jerk off to Angel Blade. geez..The magical girl anime genre has the same content. Monsters are a lot scarier too imo
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Some good theories about why newer movies are not as good:
I said before we should get jordan peterson to write the star wars movies as a joke but I think it's not such a bad idea now. Give us solid heroes who have flaws but grow stronger through the experiences which shape thier thinking. New movies don't care about the virtues but more about power and how much of a badass the protagonist can be. That then gives kids the idea that everyone in a story is full of shit and you really shouldn't care when important guys are killed off and replaced by cowards, opportunists, and lazy people who win by being lucky, rather than hard work, discipline, and wise choices that place them in a position that gives them specific advantages over the other person. Eg batman sneaking up on criminals by hiding in the shadows to use fear to disuade them instead of brute force. Using money to outclass badguys etc.

Characters that actually suffer a bit to make them tough are way more interesting than unstoppable badarses with no heart and soul and who are free from flaws that people can relate to in the real world. That is why I feel like the new movies have cartoon quality to them as if they were not films. Heroes never die. Fine. But villains shouldn't be weak and easy to deceive. They should be 100 times more cunning than the good guy to teach the audience of the dangers of evil scheming bastards that exploit the ignorance of good guys who assume that there is no danger out there in the world and even if there is, they shouldn't have to deal with it and just let another guy face it. New movies need good villains who poke at the weak points of the good guys to make for interesting wars that result from making poor decisions. Otherwise it's just a popcorn movie. Star Wars should still be a "good vs evil" tale. But show the in-between where good guys can be corrupted and seduced to do stuff that goes against the will of the light side of the force, and bad guys can plot against thier own bosses for competition over power. (like an evil corporation with mean bosses exploited slave workers who are underpaid and overworked. IE competition over who can be more evil and mean and therefore the Godlike figure over the slave followers who respond to the one that they fear the most)
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

GameHED wrote:
GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:I would assume after what happened with Ben Solo.. he went soul searching. He got there.. found the texts.. realised the Jedi were flawed and decided to hide there... possibly also due to him being out of fuel for his x wing also.

That's not a particularly far fetched theory.
The movie has to explain that. Not bury this in comics and other stuff. Would rather see a movie about what happened with Luke and his betrayal by evil students than mary sue character. They'll probably make one as prequel to this if it gives them more money, but older fans are pissed that Luke has regressed into a whiny kid again compared to his ROTJ version of himself. Mark Hamil's legendary character got beaten by a litle girl with no training whose parents sold her off to be used for sex by space pedos and slavers. Dude they first character assassinated Luke before they killed him off. At least Han had a less humiliating death.
The movie does NOT have to explain that. This is a franchise that had us just accept "the force" in the original trilogy.. then eventually explained what it is in the prequels.. albeit poorly/weakly.

Like I said.. the conclusion I came to isn't far fetched and it's plausible. I think that is why I am so surprised that so many people are up in arms about this movie in that we can suspend our disbelief for spaceships and space magic but when it comes to the plausible situation of a bunch of rebels on the run and they were having resource issues (fuel) this is seen as ridiculous. It's not like we've never seen spaceships have issues in this franchise.

Secondly - Luke was never a great character. We saw him when he was a whiny, naive and impatient kid. He got better but even by Return of The Jedi.. he was no Jedi.. not in the original sense of what a Jedi was (based on what we saw in the prequels). In my mind.. the movie gave us more than enough to work with in terms of accepting that it's been 30yrs since we last saw a less than perfect jedi and hero.. and that he'd had a traumatic experience shrouded in his own guilt for it to break him to the point he ran away and wanted to die. Yes.. very different to the Luke we remember but is it that unbelievable that it could happen? No.. it really isn't.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Well it betrays what he stood for by the end of ROTJ and I side with the OT fanbase because the empire were evil and the Jedi were too busy following the laws to the letter rather than the spirit, and believing they knew it all rather than being open minded enough to accept that the force has a will of its own, Luke surpassed his dad by rejcting the dark side of the force (the pursuit of power over anything else) and refusing to join. (light side wins, the sith lord lost due to lack of corrupting good men to use as puppets which were needed as he had no student left to carry on his plans after him)

In this new movie when Luke refuses to help the resistance/rebels whatever the fuck the writers are calling them now (probably the rogues by next movie lol) he is essentially saying: I won't help my sister Leia or friend Han by undoing the damage thier kid is doing to the world. He is basically back to being Luke from the start of A New Hope before his fake family was killed ie apathetic towards fighting against the evil empire. And this version of Luke is not believable after all he accomplished by taking down the Evil Empire with his dad instead of killing his dad.

You do understand why fans are disapointed right? It is similar to Batman killing people or Ryu giving into anger and becoming evil ryu. Yeah it's possible but highly unlikely because it betrays thier character. The reason batman doesn't shoot people is he wants to fight crime not be a criminal. The reason Luke didn't kill vader is because he would give into what the evil emperor wants. So that OT Luke to us is the canon one. By regressing him back into the whiny baby from A New Hope we see the writers didn't watch the originals or care about character motivations. Mark Hamil is probably pissed about sjw disney ruining the character just to milk the SW name and the neckbeards know this lol

Hollywood is corrupting people. George was a maverick and that's what made OT stand out. It was his baby. PT was more commercial venture imo to sell toys to kids. But at least we saw new things.

There are people leaving the game industry and hollywood now that they see the evil in it. We are living in the end days where heroes are seen as the villains and the villains are glorified. People are on anti-depressents to cope and quiting thier soul destroying jobs.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Funny shit:
Fight the illuminati Mark. They hate creativity and want men to be villains. :D That's why alpha males are slowly being killed in movies to stop boys from realising thier full potential and are avoiding going to universities because they are full of these people who are control freaks that hate western values. The solution? Men becoming entrepenuers and generating wealth outside thier system. Hollywood is becoming too sanitised because by being international, it can't say anything to offend SJWs and snowflakes. Older movies you could smack women in the face (see old james bond flicks) to discipline them and nobody minded. Today? Men are smacked by women and your character getting beaten up by Rey in humiliating fashion is thier 'normal'. It's deliberate and men are tired of it and waiting for the collapse of society as western nations go the way of venezuela as these brats demand freedom without responsibility. (thier utopia is something like sweden or other feminist strongholds where men are utilities to a matriarchal system to serve the sacred golden vagina. No joke it's a religion)

Would love to see a female villain in star wars that is like the crazy girl in Gone Girl who manipulates her orbiters to obey by using sex to get midiclorens inside her and feed off the jizz of others that makes her powerful. This is the female version of the jedi mind trick. And it's star wars tackling the gamergate scandal of females getting high scores by sleeping with critic to rise up in power. Star Wars needs this type of story in it.
Hire a female to write that character. I want star wars to have its own version of Juri from street fighter 4 in it who is crazy. Because she is random in behavior, no rival sith can predict her next move making her extremely dangerous to even force sensitive types. Rey is her love interest and they become the first lesbian couple in SW. Kylo is angry and jealous and all three of them die in a three way battle allowing all fture star wars movies to focus on chewbaca from now on. The theme of the story is that love can be a deadly weapon. Just because love saved Darth Vader from the dark side by turning him against the emperor, that doesn't mean love is necessarily 'good' and it goes right back to the prequel trilogy jedi tradition of jedi avoiding marriage/sex to devote all time to being monks. This star wars movie would be a movie for MGTOW men. David Fincher would be in charge of this and he can show the evil side of manipulative women. Jedi can not love individuals. Only love people collectively. Babies are born through miracle when all people in the galaxy stop thinking about sex and focus on restraint to ensure dangerous force sensitive people are not born which can be used by the bad guys as biological weapons.

I think the goal of SJWs is to say: training is not needed. Just forget about discipline and hope your enemy is a weakling character so no effort is needed to beat them, instead of you having to be strong and beat a stronger person than you. By making weak villains it shows that everyone can win. It's the idea of inclusiveness being pushed by SJWs and feminists who think everyone is equal, and not a meritocracy where you must prove your worth through merit.

This explains why they have to make Luke into a weakling so the other new characters which they want to push, don't look too weak next to him. The problem for us older guys is it's like we are watching a different universe from star wars.
We've come from:
Darth Vader, one of the most evil figures in galactic history.
Luke: I know there is still good in you; I will not fight you father.

Ben Solo showed signs of going bad.
Luke: Hmm, maybe I should kill this kid.

Old star wars fan: Sounds legit to me. lol

This is because of politics entering entertainment. Once you get out of the hollywood system you can do better work and be less politically correct. Star Wars is now a brand and commercial value is far more important than the need to stick to the original vision. (ie people can use the force regardless of being jedis now which removes the appeal of aatching characters grow in power over time like in the OT and PT. Big issue with long time SW fans and it explains why professional critic reviews are in contrast with fans who watched and reviewed it.
What did Mark know on the release of SWTLJ? Why did his face look so stunned?
Did they hide the change from the actor to prevent him shitting on the movie which was bad PR for thd disney-owned IP? Only the reptilians know... Mark should have heeded my warning about the SJW and feminist groups who have invaded all pop culture and deliberately write anyone that is a white male christian heterosexual as a bad guy that needs to die. You see the politicisation of content in games like Wolfenstein 2 too. Not to mention how they didn't mention nazis in war movies like Dunkirk because kids would then know white men in the west fought against them in war, which goes against the left wing's narrative that "if you are white guy, you can't be a hero. Only minority guys can." hehe I told you they are evil. The commies hate christians, libertarians, white people, and heterosexuals, and generally the western civilisation. It's a culture war Mark. That's why they did it. George Lucas wasn't even allowed to be involved after disney bought it off of him. Oh well at least optimus prime isn't dead in transformers. The perk of robot characters is they can go under the radar of the SJW.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Finally saw The Last Jedi yesterday with my Dad (I bought him tickets for Christmas, it's a Boxing Day tradition for us, I miss the days when these sorts of blockbusters actually came out on Boxing Day).

I definitely need to see it again, but I did like how it completely flipped things on its head. Poe's gonna blow some shit up in his X-Wing? Hell yes. Oh wait all their bombers are gone and it's a pyrrhic victory at best which isn't be best outcome when you're a small band of rebel scum. And now he's demoted and no one trusts him and that's gonna cause more issues further down the track and oh look it did. The good guys don't always make the best decisions.

Leia flying through space was definitely weird.

Oh hell yes we're gonna see an epic showdown with Snoke. Nope, he's dead but at least Rey saved Ben nope he's still evil :lol:

But at least the charming rogue gambler will turn out to have a heart of gold and come through for Finn and the Asian girl like Lando did for Han. Nope :lol:


I kinda wish they'd done some reshoots and CGI magic and let Leia go down with the ship instead of purple hair. Her death could have then been the catalyst for Luke to pull his shit together (I kinda expected the grumpy old bastard to whine about power converters at Toche Station again :lol: ) and hologram across the galaxy at the end.

I do like the message. Anyone can be a hero. You don't have to be a Skywalker. With evil rising everywhere (I'm seriously bummed that the galaxy is in a far worse place now than when Luke met Obi-Wan and kicked off the OT, or even at the end of Empire when Han was frozen and Luke had his arse handed to him by Vader. The message went out and NO ONE ANSWERED and it appears that what's left of the Resistance can fit in the Millennium Falcon. At least, until the story of Luke's last stand spreads amongst the poor and downtrodden...) the Force itself will seek to re-balance. Midichlorians can fuck right off, I like what they did with the Force here. Luke and Ben were both thinking along similar lines, the age-old conflict between Jedi and Sith needs to end for true balance to emerge.

I think appreciation for this one will actually increase over time (apart from amongst the hardcore neckbeards, or GameHEDs) but because it's such a change to what we think of as "Star Wars" it might take a while. But it's still a story of the next generation having to fix the fuckups of the old. Luke, Han and Leia had to fix the mess Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme left the galaxy in, now it's up to Rey, Poe and Finn to fix the mess left by Luke, Han and Leia. They were our heroes as kids, but they still fucked things up. Watching this makes me think of the old "never meet your heroes" thing.

Astute work by JJ to hand this one off so he came swoop in with the happy ending too :lol:
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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I've seen it twice now.. and I loved it even more the second time.

I've seen a lot of people criticize certain parts of the movie and I just have to ask.. is it that you don't know your Star Wars enough? Or is it that you can't suspend your belief enough.. because you know.. noise in space, space magic.. and seriously unlikely plot devices aren't exactly new to the franchise.

The movie made me rethink a lot of things.. it had more in it and many more layers of consideration for the viewer to involved in. I loved Holdo.. I did a complete 180 in terms of what I thought of her... i was sad that they didn't decide to have her in Ep 9.. but what a kick arse way to go out.

I felt really shocked from both my viewings and I guess being able to decompress with my partner who is a MEGA fan who was able to explain things like Leia and her possible ability to survive in space.. and why the Y wings seemed so slow.. I had the luxury of talking to people who were bigger fans than me...
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:I've seen it twice now.. and I loved it even more the second time.

I've seen a lot of people criticize certain parts of the movie and I just have to ask.. is it that you don't know your Star Wars enough? Or is it that you can't suspend your belief enough.. because you know.. noise in space, space magic.. and seriously unlikely plot devices aren't exactly new to the franchise.

The movie made me rethink a lot of things.. it had more in it and many more layers of consideration for the viewer to involved in. I loved Holdo.. I did a complete 180 in terms of what I thought of her... i was sad that they didn't decide to have her in Ep 9.. but what a kick arse way to go out.

I felt really shocked from both my viewings and I guess being able to decompress with my partner who is a MEGA fan who was able to explain things like Leia and her possible ability to survive in space.. and why the Y wings seemed so slow.. I had the luxury of talking to people who were bigger fans than me...
Nope. Still don't like it. You do and that's fine. I saw many flaws in characters and story arcs and character development. I know plenty about star wars. Been a fan for my whole 37 years. I have a suspicion my dislike of the force awakens carried on over into this film. I'm not a fan of how quickly Rey is developing force powers whereas it took other characters years to develop basic skills. I like Poe but he's a total fuck wit in this film- totally different from the only good character from TFA.
Once again- who in the fuck is Snoke? Where was he when the rebels defeated the emperor's reign in ROTJ? I mean it was all over... yet here was this character who just appeared out of nowhere to become so powerful he can somehow manipulate visions??? Rey's parents are nobodies? You tease us 2 years ago with these questions to give us fucking nothing answers? Obviously you can overlook these flaws but I can't.
My kids are dying to see it so begrudgingly I'll take them to see it but I'm not happy wasting more money on this film.
Now take my opinion as you wish- I believe Rogue One is the best Disney Star Wars film and I'm a prequel fan. But 1st and foremost I'm an OT lover. These 2 new films are a fucking travesty to the legacy George Lucas created.... but whatever. I'm over Star Wars now. These films have killed my enjoyment for any further episodes or spin offs.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

I'm not a fan of how quickly Rey is developing force powers whereas it took other characters years to develop basic skills.
Luke took down the Death Star with he help of the Force when about an hour earlier he was beaten by a training drone thing.

Anakin could race in podraces which is impossible for humans and he was what? 10?
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Vince »

Ambrose Burnside wrote:
I'm not a fan of how quickly Rey is developing force powers whereas it took other characters years to develop basic skills.
Luke took down the Death Star with he help of the Force when about an hour earlier he was beaten by a training drone thing.

Anakin could race in podraces which is impossible for humans and he was what? 10?
You know that those 2 shithouse examples are TOTALLY different to the powers Rey exhibits. Luke can handle move a fucking light saber at the beginning of Empire, yet Rey is able to move rocks to save her friends mere hours after doing no fucking training!
Anakin showed he had special abilities like pod racing to show he was special. But he wasn't moving literal objects until shown years later with proper training. Rey on the other hand... look- she's obviously force sensitive. If TLJ had been set a few years after the end of TFA, I could believe she had learnt how to hone her abilities. But she's fucking talking through the force? Days earlier she had zero knowledge she even had any force abilities! Fucking joke of a film... But go ahead. Pick on the classic OT to bolster the waning credibility of this terrible ST... Pick on the prequels all you want but no one watched them and said "how can this character do this shit so fucking quickly". It was all within a set of rules. This film is apparently "cool" cause it breaks rules! :lol: Leia coming back to life? Flying back to the ship... ? Please. Fucking spare me. Anyway like i said, you enjoyed it so all the more power to you. Wish I could love it to but I can't see past these massive issues.
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Ambrose Burnside
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

The Leia thing was weird, I didn't like that but the whole series has been all over the place when it comes to Force-sensitive characters.

Yoda, the greatest Jedi of them all, had no idea the Sith Lord was RIGHT THERE the whole damn time.

The blind monk in Rogue One had no Force abilities at all yet could do all sorts of crazy shit like a Jedi.

I need to see TLJ again.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by MiNiStRy »

Cletus wrote:I noticed during the second viewing that Luke doesn't leave footprints in the salt. Maybe everyone noticed that the first time..
That’s because he wasn’t really there.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Vince wrote:
GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:I've seen it twice now.. and I loved it even more the second time.

I've seen a lot of people criticize certain parts of the movie and I just have to ask.. is it that you don't know your Star Wars enough? Or is it that you can't suspend your belief enough.. because you know.. noise in space, space magic.. and seriously unlikely plot devices aren't exactly new to the franchise.

The movie made me rethink a lot of things.. it had more in it and many more layers of consideration for the viewer to involved in. I loved Holdo.. I did a complete 180 in terms of what I thought of her... i was sad that they didn't decide to have her in Ep 9.. but what a kick arse way to go out.

I felt really shocked from both my viewings and I guess being able to decompress with my partner who is a MEGA fan who was able to explain things like Leia and her possible ability to survive in space.. and why the Y wings seemed so slow.. I had the luxury of talking to people who were bigger fans than me...
Nope. Still don't like it. You do and that's fine. I saw many flaws in characters and story arcs and character development. I know plenty about star wars. Been a fan for my whole 37 years. I have a suspicion my dislike of the force awakens carried on over into this film. I'm not a fan of how quickly Rey is developing force powers whereas it took other characters years to develop basic skills. I like Poe but he's a total fuck wit in this film- totally different from the only good character from TFA.
Once again- who in the fuck is Snoke? Where was he when the rebels defeated the emperor's reign in ROTJ? I mean it was all over... yet here was this character who just appeared out of nowhere to become so powerful he can somehow manipulate visions??? Rey's parents are nobodies? You tease us 2 years ago with these questions to give us fucking nothing answers? Obviously you can overlook these flaws but I can't.
My kids are dying to see it so begrudgingly I'll take them to see it but I'm not happy wasting more money on this film.
Now take my opinion as you wish- I believe Rogue One is the best Disney Star Wars film and I'm a prequel fan. But 1st and foremost I'm an OT lover. These 2 new films are a fucking travesty to the legacy George Lucas created.... but whatever. I'm over Star Wars now. These films have killed my enjoyment for any further episodes or spin offs.
I'm not asking you to like it.

You're saying you saw many character flaws in characters in the movie and yet you seem to forget that the entire franchise is full of issues. The difference is.. you've have decades to grow accustomed to them and even make excuses for them. The whole series has issues but one of the problems is that we have a childhood that protects those movies. The HIGHLY unlikely situation of Han finding Luke in a blizzard on Hoth to have Luke go to Dagobah.. an ENTIRE PLANET.. and Luke just happens to crash land in the very swamp that Yoda was in?

When you break down exactly what happened in Empire Strikes Back? Rebels escape. Millennium Falcon broken... gets chased. They go to Bespin.. get trapped. Luke somehow finds Yoda.. a jedi he didn't know existed let alone know what he looked it.. his species etc.. Somehow get's a few hours of training and is now floating rocks and getting the knack of using the force... even having visions from that cave. Goes.. gets captured.. loses a hand and finds out that Vader is his dad.

In the grand scheme of things.. I've taken a bath deeper than that particular plot line.. and yet we insist on holding that movie up as the Holy Grail of Star Wars. Don't get me wrong.. I LOVE the movie. I do but I recognise that it's light entertainment that is heavily clouded by nostalgia and my childhood love of it.

In terms of Poe being a fuckwit.. umm wasn't Han a bit of a fuckwit in general? :D Poe showed signs of being impulsive and let's be honest - TFA didn't give him enough time for him to show any additional development outside being able to fly real good... He was a arrogant big-shot and that isn't outside the realms of possibility and I can't see how people can insist it's not right when we simply didn't have enough time with him to get to understand his character in TFA. He wasn't totally different like you said.. he was still well meaning.. and a good person and pilot.. we just saw the additional facets of him.

Who the fuck is Snoke indeed. I don't know.. but then again.. did you know who Palpatine was in Empire Strikes Back or Return Of The Jedi? No. None of us did. We had to wait for the Prequels for that mystery to be solved. In terms of who he is.. so many people are chucking temper tantrums because they don't know.. and yet back in the original trilogy.. we all had to wait years between Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi before we had answers. Let the fucking story get told already? We have forgotten that that Trilogy played out for years and we had to wait.. and how we expect the instant recall of the original trilogy to be applied to a new trilogy still unfolding and releasing its secrets? That's unfair and completely ridiculous.

As for Rey and her parents being nobodies.. I am so glad that is the case. Anakin was a nobody. It happens. I am so tired of all the characters being related by this magical bloodline and close circle of people.. it's partially why I never really tried to watch Caprica.. It's all too convenient. In terms of her actual parents.. I am not 100% sure this will be the last of it.. I am wondering if there will be more to her being left on Jakku... and I am actually okay in waiting to let that story unfold.. because again - I am completely aware that people keep on judging one movie - a snippet of a few days in the franchise.. on shit that took months.. year and decades to unfold in the original trilogy and also the prequels.

You say these are flaws.. maybe.. but I'd be more inclined to say they are simply directions in the franchise that you simply just didn't like. A franchise - riddled with issues (Ambrose listed a few very logical and notable examples) .. gets a serious upgrade in terms of how we all see it.. and yeah.. I see issues too.. As in.. why does this galaxy insist on building giant space stations to destroy planets when it seems a large spaceship going into lightspeed can and obviously would be a freaking awesomely dangerous weapon on its own? Why hasn't ANYONE been building weapons that use lightspeed? So many questions.. Funny that THAT has been one of my errrr.. WTF moments from the movie. It makes complete sense.. but then I can't work out for all the evilness of the empire/first order.. why no one has done this already.. feels kinda silly.. BUT I am happy to wait for them to actually finish the fucking story before I get all overly judgy.
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