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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Vince »

General, sounds like you're pretty keen to downplay every single criticism, point by point, to want to make people like this film! I don't like It! Many on here don't. It's NOT a great film. I'm not interested in shoehorned in diversity to please a segment of the crowd, and by adding in that diversity placing them into a totally pathetic sequence of the film. If the film needs a black person, a female or whatever to play the part, then fine. So be it. My fav films feature 2 of the greatest female protagonists ever seen on film (Aliens and both The Terminator and T2) and they were perfect for their roles.

I don't care if they follow the trends of the OT, I just want some fucking consistency in the characters. This film doesn't have ANY consistency with either the lore of star wars or the fucking force awakens! Why the fuck did C3PO have a red arm? Why? It was totally forgotten about in this film. Almost like it never happened. Like I said y, you liked it and you were able to overlook it's many and various flaws that I and many many MANY people are not able to let slide. This was really no different from any other Star Wars film from the past although they're trying to tell us otherwise. In fact it was just a fucking rip off of Empire (and a poor one at that). Fuck this film and all the fucking websites forcing it down our throats making us look like clowns for not liking this shithouse film...
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:
GameHED wrote: Much like ghost busters remake it is not fair to say the only critics against the movie are men who are against the feminist agenda. The movie sucks for other reasons like not being consistent with the lore of OT. OT = the gold standard of star wars that appeals to wide audience. Young, old, and anything in-between. It's a classic trilogy of good vs evil and story about forgiveness and rejcting the evil within. It's a very spiritual movie which became iconic. Unlike science fiction movies which just point out that greedy corporations are evil, Star Wars had realistic lore that governed how things worked so that it was easy to understand why some guys can do things while others don't.
How do you honestly keep consistency with a movie trilogy that is now 30+yrs old and somewhat dated in it's ideas? What.. that there was only ever one black man in the galaxy?

Here... I fixed it for you.
GameHED wrote: OT = the gold standard of star wars that appeals to a white audience.
The lore is still there.. but just like all things.. we are 30+yrs down the road in terms of what our society expects and also what is acceptable.
GameHED wrote: FA and TLJ throws all this out and just lets random shit happen on screen without explaining everything and expecting us to actually care about that.
The best way I can illustrate it is this: in OT, we know Yoda is master level of jedi and wise leader. We know it is not easy to kill someone on yoda's level of experience. We know that luke is not on Yoda's level. He isn't as good as vader. We know the Emperor is better than Anakin because he has had longer time to train and being older he is superior at the mind game and manipulation tactics of using other people.
See that's funny.. given that some fuck wits needed a disclaimer about the 10 seconds of silence situation.. that tells you a LOT about people these days. It made sense what was happening.. and for the moments that were unclear.. they were unclear for a reason.. to progress the plot. The problem with this movie is that it seems as though it was possibly too smart for trogs like you.
GameHED wrote: But.. It is clear who is the hero in the story however because Luke despite being weaker than Yoda is the guy we went along in the ride with from farm boy to jedi student. (who had to train at an old age and came in doubting if the force was even worth trusting in vs using his own human skill alone) In OT, we CARE what happens to Luke because we can identify with him and we have some emotional investment into his character since we saw him go through the journey.
So.. you're saying that because you don't identify with Rey.. the movie is terrible.. because.. what.. you can't identify with a character that just happens to be a woman? Yep. That's completely you.

GameHED wrote: Now in these new movies: little girl with no training at ALL (don't use luke's short time with yoda to train as an excuse for why Rey can just do anything extremely well even better than all the male characters who are highly experienced for why it's ok. It's just not the same thing and you know this) beats up people easily without any effort and just has powers. Ok fine have those fucking powers. But can you please give us some explanation for why she is special in the same way Luke was? Luke as we find out at the end was the son of a man with strong force power. That was enough. It gave us some reason for why we should see him as special because it established that some people are force snesitive or have an easier time controlling this mysterious force power thing. We knew luke was different by the end of Ep4 because the guy tapped into the force to aid him in shooting torpedo. He has faith. Faith led to him continuing with the channeling of energy and trying to control it and focus his mind on being good at controlling it. That's what allowed him to do it. What does Rey have? It's just something that was handed to her with no explanation. But it is supposed to be a mystery! Ok but this doesn't explain why she knows how to wield a saber with skill and no training. Did the force just teach her this? And that is the biggest flaw of the bad storytelling I see in the newer movies. Not the SJW stuff which is everywhere these days due to globalisation and trying to import these movies to as many countries as possible.
Let's be clear hear.. she's a young woman, you heteronormative misogynistic heap of shit.

She's lived on Jakku and has clearly had to fend for herself in terms of physical combat due to her existing prowess with using a staff. Her abilities are raw and very rough in terms of her style. In terms of why YOU need an explanation as to why she is special? I thought it was pretty simple. As best we know.. she isn't from any lineage like Luke was. She is like Anakin in that she is meant to be a no one.. just like Shmi was when she had Anakin. However.. we ONLY find that out when a prequel trilogy is released well after the original trilogy. This new franchise is competing against a COMPLETED trilogy that we've had decades to build affection, nostalgia and a knowledge base around it. This new trilogy is not completed yet.. so sit the fuck down and let them finish the story.

GameHED wrote: If these flaws can be fixed I would like it a bit better but to ignore that they are flaws is what I don't get. Chewie in OT couldn't just casually shoot Vader with a gun and harm vader. Chewie suddenly can ignore the power of Kylo Ren and harm Kylo with blaster because the plot demanded it in FA. This inconsistency with no explanation is what makes neckbeards go crazy as it removes the logical thinking fans' ability to make sense of the power level of people in the universe. Everything just seems so random. It would be like batman picking up gun and shooting the criminals instead of using non-lethal weapons. Or superman suddenly not being weak to kryptonite and no explanation was given. By destroying the 'magic system '/lore you make the world hard for us to care about. Since the characters sole existence is to promote a political agnda. That's what we don't like. It's not just that it's shit. It's that it's shit while trying to preach to us values that are not better morals than the OT movie. We want the OT moral system not the SJW moral system. But even if you take out the SJW moral system of females being tougher than men because the golden vagina makes them stronger force wielders, you still have the more important flaw of the movie never telling us anything about why things happen for one instance but other instances something different happens under the same conditions. EG Kylo freezing blaster shots in time, while not being able to anticipate Chewie shooting him later in FA for example. Girls don't care about that stuff and that is ok but it means stories have no danger in them since what determines whether people live or die is based on random chance not on the magic system. No magic system or lore or rules, means you can't calculate the danger level of a fight. Eg in OT if Luke tried to fight Yoda he'd obviously lose because he is just a noob. In these new movies you can't guage this. One minute the Kylo guy is shown to be incompetent and then suddenly he is kicking arse. lol
I think you will find the inconsistencies from the original weren't exactly planned.. the problem is that we've had so much longer to consider the actions and reactions of those original movies.

As for your golden vagina dumb fuckery.. considering that it's been the case that we've had effectively 6 movies prior to this that ONLY had men being the focused upon force users.. is it that insulting to you that women would get a look in now?

In terms of Kylo freezing blaster shots in time and not being able to anticipate Chewie shooting him? Simple.. Kylo was on a mission and was not emotionally compromised at that point. He was focused and on his game. When Chewie shot him.. he was in shock from killing his own father... and thus he was compromised and thus made an error. That's how I saw it.. and since the force is very much attuned to a user's emotions.. this would actually make sense.

GameHED wrote: Having a lore master will help these movies GCF. Even the X-men (every character is diverse in this) have to obey certain rules. Wolverine can't suddenly attack magneto and ignore the fact that his own bones make him weak against someone who can manipulate them easily with his magnetic ability. Wolverine as much as he wants to just rush forward will know that the wizard has the edge over him in direct attack. Rules exist in X-men and its diverse. Why can't rules exist in SW too? No excuse buddy. Feminists ruined it like they did ghostbusters. The nerds are right. Extended Universe would be better as canon. Fuck disney.
They have lore masters.. ones clearly better than you. It wasn't hard for me to rebutt your issues.. some simple logic and since you insist on making out that feminism is this god awful thing.. check your fucking straight white male privilege for a second and realise that there is plenty of Star Wars to go around for everyone. It doesn't being to just you and your fucktardian nerdolytes.
Uh I don't get it. It's a shit movie and you're defending it for being shittier than the OT which explained it's things.
Again you are making the same mistake you did last time of accusing everyone that hates it of being stupider than you and not understanding the movie. I understand the movie. None of the rebuttal coment you made were unclear to me when watching this movie the first time. It is just very poor storytelling because we have no reason to care about the actions of the characters that do the things they do on the screen due to lack of any danger to the main protagonist who is invincible due to being a female. That is NOT the same thing as Luke not dying when he met Vader. When Luke met Vader he is holding back his power because he wants to recruit the guy to carry on as the heir to the throne after murdering the Emperor who is giving him all the orders like a he is his dog.

It's not that we hate it because we don't understand it and are stupid GCF. We hate it because it is shit at explaining the reasons for why people can do stuff. It would be like superman not being weak to kryptonite and the story never explained why at that particular moment in the movie that the rules suddenly had to change. And the only reason we are given is that Superman transistioned into a woman after getting sex change operation and because he went female he is no longer weak to kryptonite. Not good enough GCF and you know that neckbeards are smarter than you. Nothing you say is going to change the fact that OT is still the best. And NO we can expect the new movies to be even better than OT if they put effort into it in the same way we can expect technology to get better or expect people to break world records. We don't have to accept mediocre crap like you want us to. We have had 30 years to move forward but you want us to stay stuck in the past by just retelling the same old shit story.

This video illustratse what I mean by fantasy movies needing to stay within the rules of the magic system.
It will help guys like you understand what makes for good storytelling. Eg in the X-men which is diverse (minorities make up all the characters in the team and these are also outcasts for being mutents in a world of human who are the bigots) you don't see Xavier bashing people up with his fist when he is wheelchair bound and being able to do anything he wants to do. He has limits to his powers. Same with Magneto. And same with all the other characters like Rogue or Psylocke or Wolverine which doesn't make them invincible people. In fact the reason we can relate to them is because they are FLAWED with imperfect lives and this lets the people in the story feel like us but still have amazing powers but not to the point where they are boring and overpowered and are never in any danger in a fight.

The key is danger. If the audience thinks there is little danger in any fight then it becomes predictable how the story will end and due to this, they will not care about watching. Poor storytelling lets the good guy never face a challenge. And rey is no exception. If Luke had the same power as Rey in OT and never needed guidance and was smarter than Obi Wan and Yoda while being stronger than Vader you would get the same criticisim from me. You are just a star wars fanboy who is fake fan who is infiltrating the nerd community and we detectives investigating you. Perhaps you were sent to destroy our fave things and paid loads of money just like with Mass Effect when it went shit.

The reason these new movies suck is for two reasons:
1.forced divesity. (diversity is ok but FORCED diversity is a different thing. It's when a white guy is kicked off his job to fill a quota. It;'s basically racism by minorities against the majority you ignorant turd)
2. bad consistency in how the magic system works. One minite a weak guy is a godlike being who can defeat really overpowered villains. The next minute they are incompetent and suddenly act out of character for no reason. Just because Star Wars is a fantasy movie doesn't excuse inconsistency in the way characters act. So for example Batman will never be suddenly dumber than Superman in the justice league and the flash will never suddenly be stronger than superman unless there is a reason given in the story for how this is possible. Ok? New Star Wars is shit when it comes to this. It break immersion into the world. Feminism is to blame. That is why men are going MGTOW and running away from western countries infested by the feminists who are really now a female supremecist movement. And I intend to oppose this third wave feminist cult to save young boys from the abuse of evil wicked left wing satanist witches who see themselves as goddesses and bring them down to the ground just like any other evil I see. You won't be able to do damage control for this as kids every day are learning they are being brainwashed and now turning away from cultural marxism thanks to critics who expose the evil in the industry. (ie mark hamil being lied to and having his character die and be a wimpy loser who can't even beat an inexperienced girl who doesn't even train)

I think you are just angry at the neckbeards because they are more numerous. Just because they are male does not mean they are wrong GCF. You only take the side of the females without thinking if they are EVIL females. Whereas I look at what actions are being done and judge based on those, not pick a side based on political belief. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and decide: is the only reaosn you support this movie is that it bashes white men? And if the answer is yes then you are not going to be able to argue against me effectively and win against me in a debate about this. OT is the superior one just like Zelda BOTW is superior to witcher 3 which has no crime and punishment system and therefore breaks the immersion for the game not caring what the player is doing.

I know that you like these girl power flick but I think they are sickening because girls are not powerful in real life and NEED men to make them appear powerful and there is nothing new about a character who has tits that can kick a man's butt. It's boring. I only like Wonder Woman since she rebels against her evil community and sees the truth. (there is no superior sex. it's just that her beliefs favour the sex she is so the truth is hard for her to see when she is brainwashed by her people who live in a bubble world which limits her awareness of what's out there).

If you want me to like the new SW you need to admit that overpowered hero characters are bad for the franchise ok? If you think I should just watch OT because these new movies are shit, then you are missing the point. These movies wouldn't suck if GL and Mark Hamil ideas were taken seriously. We have to understand that liking a shit movie is ok but wishing for it to not be crap is still the better alternative. You only like it because you have no choice BUT to like it. It's not the same as knowing that it could have been better if the right people were involved.

Look you are going to get angry at me for telling the truth and waste your time, so I will leave the movie thread alone for a while. But stop fighitng against the valid criticisms. We are not stupid. We just know better than you that the movie could have been much better in terms of how they treated the Luke character who is the reason the empire fell. On the technical side, things look ok, but it's missing the soul of the SW we like.

You kow what? Perhaps you should re-watch OT so you realise how much better the storytelling was back then? You seem to think the ONLY reason the new one isn't catching on is because we have had more movies of the past to gain information. WRONG. The old movies explained things WAY better than the new ones without needing extra guidebooks to go out and buy LOL Why the fuck do I have to buy a guidebook to get the whole story to a movie? You fucking put the whole story in the movie you rip off merchant. LOL Next time they need to hire a lore checker and take 3 years to get it right not rush them out every year. That's insane. They only want to milk this thing quickly and not care about whether the final product is good. That's the EA way of doing shit.
Quality over qauntity. And no more forced diversity. And how about making the villain a woman who commands white men instead of the bad guys all being white men? I think your racism is pissing all the forum member off. You want white guys to be bad guys just because you are racist against the majority races. I think that is sickening. Notice how the asian chick is also still not better than Rey in anything? What's going on there? Last I checked asians were the ones who were good at martial arts and shit. Explain that one you sexist and racist damage control shill. Why can't they make her have amazing powers like Psylocke in X-men? Don't want white women who are feminist to be out competed by a hard working conservitive asian women who likes being housewife and living traditional life. LOL I knew it you will only like Rey if it's a feminist interpretation of the character who beats up other men but not one which has to fight another woman who will actually work to defend a man against an annoying entitled woman. Shallow and boring as usual... :D Notice how they just HAD to make the asian a FAT asian chick and not a sexy athletic asian who can do acrobatic stunts and ninja like moves? HAHAH it's only ok to make the woman pretty if it's a feminist white woman not a minorty foreign woman who may prefer not to be brainwashed into believing in gender studies crap.

Listen: you want good example of diversity please see X-men comics. In that the men and women work together. They don't rely only on females like Storm, Rogue and Jubilee to do everything for them. It's a team effort. The moment you get your head out of your arse and see what the critics are saying rather than attacking them personally all the time by making out that they are too stupid to understand the SJW Star Wars universe, the faster we can see these movies get better. The prequels may not have been perfect but they gave us NEW shit. You can't really say that about the new movie. They just want to reboot old stuff with a SJW political message in it and preach down to men as if we have to be guilty for being men. We are not going to give you guys money if you keep insulting us. Ghostbusters was just the start. We will work hard to resist your brainwashing. You guys think skin colour makes a person bad not us. We just prefer equality of opporttunity not believe in equal outcome. (some people are born more gifted than others and this is science ok?) If you hire someone based on race (whether it be minorty or majorty race it doesn't matter) then you are a racist prick. Stop being a racist by trying to get us to like affirmative action. It's discrimination against the majority race. And you are no different to nazis that discriinate against non-white people.

I've said my piece for today. Hopefully you will see where I am coming from and realise that there are lot of mixed race people that like star wars that hate these SJWs and the forced diversity thing which is causing division in society. Mark Hamil should have been given an apology by these SJW imo for the poor treatment he got. They are all laughing at us older fans but we'll get our revenge one day like the Sith against the corrupted jedi._Remember when the feminists went after the angry videogame nerd simply because he chose not to review the new ghostbuster movie? They went after his family. We should never forget things like that. It's time people took these people seriously and defunded all their attempts to brainwash little boys and make them weak. You want power? Ok have power, but don't restrict others fro malso having it. But feminists are not happy with that so they have to steal other people's ideas. It's time all the gamergate people gathered together again to fight the bad guys. They are only getting away with it because we let them. All the misandry needs to stop. Also black men also need to stop buying star wars movies since they treated the black guy like crap in FA. They did that because perhaps they feared a masculine male character so they had to make him stupid. If black kids watch that they wil think it's not good to look up to smart people as role models. They will have nobody to identify with and start acting like the characters in the SW movies. GCF doesn't care about that though because people with penises are evil. lol Rey doesn't need to train or learn anything but Luke DOES because he doesn't have a vag. Masculine acting females are not new GCF. Just because you like them doesn't make the flaws suddenly disappear. That's all we are saying. There is this belief that if you put a masculine acting female who is strong and doesn't need a man's help then that is somehow edgy or something. It's not. It's old. It's dumb. It's been done dozens of times before. And the only people who want that are feminists. You can't hide it. We know you believe that there is no difference between the sexes but there is and the science backs it up. Men are stronger physically. Women are weaker. Women are better communicators and word manipulators. Men are much more techy. Go into any IT field yo uwill not find any women in there outnumbering men because you need logic. Women prefer nursing and teaching. Have fun debating facts and have a happy new year. (going to rewatch OT as you reminded me they are still here but not really: george lucas put kid-friendly changes in them so han solo didn't shoot first and erased history so I guess that version of SW isn't real anymore and Han isn't ruthless killer that made Leia's tits hard but instead he is a nice guy who lets others hurt him before he attacks as he is such an honorable man not a dirty scheming bastard like we thought back in the 70s)
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Vince wrote:General, sounds like you're pretty keen to downplay every single criticism, point by point, to want to make people like this film! I don't like It! Many on here don't. It's NOT a great film. I'm not interested in shoehorned in diversity to please a segment of the crowd, and by adding in that diversity placing them into a totally pathetic sequence of the film. If the film needs a black person, a female or whatever to play the part, then fine. So be it. My fav films feature 2 of the greatest female protagonists ever seen on film (Aliens and both The Terminator and T2) and they were perfect for their roles.

I don't care if they follow the trends of the OT, I just want some fucking consistency in the characters. This film doesn't have ANY consistency with either the lore of star wars or the fucking force awakens! Why the fuck did C3PO have a red arm? Why? It was totally forgotten about in this film. Almost like it never happened. Like I said y, you liked it and you were able to overlook it's many and various flaws that I and many many MANY people are not able to let slide. This was really no different from any other Star Wars film from the past although they're trying to tell us otherwise. In fact it was just a fucking rip off of Empire (and a poor one at that). Fuck this film and all the fucking websites forcing it down our throats making us look like clowns for not liking this shithouse film...
I'm keen to point out to people that problems that people have complained about in the movie had been ongoing problems with the franchise. Further to that, when people complain about certain points of the movie and they are in fact wrong? Froggy was a good example of him pointing out a supposed issue with the ships running out of fuel and thus all the people on those ships died. They didn't die... you even see the smaller lifeboat ships flying ahead and into the larger ship. The only issue was him not paying attention to it.

Regarding diversity - what you suggest in this day and age? Only say.. less than 3 women? Token black guy? No asians because of the previous 6 films (Rogue One not included) showed that there are no asians in space. It's interesting that you feel and many other men feel as though diversity has been shoehorned in and yet there are many people out there who have welcomed it and now feel a bit more apart of it all. Yes - it feels different from the original movies.. are you defending the point that those movies are incredibly white and male dominated? Defend it.. or better yet - acknowledge when they were made and the social influences and ultimately how the world was at that time..

I'm sorry that having more women and more ethnic groups represented in a movie has upset so many people and that rather than acknowledging that the original trilogy wasn't ideal in how it didn't have many women or other ethnic groups in there... people are more angry that it doesn't feel white.. oh sorry.. I mean right. It feels more like men don't want to share Star Wars with others if I really drill down into it. I have seen some very poor comments on IGN.. "This isn't MY Star Wars".. completely ridiculous but so accurate at the same time.

In terms of consistency? Are you the same person you were 30 years ago? I get that Star Wars has always been fuzzy in how time is perceived (seconded only now by Game Of Thrones) but surely you can't possibly consider that shit has happened to these characters.. shit that has changed them since we last saw them in Return of the Jedi? Luke had already shown he had been tempted numerous times by the dark side in Return. He had shown us that he can be whiny and impulsive also. He's never been perfect. So is it that much of a stretch to consider that when a brief yet huge waiver of judgment ultimately caused the death of a heap of people.. that he would be shrouded in guilt and thus.. wanted out?


You can go ahead and explain your way out of that one. Actually don't bother.. since I can actually do it on my own. It's pretty consistent when you boil it down but again.. I can rationalize why for all 3 examples and be completely okay with it all.

Regarding C3PO.. yeah that is a point.. however - given the personality of C3PO he is like the master of telling people shit that is irrelevant or not even remotely of importance at that time. Since he has always been a minor character and FOREVER losing pieces of his body .. being disassembled and then put back together in the previous 6 movies that's exactly where I took that reference. Now that you mention it again.. Disney HAVE made a point of interweaving movies and other media (Agents of Shield and the Marvel movies, and not to mention Rogue One and The Last Jedi.. and other Star Wars related media too that is still canon) and I'd be inclined to imagine that the Disney machine will likely churn out in a comic/book/somewhere what happened to his arm.. BUT like I said earlier.. I took that moment in The Force Awakens to be a sly reference to how often C3PO seemingly got blasted to pieces and then put back together again. So I wonder if you maybe misread that whole moment and just didn't get the reference? I will concede that probably a lot of people didn't get it and that it would seem they were being too clever for their own good.

There are definite similarities to Empire in terms of them all being on the run and a force user going to seek help from a Jedi... I guess the question.. what exactly did you want from this film though? If the original trilogy was served up to us now.. can you honestly say that those movies would be seen as amazing and have so many fans doting on it fondly? I doubt it.

Spaceships and space magic and yet people are critiquing these movies to the nth degree. There were always issues with the movies... The thing is.. I can suspend belief enough and also rationally approach those issues with a possible reason and a wry smile when I know it can't be explained because they gone done and fucked up. Perhaps I have become an expert in getting on with things and making things work from a story point of view.. I 99%'d Mass Effect Andromeda with all it's problems.. mind you.. that's a perfect example of people overreacting about something.. Yeesh. :roll:

My point though is this.. I've just given you a relatively plausible explanation about 2 gripes. You're upset that and I quote "forcing it down our throats making us look like clowns for not liking this shithouse film".. maybe people wouldn't be looking like clowns if they wiped the froth from their mouth and for example said "Hey, fair point.. I didn't think about the point about C3PO being rather destructible in previous movies.. and yes.. he does have a tendency to say stuff about himself that really no one cares about.. It personally didn't resonate with me though". Saying FUCK THIS FILM and WORST MOVIE EVER and THE FILM IS TERRIBLE.. when I can give you a shit load of ACTUAL terrible movies.. any rational and legitimate criticism leveled at this film is completely lost in a miasma of hate and rage. It's a sign of the times - yelling hate and not actually being open to the other side of the story.. Trumpism. I'm happy to say that there are parts of the movie that may have missed their mark for people.. The Casino scene wasn't great... Space Leia is divisive and obviously didn't sit well with people.. even though Star Wars has shown this particular power before BUT with actual practiced force users.

I absolutely you are entitled to your opinion.. and I completely understand that you aren't about to change it.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Funny gifs but those have been addressed.

David stewart does a good series of videos explaining why these movies are crap and movies in modern times in general:(see his other videos analysing what went wrong. Also check out imdb user reviews of TLJ)
I think it is the fact we live now in a time where hollywood has run out of original ideas and much like the game industry it got too big and now the true artists and creative people are leaving and the ones that want to stay are being blocked from making the decision now and the suits and bean counters are the ones in charge. What the suits in charge of decisions want is to make movies that appeal to as wide an audience as possible so they have to sanitise the content for mass consumption so that they don't offend anyone. The movie industry is global market so they water the message down. But by doing this, the mesage is ruined and so the movies quality is compromised. I have faith that maybe if Sony do the He-man movie well and aim it soley at boys who like masculine heroes with big muscles, that this problem of soy boys making our movies will be solved. Will He-Man end up like Transformers? We will see..
Last edited by GameHED on 01 Jan 2018 01:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

While I was watching EP4 last night I was wondering, why do the new movies keep including Captain Phasma and then not using the character? Is it just so they can show us the action figure onscreen and make kids go: that's freakin cool. I want that statue!

I have heard that the character is suposed to be a big deal in some other media (comics or books or novels? ) but so far in the two movies she seems like an utter fool being bested by a janitor. Come on GCF let's see you defend that one. This is why neckbeards need to be listened to and not the feminists who have no respect to the original talent in the old stuff. We can leae behind the past, but we want new material. Not retread of old stuff with worse lore. If you want to destroy the old lore then fine do that but can't they at least replace the old lore with something better? They want to appeal to the old fans for nostalgia on one hand to milk their wallet dry, but then betray them by killing the interesting characters ( snoke, not using phasma, making luke an antisocial dick) and then react to criticism as if we are the illogical ones with problems. lol Babafett was amazing in OT. Phasma just lets herself be beaten up and looks like she isn't even trying. It's not just star wars that has this problem but marvel movies do it too. The villains are weak. It's a result of putting the cool stuff outside the movie and making us buy DLC again. If you didn't buy the guidebooks you are fucked.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

Look I'll admit I didn't see the people getting off the ships so OK I missed that but why not put a droid on it or just auto pilot it to keep going straight and take the pilots off too? #Leadership

I think you are completely missing the point on people's gripes with the diversity stuff.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Froggy wrote:Look I'll admit I didn't see the people getting off the ships so OK I missed that but why not put a droid on it or just auto pilot it to keep going straight and take the pilots off too? #Leadership

I think you are completely missing the point on people's gripes with the diversity stuff.
Why not put a droid on there? Interesting question.. but then again.. when have we ever seen a droid flying a spaceship in the franchise.. other than say.. maybe Ep 1 with the Trade Federation Droids? I don't know if those droids were built for piloting..

Secondly, yeah you could have just I dunno.. set the ship to autopilot but in the spur of a moment.. a rather huge and leadership aligned decision had to be made.. so I think it makes sense that a human was left to make that huge decision... Don't get me wrong.. I wish it wasn't Holdo.. But I guess that is something engrained in our society in terms of the old "captain going down with the ship". Better decisions could have been made.. but then we've seen countless movies and real life situations where it's happened...

I get their gripes about diversity.. but it's now 2018 and everywhere we look.. there are groups complaining about diversity and equality.. you just have to go and look at those having a tanty regarding Star Trek these days... and it's more concerning that these gripes sound more like my dog getting shitty that my other dog is nomming on his toy.

So.. rather than complaining about it.. explain how you would have made the movie in terms of being inclusive? Would you have made it that Rose wasn't Asian and fat (as someone so flatly said it?)? Would you have completely removed Holdo and put Ackbar in that role and result instead? Rather than just saying "Oh I wouldn't have done it like that" say exactly HOW you would have fix this issue? Or is it just easier to keep it all as white and male as possible to keep it consistent?

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Megaman »

So, how's everyone enjoying all the new screeners that have leaked? I recommend 'I, Tonya'.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Vince »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:
Froggy wrote:Look I'll admit I didn't see the people getting off the ships so OK I missed that but why not put a droid on it or just auto pilot it to keep going straight and take the pilots off too? #Leadership

I think you are completely missing the point on people's gripes with the diversity stuff.
Why not put a droid on there? Interesting question.. but then again.. when have we ever seen a droid flying a spaceship in the franchise.. other than say.. maybe Ep 1 with the Trade Federation Droids? I don't know if those droids were built for piloting..

Secondly, yeah you could have just I dunno.. set the ship to autopilot but in the spur of a moment.. a rather huge and leadership aligned decision had to be made.. so I think it makes sense that a human was left to make that huge decision... Don't get me wrong.. I wish it wasn't Holdo.. But I guess that is something engrained in our society in terms of the old "captain going down with the ship". Better decisions could have been made.. but then we've seen countless movies and real life situations where it's happened...

I get their gripes about diversity.. but it's now 2018 and everywhere we look.. there are groups complaining about diversity and equality.. you just have to go and look at those having a tanty regarding Star Trek these days... and it's more concerning that these gripes sound more like my dog getting shitty that my other dog is nomming on his toy.

So.. rather than complaining about it.. explain how you would have made the movie in terms of being inclusive? Would you have made it that Rose wasn't Asian and fat (as someone so flatly said it?)? Would you have completely removed Holdo and put Ackbar in that role and result instead? Rather than just saying "Oh I wouldn't have done it like that" say exactly HOW you would have fix this issue? Or is it just easier to keep it all as white and male as possible to keep it consistent?

I don't give a flying fuck about equality or exclusivity or asains/blacks/whites/whatever fucking race or colour you are. The film has to make sense and actually BE GOOD! TLJ is shit. You can try color it all you want but it's shit. Having quotes from "woke" individuals comparing the Original trilogy with the shit we are getting today is desperate and total bullshit! The original trilogy is so perfect they've modeled these new films on them. They're carbon fucking copies. But they've fucked them up because you can't beat perfection. Best thing is seeing these morons belittle the original trilogy- mind you these new films are modeled on- to try make this sequel trilogy look better is desperate and pathetic. GCF, you're throwing out the same shit most of this films defenders are throwing out to make us haters look racist and wrong in any criticism of this film. I'm not racist and I hate this film. I didn't see this intense defense of the prequels and I'll take them any day over this crap.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:
Froggy wrote:Look I'll admit I didn't see the people getting off the ships so OK I missed that but why not put a droid on it or just auto pilot it to keep going straight and take the pilots off too? #Leadership

I think you are completely missing the point on people's gripes with the diversity stuff.
Why not put a droid on there? Interesting question.. but then again.. when have we ever seen a droid flying a spaceship in the franchise.. other than say.. maybe Ep 1 with the Trade Federation Droids? I don't know if those droids were built for piloting..

Secondly, yeah you could have just I dunno.. set the ship to autopilot but in the spur of a moment.. a rather huge and leadership aligned decision had to be made.. so I think it makes sense that a human was left to make that huge decision... Don't get me wrong.. I wish it wasn't Holdo.. But I guess that is something engrained in our society in terms of the old "captain going down with the ship". Better decisions could have been made.. but then we've seen countless movies and real life situations where it's happened...

I get their gripes about diversity.. but it's now 2018 and everywhere we look.. there are groups complaining about diversity and equality.. you just have to go and look at those having a tanty regarding Star Trek these days... and it's more concerning that these gripes sound more like my dog getting shitty that my other dog is nomming on his toy.

So.. rather than complaining about it.. explain how you would have made the movie in terms of being inclusive? Would you have made it that Rose wasn't Asian and fat (as someone so flatly said it?)? Would you have completely removed Holdo and put Ackbar in that role and result instead? Rather than just saying "Oh I wouldn't have done it like that" say exactly HOW you would have fix this issue? Or is it just easier to keep it all as white and male as possible to keep it consistent?

It's only an issue if you are hell bent on making everything "equal" where you actually mean the opposite, you want to take as many if not all roles away from white men because if you didn't you'd have to consider yourself a self hating white supremacist going by your logic here. How's about we go back to picking the best actor/actress for the roles that fit the scripts instead of bending the scripts/roles out of whack to make sure we have checked all the boxes on our list thus ruining a fucking ton of movies thus the problem with Disney Star Wars and many other IP's these days. It won't matter by the next one Rey will probably be gender fluid by then.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

It looks like The Last Jedi was 2017's highest grossing movie despite coming out in December, with China's release still to come.

Disney movies dominated the top 10, with 5 out of the top 10:

Star Wars Ep. VIII: The Last Jedi
Beauty and the Beast
Wonder Woman
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok
Despicable Me 3
The Fate of the Furious

Only a matter of time before Froggy and GameHED's worst fears are realised and every male baby has their dicks cut off at birth :lestatsky:
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

2017 was a terrible year for the movie industry. Ambrose parroting the attitude out of Hollywood elites sums up why. Won't Disney own all of them next year? Seems like they have bought up everything, maybe we'll see Thor roll into Star Wars 9. I eagerly await the fail of Oceans 8 in 2018 as a highlight on my movie calendar, judging by that trailer looks like 2018 is gonna be as shit for movies as this year if that is the standard of A grade movies again.

I have a question, what is worse when you talk to SW nerds:

1. Star Wars nerds unhappy with TLJ and gripes about lots of stuff down to things that only star wars nerds would know
2. Star Wars nerds who defend Star Wars no matter what as infallible like Ambrose and Cyberfunk

As a non star wars fan at least talking about it with cat 1 u get some discussion, cat 2 you just get called a racist.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

I don't defend The Last Jedi no matter what, I've listed several issues I didn't like, like Space Leia, using the Resistance ship as a lightspeed weapon and the chase (why didn't the First Order just jump a few ships to lightspeed ahead of the Resistance ships to cut them off?) I've also listed several issues with the older movies that I didn't like or made no sense (Threepio's red arm as a big BUY THIS COMIC BOOK hook, Luke being raised on Tatooine and having the Skywalker name)

What I do laugh at is this grand conspiracy you and GameHED crap on about that seeks to erase white people (especially men) from cinema (and I'm guessing from everything else too) :lol:

I mean when we're talking about Star Wars (Rose specifically) and you bust out something like:
Froggy wrote: ... you seriously can't admit to yourself that there's some high level social engineering going on with SW since Disney took over and let's face it nearly every other Disney property is going through the same in lieu of content ... It comes back to Rose and her complete inclusion only to have a non hot Asian female in a main role as a love interest for a black dude ... How's about we go back to picking the best actor/actress for the roles that fit the scripts instead of bending the scripts/roles out of whack to make sure we have checked all the boxes on our list thus ruining a fucking ton of movies thus the problem with Disney Star Wars and many other IP's these days.
when whitewashing is a far more common issue in Hollywood. Hell, those evil social engineers at Disney cast Tilda Swinton as an old Asian dude ffs :lol: :up:

Or is whitewashing fake news? ;)
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

Again, conpletely missing the point with Rose. That entire part of the story a good half an hour was done just to have her in the movie and develop a non existent love interest between her and finn, it was all so they could have them kiss.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

And Tilda they got themselves all tied up in knots their SJW victim pyramid so went with her as they were worried about wait for it... being racist. So thanks for a great example of Disney fucking with roles and scripts to check boxes instead of picking the best most suitable persom for it. Own goal
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

If no one apart from maybe GameHED gets your point, you might have issues.

So you'd have the same concerns if Rose was a white woman? Although maybe in that case you'll feel the best actress was chosen? So why crap on about an Asian woman kissing a black dude?
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Froggy wrote:2017 was a terrible year for the movie industry. Ambrose parroting the attitude out of Hollywood elites sums up why. Won't Disney own all of them next year? Seems like they have bought up everything, maybe we'll see Thor roll into Star Wars 9. I eagerly await the fail of Oceans 8 in 2018 as a highlight on my movie calendar, judging by that trailer looks like 2018 is gonna be as shit for movies as this year if that is the standard of A grade movies again.

I have a question, what is worse when you talk to SW nerds:

1. Star Wars nerds unhappy with TLJ and gripes about lots of stuff down to things that only star wars nerds would know
2. Star Wars nerds who defend Star Wars no matter what as infallible like Ambrose and Cyberfunk

As a non star wars fan at least talking about it with cat 1 u get some discussion, cat 2 you just get called a racist.
There absolutely were awful movies in the 2017.. There were some amazing ones too.. It's like this every year.

As for being being a Star Wards Nerd? Hardly.

As for me defending Star Wars no matter what? Fucking LOLLERCAUST. The Prequels had potential yet were seriously borked by Lucas and his mega stiffy for CGI and green screens. The acting in them was mostly wooden and the script had some bad shit in it. There were some bits that were okay and some bits were just cringeworthy. Which is one of the reasons why when people say the TLJ was cringeworthy.. you have to ask them to remember Episode 1 and 2.. you know - just to recalibrate their idea of what Star Wars Cringe is.

I'm less defending and more suggesting you to not single this particular movie out for issues that the franchise has ALWAYS had. I'm pointing out that we've always had to fill in gaps with this franchise.. why is this movie so different? Why is it that for the original trilogy, we can forget or ignore some glaringly obvious problems and also make excuses for them... even laugh them off. It's a double standard.

It amazes me but at the same time disappoints me that people can be against allowing EVERYONE to be included. OH NOES SOCIAL ENGINEERING IS ALLOWING THE FAT ASIANS WOMENS INTO MY SAFE SPACE. When you consider how integrated the galaxy is in Star Wars.. it SHOULDN'T be so out of place to see asians, african americans, south americans.. Diversity isn't the issue.. it's the audience's prejudice that is the problem. Further to that, I wonder if you'd have had such an issue if they swapped the actress who played Rose for her more classicly attractive sister? Would there have been such a problem? I very much doubt it.. which again.. goes to highlight another issue in terms of bullshit from raging neckbeard fans.
Froggy wrote:Again, conpletely missing the point with Rose. That entire part of the story a good half an hour was done just to have her in the movie and develop a non existent love interest between her and finn, it was all so they could have them kiss.
Non-existent for you.. I think there is something lurking there. The hug between Rey and Finn seemed more platonic than something romantic. There was more interest/spark showing from Poe towards Rey. Going back to Finn and Rose though.. it was muddled.. I actually don't know what they are planning on doing with it. He's an ex-stormtrooper.. we have no idea if he understands the idea of romance.. even social cues to it. He's shown that he is pretty daft when it comes to it when you consider it.
Froggy wrote:And Tilda they got themselves all tied up in knots their SJW victim pyramid so went with her as they were worried about wait for it... being racist. So thanks for a great example of Disney fucking with roles and scripts to check boxes instead of picking the best most suitable persom for it. Own goal
I'd more inclined to think that it was NOT a SJW issue.. it was a political issue. ... 201762267/" onclick=";return false;

What they say in this article is very much a factor. I actually can't believe that I spoke with a Burmese Tour Guide about this exact thing in May last year. Even she knew of it and I guess it makes that she would have knowledge relating to Tibet.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Ambrose Burnside wrote:So why crap on about an Asian woman kissing a black dude?
As I saw so eloquently submitted in the comments section of IGN "It was a boner killer".

I shit you not.

Maybe it makes him feel uncomfortable. I dunno... I've never had a problem myself.. but then again.. I've spent my entire adult life being wary of showing signs of affection due to people being uncomfortable or worse. What what I know? :D
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

"Swinton says writer-director Scott Derrickson and Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige explained they wanted the Ancient One to be an older Celtic woman because the character in the 1960s comics was a racist stereotype."

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

Ambrose Burnside wrote:If no one apart from maybe GameHED gets your point, you might have issues.

So you'd have the same concerns if Rose was a white woman? Although maybe in that case you'll feel the best actress was chosen? So why crap on about an Asian woman kissing a black dude?
No my point is that entire ridiculous side plot wouldn't have been in the movie it only exists because of who they cast in it.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Vince »

Ambrose Burnside wrote:If no one apart from maybe GameHED gets your point, you might have issues.

So you'd have the same concerns if Rose was a white woman? Although maybe in that case you'll feel the best actress was chosen? So why crap on about an Asian woman kissing a black dude?
So basically what you're saying is, is that if I don't like Rose and believe she is a pathetic character shoehorned in for no reason at all, I'm racist? Hollywood has "whitewashed" for many many years. We all know it. Doesn't mean we need to shoehorn in diverse characters just cause they're not white. Who gives a fuck what nationality they are? I want them to be worthy for the role. She wasn't. It's not cause she is Asian. It's cause her character was trash and the storyline she was involved in never needed to be there...

As for the prequel bashing, now you Disney Star Wars lovers know what I have had to hear for many many years. I enjoyed the prequels and their stories. The lore was grand and it really brought out the inner child in me. It gave me the same feels as when I was a kid watching the OT. Script was poor. Acting was sub par. But God it was fun. These new films look gorgeous. Have acceptable acting and not too cringy scripts (for the most part). Yet they are not good films. They LOOK like good films but they are hollow crap made by committee to try please as many drones as they can. Much like pop music today which is, on the whole, disposable crap. But please, don't accuse me of racism cause I hate this pathetic film. You like It- fine. Just can't understand why it's defenders are so ardent in attacking people who hate it...
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Froggy wrote:"Swinton says writer-director Scott Derrickson and Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige explained they wanted the Ancient One to be an older Celtic woman because the character in the 1960s comics was a racist stereotype."

Definitely not my first choice in terms of trying to cast for that character and I feel that the celtic woman reason is more a piss poor front for "We don't want to piss off China coz they bring in some big $$$ these days".

There was choosing to do something right (casting a Tibetan.. and then pissing off China).. and something easy.. just so happens that easy also meant more money due to NOT pissing off China.
Froggy wrote:
Ambrose Burnside wrote:If no one apart from maybe GameHED gets your point, you might have issues.

So you'd have the same concerns if Rose was a white woman? Although maybe in that case you'll feel the best actress was chosen? So why crap on about an Asian woman kissing a black dude?
No my point is that entire ridiculous side plot wouldn't have been in the movie it only exists because of who they cast in it.
So you actually think that because they chose two non-white people.. they went in that direction? Sooooo.. we have on one hand.. The Tilda/Easy/Money making choice.. or the let's have two characters who just happen to be not white.. and allow them to have a section in a movie that was about developing their back story and overall character...

I suspect the entire scene on Canto Bight was happening regardless of the ethnicity of the actors/characters. That's a VERY long bow you are drawing there.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Vince wrote:
Ambrose Burnside wrote:If no one apart from maybe GameHED gets your point, you might have issues.

So you'd have the same concerns if Rose was a white woman? Although maybe in that case you'll feel the best actress was chosen? So why crap on about an Asian woman kissing a black dude?
So basically what you're saying is, is that if I don't like Rose and believe she is a pathetic character shoehorned in for no reason at all, I'm racist? Hollywood has "whitewashed" for many many years. We all know it. Doesn't mean we need to shoehorn in diverse characters just cause they're not white. Who gives a fuck what nationality they are? I want them to be worthy for the role. She wasn't. It's not cause she is Asian. It's cause her character was trash and the storyline she was involved in never needed to be there...

As for the prequel bashing, now you Disney Star Wars lovers know what I have had to hear for many many years. I enjoyed the prequels and their stories. The lore was grand and it really brought out the inner child in me. It gave me the same feels as when I was a kid watching the OT. Script was poor. Acting was sub par. But God it was fun. These new films look gorgeous. Have acceptable acting and not too cringy scripts (for the most part). Yet they are not good films. They LOOK like good films but they are hollow crap made by committee to try please as many drones as they can. Much like pop music today which is, on the whole, disposable crap. But please, don't accuse me of racism cause I hate this pathetic film. You like It- fine. Just can't understand why it's defenders are so ardent in attacking people who hate it...
Yet I doubt ANYONE would be discussing her whiteness if Rose was cast as a white woman. If you thought her character was weak.. that's one thing.. but the fact that you believe her diversity felt shoehorned in.. probably due to the fact that previous movies (OT and maybe some of the prequels) were white washed... and you feel it doesn't "fit"? I actually don't think that makes you racist. I think that just makes you unimaginative really.

But then again.. I live in South Brisbane not 10min away from Sunnybank that has a huge Asian community.. and I actively go to Vietnam every year so the idea of seeing vietnamese representation makes me really pleased and does not feel forced at all.

Yes - the lore in the prequels was great and it really helped fill out the franchise.. it filled in holes from the franchise.. alas.. the new movies don't.. The prequels were about joining the dots and there is a sense of accomplishment in that. Ignoring creepy predator Anakin and his awful acting and scripting (not his fault.. Lucas is to blame on that one).. they were somewhat enjoyable.. but they lacked charisma.. and even Lucas said he made it for children. The prequels lacked the spunk of OT. With this said.. I can totally see that they were set in a completely different time. The Galaxy was a different and I guess prettier place. We've only seen grit from eps4-8 (and Rogue One). I think I saw someone say there was a certain Renaissance to the Prequels and I get that.. I even consider the way they all talked is different due to the age they lived in.

See what I did there.. rather than completely saying they are awful.. I was able to justify certain aspects of it.. but as a whole.. too much CGI and poor scripting and cringe broke the illusion and I don't think the movies were made for me..

The prequels wasted opportunities just like how people are complaining about TLJ wasted opportunities. The OT wasted opportunities in hindsight.. but as we should all know.. that trilogy was getting chopped and changed all over the place :D
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Vince wrote: I don't give a flying fuck about equality or exclusivity or asains/blacks/whites/whatever fucking race or colour you are. The film has to make sense and actually BE GOOD! TLJ is shit. You can try color it all you want but it's shit. Having quotes from "woke" individuals comparing the Original trilogy with the shit we are getting today is desperate and total bullshit! The original trilogy is so perfect they've modeled these new films on them. They're carbon fucking copies. But they've fucked them up because you can't beat perfection. Best thing is seeing these morons belittle the original trilogy- mind you these new films are modeled on- to try make this sequel trilogy look better is desperate and pathetic. GCF, you're throwing out the same shit most of this films defenders are throwing out to make us haters look racist and wrong in any criticism of this film. I'm not racist and I hate this film. I didn't see this intense defense of the prequels and I'll take them any day over this crap.
You know.. you could have said "Given the world we live in today.. equality and diversity is important to many people".. but no.. you just don't care.. at all. It's easier to just get all frothy than you know.. be articulate and respectful. When someone feels that diversity feels out of place.. that's a concern. Acknowledgment that the previous films had well.. none when you look at the OT... Yes.. it looks odd.. but it now also looks real.. I can see why people would say it feels out of place.. but I can also acknowledge that it is a different time.. a different group of people and characters and that it's actually a step in the right direction in terms of including people of colour because when you consider real life.. they are everywhere.. so why wouldn't they be in space also? I'm sorry that your imagination has such walls around it.

Oh FFS.. now you're getting frothy. I love the OT.. warts and all.. the OT has issues... but I am okay with it.. I can justify them.. and given that we were given the prequels to help fill out certain parts of it... it made them richer in terms of how much we know about them. They've modeled the new trilogy off it because 1. It's a direct follow on.. and 2. People don't like change... even adding more strong women and not white people has upset people.

You like the prequels as it brings out the inner child in you.. and the new movie kills that inner child I suspect.. or at least it pisses him off. ... its-great/" onclick=";return false;

This is actually a great article about this exact phenomena.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Cletus »

This is the most boring Star Wars discussion I've ever bothered to not read.
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