Movies you've seen lately.

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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Black Panther...... :|
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

But it's got Tolkien white guys in it!
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GeneraL CyberFunK »

Black Panther
I liked it.. it had a very unique look and feel to it and I liked the characters.. the villain was a bit meh though..

Also felt the last fight was a bit off considering who was fighting who.. it all fell apart a bit in terms of effectiveness.

I still think The Winter Soldier was the best in terms of action, story and suspense.. but Black Panther had an amazing feel and it was good to have a majority cast of decent black actors.

7.5 scarred torsos out of 10.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

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There ya go.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Mavy »

I was bored an hour into Black Panther. When it got going it just seemed to get pulled back and retreading plot points. The source of his powers is almost trivial now.

The warrior women were awesome. The actress that played the General was especially so. The one that played his sister was really uneven to the point where it was really distracting in the 'Q' scene with all the gadgets. The whole feel of the movie dropped to something on the level of an NCIS episode. She definitely grew throughout the movie but her bad acting really added to the problems with the first half of the movie.

I didn't buy the villain. I was more invested before the twist. For someone that had extensive military training I don't see why he played him so 'thug'. He just came across as a petulant child and I didn't care for his cause at all.

It's really the first Marvel film that I've been disappointed with and I was really looking forward to it. Black Panther was one of the best parts of Civil War and something 'new'.


When I watched that HISHE short for The Last Jedi it was just a 'YES' moment. It just makes everything better.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Saw Black Panther with my wife. Her favourite Marvel movies are the funnier ones (Guardians, Thor 3), so she wasn't much of a fan as this one didn't have a lot of humour. She was bored. I didn't mind it. Nowhere near my favourite Marvel movie, but not the worst (for me they remain Iron Man 2 and Thor 2. I can't even remember The Incredible Hulk and I guess that's the way Marvel like it).
I look forward to seeing what the implications of Wakanda's reveal to the world will be
As a "black" movie, Get Out was much better.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Geez Ambrose it's actually much worse than I thought:

Thanks to Star Wars TLJ being a SJW story Toys 'R Us has gone out of business (bankrupt in the uk I hear :shock: )
let this be a lesson to disney and toy retailers: if you want girls to like sci-fi and fantasy just keep the stories the same as they always were and stop trying to target people who don't actually fucking buy shit. These SJWs DO NOT BUY shit because they are only interested in shoving their belief down people's throats, not supporting the comics, games, movies with actual money. They want to change society not take part in real fan support for the franchise.

What results is business collapsing and bad sales because little boys are turned off by weakling characters and whiney incompetent emos as action figures. It makes no logical sense to try to change star wars into a story about girls bossing men around. Girls have My Little Pony. They don't care about Star Wars unless they were just 'one of the guys' (tomboyish girls who grew up with lots of brothers and are genuinely fans, not SJW fake fans who have just infiltrated the real fanbase and trying to force political crap down other people's throat)

I think disney should have meetings with real fans and toy companies and asking for suggestions on how to repair the damage that has been done to the star wars property. You can still have SJW themes in there but not exclude the white hetero male and demonise masculinity. When you exclude the fan and buying customers, you are engaging in racism and sexism and this causes existing fans to boycott and tell their sons not to support or buy anything related to star wars. People want quality.

Marvel is slowly waking up to this. The SJW shit was a good experiment but it failed. If girls wants to like nerd shit they can, but not at the expense of creator freedom and quality. Mark Hamill should be laughing his arse off right now. hehe The fanbase is not going to let Disney shit on their hero. The story should have been about luke just training people to carry on without jedi council. Like non-denominational christians who have no allegiance to one particular branch of christian group, and like Qui Gon, allowing Jedi to rebel from central authority figures if the Force wills it, in order to avoid political figures manipulating the minds of the leaders of the jedi council and fucking everything up due to the egos of certain leaders. The difference between post-prequel trilogy jedi and prequel trilogy jedi would be that the post-prequel trilogy jedi gets guidance direct from the Force and not from other high ranking jedi leaders who are easily manipulated. This solves the problem of Sith infiltrating power centres and corrupting them from within and misleading the flock. If a Knight breaks his own code of ethics/principles/laws he is in direct opposition to the Force. Because it shows the public that the Force is contradicting itself when leaders act against their own rules.

The emphasis of these sequels should be that Jedi no longer have to form a central authority that bosses other jedi around anymore but that each individual must lead themselves and let the Force be the guide and not mind-controlled jedi council members who just have their own personal agenda. (otherwise you will get guys like Mace Windu who are impulsive and break their own laws whenever it FEELS right, giving the Sith the justification for turning young kids away from being jedi because of the hypocracy of the council leaders)

I would have loved to see a Jedi vs Jedi war. Sort of like the protestant vs catholic in Gangs of New York. We have not seen that yet. I suppose George Lucas is just too tired to care about his baby anymore and just wants the money. But the fan community can still hold sway over disney by voting with their wallets. If the SJW start ruining something you can still boycott the toys, comics and games. This will send a message that fans will not tolerate sexist and racist crap. The black community should be angry imo that they made the main black guy a dumb incompetent guy who is cuckholded by the white female character. It shows the writer of the stories is racist cunt lol.
We need to expose these SJW for the hypocrites they are like how the Sith showed Anakin the flaws of the Jedi Council. Once they lose legitamcy people will stop agreeing with their idealogy. If you are a black guy for instance talk to people at the diner table about how racist the new star wars was for not giving black boys a good character to care for in the story and how it impacts whether they will want to buy an action figure of a loser. Then get them to discuss this. Star Wars is bigger than just the SW fanbase. It was pop culture icon from the 70s all up to today. So when TLJ came along to shit on it, it destroyed a thing a lot of people love.(not just for SW fans and neckbeards who buy and collect anything, but casual watchers of these fantasy movies)
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Scullibundo »

Ready Player One was pretty damn good.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Saw that last night. Steven Speilberg should direct all the new star wars movies. :up:

All the 80-90s references and fan service (the gundam robot was my fave) make this a nerd's pop culture reference wet dream.

I wish they would reboot the whole live action transformers movies using the original 80s designs goddman it!!!!!! If they can make references to Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Ferris Bueller's Day Off etc why can't they make a retro transformers movie that takes after the marvel comics and tv show from the original 80s version?
We got a gundam mech from the original Mobile Suit Gundam in CG fighting against a dino mecha in this movie and they cant do transformers CG/Live action flick for us older generation x guys?? Get the fuck out of here. :down:

Steven Speilberg or District 9 director should be taking over from michael bay for fantasy stories and movies for transformers. It's time to focus on the older crowd who were around in the past to appreciate the old things. Much like when Stallone launched the Expendables movies as a love letter to fans of old 80s action movies.

The bottom line is this: Gen X is a LOT cooler than current generation of kids and it shows in the content of the pop culture of that time. eg you can't compare cheap looking animation of today to animation of say the dragon ball cartoons of the 80s. Toys also felt solid not like today where things are hollow all over the place with gaps showing. Companies like Neca brought back this solid feel again to make superposable figures of characters, but they are minority.

Mark Hamil has even given up on caring about star wars and admits he is a prisoner of disney which is a SJW company.
It is time fans of old things actually start educating kids about why their shit is worse than our shit. And to encourage them to boycott poorly made new things that try to cash in on the name of old stuff in hopes nobody will notice the shittiness of the new things. One way is by scrutinising them properly on social media with side by side comparison so if they enter into the film industry they can rebel against these SJW from within. Thanks to disney Luke Skywalker is a loser. Boys will not buy toys of things they think are not cool. And it is no surprise toy retailers are shutting down because of the failure of star wars movies which traditionally are supposed to excited kids to rush out and buy stuff.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

funny review of ready player one:
Way too harsh on this flick. Since when did old geeks give a shit about whether kid nerds can see violence in movies when these are the tye of people that keep complaining about greedo not being first to shoot in a star wars flick? I think a dungeon and dragons film should be made based on the old 80s tv animated series. But aimed at old people. Stranger Things has brought back a lot of the 80s nostalgia. A cyber demon from a military base breaks loose from the supernatural research facility (think of weaponised CERN) takes over control over the internet and forces people to participate in a MMORPG. Only nerds can save the world by going into the fantasy realm to conquer their demons. Put in a lot of personal stories about nerds overcoming their flaws and working together to beat all their fears and mature into the avatars they wish they could really be. Lord of the Rings meets the matrix. Only the weak/nerdy will survive. The less social life you have in the real world, the better you become in the game.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by K.T.Shoe[BMs] »

Saw Black Panther, Thor Ragnarok and Avengers Infinity Wars recently.

* Thor Rganrok - 6.5 out of 10. Good pop corn movie, but was a bit silly at times... at times Thor doesn't seem all that powerful for a god.

* Black Panther - 8 out of 10. A very good movie... As a super hero, Black Panther actually seems more powerful than Captain America, and is way cooler.

* Avengers Infinity War - 11 out of 10 (that is right, 11 out of 10). This is the mother of all Super Hero movies, it is a must seen (but will help to at least see the first two Avengers movies, Dr Strange, Guardian of the Galaxy 1, and Thor Ragnarok). Can't wait for the next Avengers movie, Ant Man and Captain Marvel.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by guttermouth »

Saw Avengers yesterday......Just Holy shit!!!!!
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

It's got good reviews. Will see that soon. As the stakes for super heroes increase the story gets more interesting.
Thanos is incorrect about overpopulation, though.
To limit population you limit resources, then people adapt to that. (it's called 'living within your means' which is what everyone does subconsciously on a daily basis) You don't have to murder people as a solution. The elites probably see Thanos as a super hero for them. :D If Thanos was real he would be honored guest at the UN and they'd welcome him as a global leader after the NWO is established (ie UN Agenda 21/2030)
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Freddy got Fingered
I was a huge Tom Green fan back in the days, so how on earth did I miss this?????
Holy shit, this movie is the absolute fucking bomb!
I thought I was going to die from laughter.

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Infinity Wars was indeed awesome, but (ending spoilers):
You know they will reverse the ending in the sequel. Loki, Gamora, Heimdall and anyone else who died before the ending might stay dead, but the rest will come back. Especially because we already know there will be sequels to Spiderman, Guardians and Black Panther at the very least. That cheapens it somewhat for me.

I hope we see more of Dr Strange's plan and what he saw in the various timelines for this endgame to be the one where they win.
It was an impressive feat to feature so many characters in a way that didn't feel like Mortal Kombat: Annihilation :lol: Look forward to seeing more of the ones that didn't feature as strongly in this one getting more screentime in the sequel.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by guttermouth »

Twiztid Elf wrote:Freddy got Fingered
I was a huge Tom Green fan back in the days, so how on earth did I miss this?????
Holy shit, this movie is the absolute fucking bomb!
I thought I was going to die from laughter.

LOL. That movie got the worst movie of the year at the raspberries awards, Tom Green turned up to accept his award....True legend.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Cletus »

Oddly, Red Letter Media did a video about it recently. I saw Freddy Got Fingered back in the day and hated it. The RLM video is interesting though.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Busted! That's what made me watch it. :D
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

I thought it was like one of those dumb teenager movies that only tennagers would enjoy, like that shitty Napoleon Dynamite so gave it a miss.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Hercy »

It's a parody of those movies. All those shitty but wildly popular gross out comedy movies of the time (There's Something About Mary, American Pie, etc).
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Gross out movie? Don't you mean like Star Wars The Last Jedi where Luke Skywalker sucks off an alien cow and how Mark Hamil is embarassed to even do interviews with Rian Johnson now because he just doesn't give a shit about fans? Or was that more like softcore porn movie?
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Hercy »

It's more of a wristy if anything.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Avengers IW is proof that if you listen to real comic book fans (not SJW who don't even buy comics or have any investment into the property) you can make a lot of money. Disney Marvel is doing well and Robert Downey Jr nails it when he says the fan input is what helps it. (logical sense because they read comics) Disney Star Wars doing shit because Rian Johnson won't let go of his belief that he can do no wrong. The result? no kid is going to buy any of the merchandise and toys thanks to Star Wars having main protagonists that are
a) angry feminist who hate men.
b) incompetent (eg all the male characters inheriting the Jar Jar Binks stupidity goofy disney sidekick character role.)
James Cameron has also gotten jealous enough of Avengers to comment on it by siding with the annoying SJWs.
Avatar was overrated. His best stuff was in the 80s and 90s when he had to push himself really hard and the fear of failure was enough to cause him to care if the work was good. He knows it. That's why he is scared his movies won't be as critically acclaimed. We'll see if Battle Angel Alita is any good. Personally I think he should do Halo live action flick or a Bubblegum Crisis live action movie not Battle Angel Alita which isn't as popular as BGC. If George Lucas could get old and out of touch, so can Cameron. Remember when Lucas changed Star Wars so that Greedo shoots first and still misses? (all to make Han into a good guy with cleaner image for kids?) Don't think old cameron won't do something equally crap by trying to appease a group that doesn't give a shit about scifi movies or cool things. (because he is old and out of touch with comic book and sci fi nerds that don't want to grow up ever and instead wish they could be as elite as comicbook guy from the simpsons with his knowledge of old shit that nobody cares about outside of tiny community of smelly people)
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

For those who still haven't seen Avengers yet but want to know what SJW stuff is in the movie to know if it is safe for your kids to see:
a list of anti white male stuff before you buy your ticket:
We know from the content of disney movies they are racist (against white people, and black seen in Star Wars where the black man is rejected by the british white girl when he flirts with her and she rejects his protection and has a relationship with the marilyn manson character with long face and temper tantrums) and sexist.

This information might be worth taking in if you plan to boycott the company's products. What it shows is intolerance for people of different races and sex and highlights why corporations that work for the illuminati are evil. (using your money to brainwash society over a long period of time to foment hatred between groups)

For those who aren't aware the comic industry is going through culture war where SJW writers are trying to ruin as many properties as they can to get children to hate their homeland and values: (you'll start to see more marxist stuff in future movies and pop culture as part of the plan to brainwash your kids to turn against the western culture specifically to make masculinity a bad thing and encourage racism against white people. This need to create hatred between groups is a common tactic of the communist to hold back sucessful people to prove that "everyone is equal" even if it's all artificially created.
the goal is to make west more like what china used to be and make other nations more like america from the past. This will allow the illuminati to create global socialist dictatorship where there are no borders. The only resistence are patriotic people which is why they hate captain america so much. :D (he represents the white man who saves everyone. Feminists can't deal with this which is why even black people who are male are also demonised especially if they are not on board with SJW agenda. Black guys need to unite with white guys who are anti-SJW to fight the cultural marxists and the NWO which needs the useful idiots as enforcers of their devious plans)
The reason they hate patriots so much is because these guys are exposing a lot of the pedophile rings of the leaders who are being blackmailed into obeying the illuminati and working towards enslaving people. Right now it seems they are targeting "Incels" (involuntary celibates) in the media (a term that seems very underground before media talked about it) because the 4chan community is where a lot of the nerdy autistic types hang out and help to expose the evil stuff of these leaders engaged in human trafficking. By painting incels as terrorists they probably think weeaboo are going to be too scared.

It's just like in the movie Taken. The political leaders are the bad guys because they fell into the honey trap and now are being blackmailed to work for the jewsh satanists (not the religious Torah jews that obey the ten commandments but the ones that turned thier back on God and became athiest or occultists) who want to bring down thier God by trying to fulfill prophecy. (instead of letting God decide when its ok to do things, they want to boss God around. Basically the reversal of slave-master relationship. )
The bible refers to the bad jews as the Synagogue of Satan. Just like you have evil version of He-Man, (Fakor) evil Superman, Black Goku, etc there are evil jews mixed in with the good ones. The bad jews love it when white supremcists attack jews because it usually means the religious ones are persecuted and these are the ones God wants to protect, not the evil people. The good ones will have to flee from the bad ones at some point. The reason the jews are being punished (and punishment is a good thing for religious people because it is a correcting of behavior towards becoming clean of sin) by God is to help them learn humility. (jews set themselves aside as more special than others but broke their own ten commandments in the old testament making themselves hypocrites and show the world that the God they served might actually be evil if they were the ones representing him on earth. God is not going to allow unclean to represent him so that is why a savior was needed as man's High Priest to represent us in Heaven ie Jesus. IF the hebrews had kept themselves pure maybe Jesus would not have had to raise up non-jews to preach the Word to others and then no punishment would be needed? But for now it's necessary to hold them back from Heaven until the time comes when Satan puts his boy in the temple and announces himself as higher than God which will probably include putting a molech statue or something in the temple - which is warning to get the fuck out of the place!)

There is a fear amoung the tin foiler that maybe Trump has been persuaded by them and turned against the people which will mean bad stuff to nations that still haven't been conquered by these paedophile satanic cults yet. Does Trump know about occult groups?
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