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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Saw infinity war a few days ago and was very impressed with the level of action, deaths and the villain finally getting enough time to make him matter in a superhero movie.
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I actually was happy for Dr Strange to die because anyone with as much wisdom and ability as him to me makes the story less interesting since he is a overpowered character in terms of the things he can do in a superhero movie. Don't get me wrong I liked his movie and I like the character but unlike characters from the x-men or avengers it is not easy to guage how much danger he really is in whenever there is a fight scene. This was a problem of the old comics and one of the reasons why limitations make characters more interesting if the audience knows them and can see it. I talked about this a lot in my criticism of the new star wars movies where you never feel the protagonist could ever feel threatened by danger so therefore the audience has no reason to watch them do anything because it's not considered special or risky to that overpowered person to do. It's just another boring task for them to do that day so they appear in some ways to be the bad guy any time there is a fight against them by opposition.
It seems to me they also got just the right amount of humour within the movie without spoiling the movie. Characters are in danger but can make fun of each other now and again but not overdo it which can be distracting.
Shit DC movie needs to be more like this shit.
And it was cool seeing hulk for once getting his but handed to him by someone stronger. Perhaps he just wasn't angry enough to be able to put his heart into the fighting because at the end of the day we all know monsters are generally evil so he doesn't see any point to fighting other monsters. In fact Thanos should recruit Hulk. Earth doesn't want him. They just exploit him like Optimus Prime does with Grimlock anytime they need a favour but are rude and never bow down in his presence. He is king of monsters and deserves some love and appreciation for being strong. Banner is a manipulative cunt who just uses Hulk hehe. Not appearing whenever Banner called on his help is in fact a realistic character response. Also gave us a chance to see banner get off his arse in hulk buster armour and solve problems on his own for once.

I think I might watch it again just to see what stuff I may have missed the first time watching. So much happens in it. The pacing of the movie was lightning quick. Saw this in one of the bigger screen theatres. Deserves all the praise it is getting. And you do give a shit when people are struggling for survival in this because they have built them up and fleshed out the stories enough that you have some emotional investment. A big problem of modern movies is characters are not growing or going on journey to experience stuff that affects how they act in future and what they decide to do compared to when they began that journey - audience likes to see characters transform over time as if they are growing up alongside their heroes who they look up to. Much like soap opera. The cartoon versions of these characters belong on the tv animation where they can focus on being cool, but the realistic ones belong on the big screen where actors have chance to make the 2d character into 3d people you could imagine exist for real. A person who does not like or even read comics should still be able to enjoy watching the movie for drama or the story itself without caring what genre the film is. This is how you attract non-nerdy people to superhero stories by giving them something you just can't get on the animation or comic. And if they fail to act in the correct way you let them fail and show consequences for bad decisions which lets people see the character grow from the mistakes of the past and become better people as the story progresses.

Most people who get good at anything had to fail a lot to get good. Then being good, they could do even bigger and more risky tasks until they can say they did all the things they set out to achieve and the story can end there. And then if you want you introduce even tougher opponents in sequels to make us care about them again because of increased danger/opposition - often old comics would use this trick by having the hero on the front cover being beaten up badly by the bad guy to get your interest to buy the comic. Same thing applies to film too. I refer to it as "Doom management" where there is just the right amount of fear of the hero dying but you can give plausible opportuniy for them to escape the danger to keep the reader/audience at the edge of the seat. But too many movie have weak villain so there isn't enough fear of failure so people lose interest. Bad guy needs to be given time to develop and have achieved enough of his goals for us to worry he might actually win! And then when they make a mistake and do get beaten, the good guys look more badass for having survived against them and turned it around. But it has to be like there was an element of luck and not just skill in the win for it to be considered a very risky operation for us to care what happen during the story. Without some element of risk of losing something, it's not interesting fight because they are super heroes so you got to make tougher super villains for the hero to seem normal to us again.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Wow I never thought of this but Rian Johnson had a plan all along to destroy Star Wars and he succeeded (what a dick :lol: Mark Hamill should just punch this guy in the face in front of a crowd while laughing manically like the joker. They would clap and cheer him on for destroying their movies hehe ):
maybe future movies will start to make more sense now because the films were never meant to appease fans but to make people angry for the reptilians who feed on hate emotions.
I guess there are just some people in this world who just want to see the world burn like the joker in The Dark Knight so they go in with a plan on how to destroy things not help things.

I probably won't see soylo because it has too much of the SJW stuff in it. But I feel like it will still make enough to justify them to keep making more SW crap to milk the name. It reminds me of when the hobbit movies came out and they were crap because they had to be rushed. When you make so many films at once you compromise on the quality. I think that is also DC movies problem: they rushing it too much and not building it up slowly to make the universe appealing to people. World building is important now. (and star wars TLJ didn't stick to its own universe's rules/lore enough to convince the hard core fanatics who love SW to actually respect it which explains why Robert Downey Jr attributes a lot of the success of marvel films to the creators listening to fans and taking this feedback seriously)

Deadpool 2 will be my next comic movie. Out in theatres now and getting good reviews. Didn't like the comic character but liked the first film.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by stanard »

Just saw the 70mm film version of 2001 for its 50th anniversary. Complete with an organ player before the movie and an intermission. Pretty amazing to actually see it on the big screen. Was my wife's first ever viewing too so pretty jealous she got to see it like that!
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Soylo movie reviews are finally out: (dude on the right looks like he is cosplaying one of the cult members in Far Cry 5 LOL)
It's official the only thing that can save star wars is a Boba Fett story where he hunts down space aliens that are dangerous to the people who use his skills. He was the coolest action figure (sort of like Batman or Iron Man because of his reliance on tech and gadgets and cunning not on magic) and all of Han Solo's interesting stuff happened in the OT when he turned from villain into a hero. Nothing left to tell.

With Baba Fett he is like Han but isn't just good at shooting. He can fly in the air, throw shit to blind you so he can escape, has cool vehicles that can catch other people to kill them or capture them. We grew up with him as a kid in prequel trilogy when his dad dies and can feel sorry for him enough to care about whether he will survive without a father. So much stuff they can do with it. They can treat the Baba Fett franchise like an issue of Conan the Barbarian (ie people use him to go kill wizards much like conan) where he does jobs for both bad and good people to make money. It's all about gun fights, killing lots of bad guys trying to compete with him for the money (but he is faster than them and gets the reward money by killing his rivals to stop them getting the reward money)

Han has nothing left to tell. All he did was run run run like a little bitch just like he almost ran away in episode 4 when Luke was hoping he was going to stay for the big fight but only changed his mind at the last second which shows his selfishness. Baba on the other hand experience loss so he is fucked if he doesn't do bad shit sometimes to survive. And he is self reliant and doesn't need space magick, religion, or a team of people to get things done. (han relies on Chewie who is the proto Furry character) He is better than his dad Jango.
And he is just cool. If the story sucks at least the toys probably won't.

Cobra Kai shows you can make good stories with old stuff if you flesh out characters and add good writing. This approach could be applied to Baba Fett where he is in debt most of the time, has to do very dangerous stuff and gets by only on skill and some luck. Every dangerous job is an opportunity to make big money and enhance himself a little bit at a time as he learns from his mistakes to grow stronger with each episode and turn into the bad ass we see in the OT. Is he good or bad? Nobody cares. (the force probably uses him too) How did he survive so long without a dad and why did the bad guys use his dad to make the clones? Is he the Solid Snake or Naked Snake of Star Wars? Copy Cobra Kai. Do not make a popcorn flick, instead tell a story about harsh upbringing and survival in a corrupted world where everyone (the dirty people of the star wars universe we don't get to see much of from the movie) is out to break the law if they think they can get away with it now that they see how evil and corrupt people run the galaxy at the highest level of power and do not fear immoral activity due to decaying justice system.

The first movie is hunting space wizards for religious nuts who are against use of magic, (the theme is "trust in tech and blasters more than mysticism")
the second movie is killing rivals who see him as the competition/threat to their income and he goes jason bourne on their asses after a failed assassination attempt, (he finds out they were once friends of his behind the scenes, and he kills them execution style)
and the third movie is about seeking revenge on remnant jedi for kiling his dad which is an emotional thing and based on traumatic experiences. (he fails of course, narrowly escaping an attempt to capture him but it changes him and he learns to respect them as powerful opponents whose ability he underestimates due to not trusting in logical thinking and tactical consideration in his battle but being blinded by the emotion and hatred when in fact that death is what made him the badass he is today, so maybe he should thank the jedi for killing his dad which made him aware enough to not be careless around them? He knows his limits now! Only do jobs if the pay is worth it and stop being a cry baby or bad loser: warriors must respect other warrior even if they personally don't like them)

The third movie would be the counterpoint to the first one which is his over-reliance on tools more than skill and discipline that the jedi have which bests him in battles. (making him appear like a weak pussy to the untrained eyes but reality is he can't prepare for something he knows little about which makes him now stronger after his loss: he comes to terms with the limits of his fancy toys to keep surviving to fight them another day which gives him enough money to upgrade his toys more and gain more respect as a "can do" person amoung elite bad guys who unlike him, didn't survive without a dad to guide them. Baba is not stupid because he doesn't fight and want to die in honorable way like a samurai warrior sacrificing himself for others. Others couldnt give a fuck about him. He would rather live and that's what allowed him to get this far by not letting others betray him or jedi mind trick him into being a white knight and dying on a battlefield believing they are serving a righteous cause when in reality the sith is manipulating them. This would be the movie that the Social Justice Warrior crowd would hate and proper fans of star wars can get into.

All they would have to do is not let feminist control the property. Soy boys and cucks have enough of their own stuff. Give us back true masculine characters with testosterone and spine.

anti SJW scenes from cobra kai (demonstration of the SJW character giving virtue signaliing speech. Why can't Star Wars have more humour like this?)
Could Cobra Kai save gen Z? The messages in it might be the weapon to fight feminists who have hijacked males spaces:
Last edited by GameHED on 01 Jun 2018 06:29 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Cletus »

boba fett was a shit character who died way too easily. he wasn't a badass. he was just a meal.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

But the clone cartoons show how cool the soldiers* were as mind controlled killing machines. He is wolverine with a gun and a jetpack. Lot of potential to make from him a great standalone videogame series and toyline based around him. IronMan is popular and it's the closest Star Wars universe has to Iron Man. His genes make him a super soldier and I don't know about you, but aside from Darth Vader I don't really respect many other bad guys in the old trilogy to want to see a side story. (the imperial guards look pretty cool though)

*they succeeded in killing a whole lot of the jedi in prequel trilogy days so only Yoda can brag about them being a pussy. I bet Yoda has nightmares of Boba clones when he naps at night because he is worried they will come for him if he sticks his head out of the hiding hole.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Soylo loses disney money:
This is what happens when you piss the neckbeards off too much. Rogue One was good. More of that type of stuff is what fans want.
You got to remember what was it that made kids excited about old trilogy star wars. Take that ingredient, place that shit in a Boba Fett side story and focus on character driven film where it's like the Batman Begins series of Batman movies where you learn more about the criminal activity that goes on in the galaxy that makes dangerous people like Greedo have to be shot first and not after. Don't let feminist types ruin it, instead let them have their own damn show where you can have an all-girl bounty hunter movie with no men in it that has nothing to do with Boba Fett. Kind of like Ghostbuster 2016. This way when people don't see that one, and then go see Boba Fett, the men can still keep disney star wars property alive while ignoring SJW movies which should only be made for the SJW crowd. We can ALL win here. But they would rather sink the whole boat and let us die with them if they die as it sinks. What we can do is save them (the fake fans who need jobs working for disney) without us (the real fans) dying off. (the good movies earn enough to allow SJWs to have their crap movies which don't makes sense)

If disney listened to the REAL fans, then they would have enough money for the fake fans to get their movies about characters that aren't real and aren't star wars but have star wars in the title for them to feel like they are making star wars. (but reality is to us it's not canon to the story to US. It can be story canon to THEM but we just pretend those events in fake star wars movies aimed at SJWs never actually happened to get our version of the universe, much like how we can ignore the christmas special. In other words each fan has their own head canon)

Disney and its SJW crew can insult the fans all they want but we know when something is shit. Take advice from Robert Downey Jr. He mentions the success of marvel franchise is feedback from the neckbeard comic fanatics who actually READ comics and know what they are on about and this has allowed the cinenmatic universe to do so well. (DC having a hard time competing with them right now on this front and disney marvel is raking in all this $ thanks to them)
The solution to saving star wars: put Dave Filoni in creative control
Do a poll on the internet:
Who should be in charge post-Solo movie? Kathleen Kennedy or Dave Filoni
Then whoever wins the most votes get control.

Then For the next star wars movie start with Luke Skywalker waking up from a nightmare and say: "phew that was a bad dream. Leia flying in space, Yoda summoning lightning from the sky (only the bad guys get force lightning), and I was a whiny loser" and continue with the title episode VII: Empire in Alternate Dimension which explains that the last two sagas were in a galaxy far far away just like this one but from other reality and Luke had seen what had befallen the people in that world while meditating.

This saga entertains the idea that the Force isn't with the people in those dimensions and opens the possibility of knights with no force powers and the rift between non-force wielding knights who tap into a foreign power and ones who are force wielders and the coming battle between the two types of Jedi Knight in future. People will argue about what it means to be a Jedi Knight in post-empire times when things are now peaceful. And it basically makes out that Jedi are too dangerous in peacetime. This then sets up the idea that Knights no longer need to use traditional lightsabers and everyone is disarmed. But the neo jedi are lacking in basic morals and now hunt down real jedi because they are rivals to their order. Neither side is necessarily wrong, it's just struggle between anti gun (anti light saber) group and traditionalist who believe in not trusting in politicians who are sneaky.

So now the Jedi have had to go underground and teach in secrecy only. But these alternate dimensions exist and people start appearing in this galaxy from doorways opened from the chaos in the other dimension. Basically the foreign force choose people to have gift and that individual does not need to learn how to use it. This is the counterfeit Force not spoken of in the various scrolls and history books because it is a power that will inevitably be abused by the wielder of the power. It's neither dark nor light but a different force altogether which corrupts the people using it because it steals energy from other universes. It's isn't about balance: it is about leeching energy not merely using it for good or evil. Users of this power eventually cause other around them to lose their own powers over time. This explains why jedi are appearing that have no force powers because the energy was robbed from them without them knowing this.

In his dream, Luke sees himself as someone who has cut himself off from the Force but the reality is Rey stole this energy from him but the dream is symbolic: when you posess too much power others that are attracted to this power will come to you to feed off of it and you should avoid building it up but rather masking it and learning how to hide it, not cut off the power. The foreign Force is a stealer of energy. And to combat this Jedi will have to fight only using skill against these sorceror type jedi from other dimensions. (basically it's warrior vs mage/wizard story - jedi team up with sith to figure out a way to prevent these foreign Force wielders from becoming too powerful by uniting temporarily for mutual benefit. Think of it like the matrix when humans are used as batteries but it's the jedi and sith that are powering the matrix this time and they need to seal up the doorways that link the two dimensions to prevent the space demons stealing their energy from them) To be a defender against foreign Force wielder, you must learn to power down so to speak to go into stealth mode. That's the lesson of the movie and how the Jedi overcame the alternate dimension wielders of the foreign Force. Without encountering them, the Jedi would not have learned how to avoid being a blip on the radar and attract bad people to them. (energy vampires which sniff out power to collect it from others) What the story is really about is when SJW invade the male spaces and take fun out of their entertainment and drain energy/money from it when they take possession of it.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

Blade Runner 2049

Not really sure what to think, seemed pretty slow, despite starting well. I did like the setting, but it started to drag, especially as I knew Decker was going to appear and wondering when. Was good to see they kept the same corporations in there in regards to advertising such as Pan Am and Atari. I'll have to watch it again on my own and see if it holds up or is better on a second viewing.

No score.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Over the last few days I've watched these.

Final Destination
Final Destination 2
Final Destination 3
The Final Destination (Final Destination 4)
Final Destination 5

They are fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed all of them.

3 was easily the least good. It just felt a bit uninspired, not as creative as the others, and the editing on the death scenes was too fast and choppy.
I give them all a solid 8, except for FD3 which gets a 7.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

Was #4 the one with the collapsing escalator? I haven't seen all of 5, I think that's the one that starts on the bridge? I remember 1&2 well and then I'm confused which one starts with Nascar and Rollercoaster.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Deef »


Tl;dr - Avoid.

Saw the trailer and thought: fight scenes look really cool, probably just saw the best part of the movie, probably just watched half its story.

And yep, pretty much.
Plus a little worse than expected.
Plus a scene of randomly overdone gore.

Start with the first 30-40 minutes being a complete write off, since you just sit there waiting for what you already know. It's easiest to blame the trailer, but maybe it's just the dull script and characters, or maybe it's just crappy pacing decisions. Whatever, first 30-40 mins are boring.

Then things get going and ok yeah, the fights are cool. I thought so anyway; I really enjoyed the choreography that really expressed CPU-esque efficiency. Super-fast reactions weren't prettied up, they were simply dominating, over-powered, and with refreshingly zero fanfare. I haven't really seen that kind of fighting elsewhere and it really floated my boat. It's a shame that there isn't that much of it, and what there is honestly doesn't vary all that much either. Perhaps they made a mistake of blowing their load in these fight scenes too early; ie, there isn't much evolution beyond the very first fight, and even then you'd already seen it in the trailer.

Fights aside, soon I noticed things starting to drag a bit. Definitely getting bored. And then the chase scene... the world's least dramatic chase scene. I turned to the person next to me to confirm it wasn't just me. Confirmed. You sit there wondering if something's going to happen. Something does happen, and that thankfully ends it so we can move on.

And the final big downfall was the ending. It was just too dull a cliche; too pseudo-thought-provoking.

I think I also have a little personal distaste in where the story went with its internal-AI concept.

That's about it.
4/10. Watch the trailers and you're done.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by guttermouth »

Just got back from seeing Upgrade, didn't see any trailers so didn't know what to expect. All I knew about it was that it was made by the Saw dude Leigh Whannell and filmed in Melbourne. I'm the complete opposite to Deef and I enjoyed it. Thought it was a pretty damn good and enjoyable movie. Have to agree with you on the chase scene, it was pretty shitty.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

Saw Deadpool 2 yesterday, had to hunt around for a cinema that was still showing it. It almost seems like cinematic runs are just too short while they flood multiplexes with multiple screenings of the latest film. Even Solo has finished in most cinemas around here.

Anyway, thoroughly enjoyed DP2, even on my own I laughed out loud a couple of time. Not sure how I felt about that kiwi kid in it, always find it hard to take that accent seriously in big budget movies. The drop in scene with X-Force was gold, love that Lucky chick too, whatever her name is, not overly familiar with the Marvel and DC universe outside of the main characters.

8 pedophile jokes out of 10
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

Saw Jurassic World 2 yesterday. Firstly I havent been to a Hoyts in years but their chairs just in noemal cinema were so damn comfy compared to my normal one I might have to use them again.

The movie went for 2 hours but it was veey fast paced, bit like a Furious movie so no parts dragged which I think made it feel fresh. As a Jurassic Park lover I do no have an unbiased impression but I think it is setup for a sixth and final one to cap it all off nicely. How or what that movie does to handle the end of this one I do not have a clue what they are going to do.

The IT guy in it was on point, I like to think if I went there I would be like Owen (Chris Pratt) but in reality I know I would be just like the IT nerd so I enjoyed his character.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Cletus »

Isle of Dogs

It's the latest Wes Anderson stop-motion filum. I enjoyed it although there's quite a bit of Japanese dialogue and text which is not translated due to artistic choices. It's still easy to follow. Probably my least favourite Wes Anderson film.

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Mavy »

I enjoyed the shit out of Ant-Man and the Wasp. They really need to do more like this ie. Different genres with comic book characters. Funnier than Thor Ragnarok though different kind of humour.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

Froggy wrote:Saw Jurassic World 2 yesterday. Firstly I havent been to a Hoyts in years but their chairs just in noemal cinema were so damn comfy compared to my normal one I might have to use them again.

The movie went for 2 hours but it was veey fast paced, bit like a Furious movie so no parts dragged which I think made it feel fresh. As a Jurassic Park lover I do no have an unbiased impression but I think it is setup for a sixth and final one to cap it all off nicely. How or what that movie does to handle the end of this one I do not have a clue what they are going to do.

The IT guy in it was on point, I like to think if I went there I would be like Owen (Chris Pratt) but in reality I know I would be just like the IT nerd so I enjoyed his character.
Saw it today, thought it was shit and dragged on in fact, I'd say it was the worst of the 5 movies. Only the volcanic eruption and rampaging dinosaurs saved it.

I'd give it 5.5 tooth extractions out of 10
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Froggy »

So I watched The Snowman last night, knowing beforehand I was going into a shitfest so I wasn't sure how bad it could be, boy it beat my expecations. At one point I thought it was like some sort of dark comedy but apparently it isn't but boy is this a terrible movie. It's completely incoherent, no character development and just an absolute turd of a movie but I found it actually quite funny laughing at the implausible snowmen looking straight out of a comedy movie and everyone in Oslo being British.

1/10 but if you can't help yourself and have to watch crap movies then give it a whirl.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

28 weeks later.
Fucking hell. This has to be one of the worst films I've ever seen.
I don't even know where to begin with how fucking stupid and shit it is.
What a stinker.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Cletus »

Agreed. It was terrible, considering how good the first movie was.

Deadpool 2

Probably as good as Deadpool. Great movies.

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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by t0mby »

Deadpool 2 was awesome. Those pedophile jokes came out of nowhere too and got a lot of laughs in the audience. Fuck PG13 movies.
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by GameHED »

Took their time but it's finally finished:
Plinkett review of Star Wars the Last Jedi:
Toys r us is dead thanks to star wars TLJ making fans angry.

Star Wars could have kept toy sales alive. Will have to redo the entire episode as an anime. Then make a Square enix game based on it.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Twiztid Elf
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by Twiztid Elf »

The Meg.
Another trash film.
Stupid, stupid film.
I think it'll be a while before I can go to the movies again.
The Arstechnica review seems to hit most of the issues I had with it. ... ider-boat/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Movies you've seen lately.

Post by unfnknblvbl »

The Predator

I had no idea what was going on for a good chunk of it, with the character building and all, but it was satisfyingly gory. I'm not sure how I like them foreshadowing sequels though. I mean, I like the franchise, but I fucking hate it when sequels are planned in advance.

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