Mad loot box bro

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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by Hercy »

F for Fake wrote:God, can't anyone write an article anymore? No, it's gotta be on be youtube -_-
Anyway, in defense of Destiny 2.
1. "Bright" engrams only contain cosmetic items, so who gives a shit.
2. You get SHOWERED with gear anyway. I've never even used a mod (cosmetic or otherwise) as I know I'll get some new gear in 15 mins or so. I've got so much gear to choose from, and I've never even bought anything from the shop (in game currency or real world) or even done grindy missions for XP/moneys.
3. The game is so damn easy I don't even know why they have levels or XP. It's not like i could go do a mission that was I wasn't a high enough level for and actually have some challenging gameplay. The only level restriction I think is at level 16 (out of 20) which unlocks the raids. 2, raids -_-. And 1 of them is stupidly easy anyway.
I get the feeling that most loot crate criticism comes from people who haven't played the games in question and repeat second hand info. For instance, I've seen multiple online criticisms of the Forza 7 loot crates which contain at least one of these falsehoods:
- you can use real money to buy the crates
- the mods you get from crates can change a day/dry race into a rain/night race
- the mods you get from crates alter the performance of your cars
- the main way to get cars is from loot crates
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

An FAQ needs to be written up in question and answer form for those late to the party to explain differences between the gameplay-affecting versions of lootboxes which cost money that involve mere chance of getting what you wish ... vs ... the loot box in games which do not affect game design to be changed around only making the greedy company profits.

The profit-motivated ones which affect the game design to make you want to pay your way past boring stuff (Battlefront II) are the ones that people are afraid/angry/boycotting, not the overwatch ones which many just blame because it's a popular game that popularised the idea to have them in games.

This way the good companies that have lootboxes in them that don't make the design shit for the beancounters, don't get used as a shield by the bad companies that know they can shift the blame to the other companies in hopes it won't hurt their share value.

If a full price game has F2P bullshit in it and feels like a store to cheat your way to victory, then it's immoral by most people's standards. But the problem is kids are young and don't read. They are unaware of the poor value they get when they pester mum and dad to pay for their in-game virtual currency to obtain power boost over others. Little kids haven't developed a sense of right and wrong yet. And that's who the greedy company is targeting, not people who can think for themselves and cynical enough to stay away from these games. The parents are just as clueless as kids and probably don't check what is being bought and this allows the company to prey on the weakness. Videogames are no longer the exclusive domain of the cynical neckbeard as seen in the Simpsons in the form of Comic Book Guy. The new gamers are children with Xboxes and playstations who don't care about value because their parents are paying for it all and are not aware of how they are getting ripped off. (and how pointless playing a multiplayer competitive game is where people can just kill them with cheats turned on. Rich guy gets to play in God mode while poor guy is made into a bitch? That's the future of competitive gaming.)

It's all about comunication. Notice how sneaky they are? Only saying sorry after getting caught red-handed? They wouldn't do that if you didn't notice that you were getting ripped off. The profits are always more tempting to them than the need to maintain high customer satisfaction. Unless the fear of being boycotted by the masses outweighs the greed of making huge profits from scamming the honest player who just want to play a fair game amoungst themselves and where skill determines who wins. So it's important to wake people up.

We also need to watch out for the internet being ruined by the greedy corporations which will make it more expensive to do things on it, by fighting for net neutrality.
Poor guys are going to be reamed in the future. Games getting expensive, internet getting expensive. Less single player titles. Kids who don't know they are getting walet raped thinking it's normal to be raped and giving EA more power which will cause the hobby to suck. So many things to watch out for. Pirates need to be ready to challenge the greedy guys who use spyware in software to figure out what players haven't bought DLC and deliberately matching them up with players that have bought all the DLC and pay-to-win cheats. If companies pay off the government to turn a blind eye to the proble, that wil be last resort. Just remove the always online and spyware stuff from games.
Last edited by GameHED on 29 Nov 2017 04:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by lestat »

Hercy wrote:
F for Fake wrote:God, can't anyone write an article anymore? No, it's gotta be on be youtube -_-
Anyway, in defense of Destiny 2.
1. "Bright" engrams only contain cosmetic items, so who gives a shit.
2. You get SHOWERED with gear anyway. I've never even used a mod (cosmetic or otherwise) as I know I'll get some new gear in 15 mins or so. I've got so much gear to choose from, and I've never even bought anything from the shop (in game currency or real world) or even done grindy missions for XP/moneys.
3. The game is so damn easy I don't even know why they have levels or XP. It's not like i could go do a mission that was I wasn't a high enough level for and actually have some challenging gameplay. The only level restriction I think is at level 16 (out of 20) which unlocks the raids. 2, raids -_-. And 1 of them is stupidly easy anyway.
I get the feeling that most loot crate criticism comes from people who haven't played the games in question and repeat second hand info. For instance, I've seen multiple online criticisms of the Forza 7 loot crates which contain at least one of these falsehoods:
- you can use real money to buy the crates
- the mods you get from crates can change a day/dry race into a rain/night race
- the mods you get from crates alter the performance of your cars
- the main way to get cars is from loot crates
The point of including these loot crates is to condition the player into accepting it. They then slowly make earning items more difficult and watch as people crack and buy them.

They have analytics in the game and see player engagement, I implore people to not use them even if they don't cost real money.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

It's called normalisation or boiling frog technique." onclick=";return false; ... lcy%20bias" onclick=";return false;

-Our generation had the cheat codes which were free.
-The next generation will have to pay for it as it becomes standard in all games.
-The next one after that will probably buy the cheat codes in bulk and the power boost works on a timer like a subscription service. Your power goes back to normal if you don't keep paying to keep it. EG blizzard shut down legacy pirate WoW servers just so they can re-charge you for the experience of playing vanilla WoW again by launching paid edition. LOL :lol:

So what they do is a gradual introduction of it and observe the reactions. If we react violently they pause (but don't get rid of the anti-consumer practice) If our reaction is that we don't notice it or don't care they can move it up a level in intensity.
But the long term plan is probably to keep it there to make it 'normal for all companies to have it' so that when you complain about it the generation after you says 'so what? that's always been there! what are you whining about?' ... because they are too young to have known any better times before they were born.

This is the boiling frog technique of slowly turning up the temperature so the frog doesn't immediately jump out of the water. Gradually turning up the temperature a little bit each time allows them to slowly get their foot in the door in the hopes you don't notice what they are doing,.

How do you defeat the boiling frog technbique? You got to first expose all the anti-consumer shit to friends and family and warn them about it. This creates a critical mass. You then boycott buying the stupid games that put it in there. This then drops the share value of the companies that like to rip you off. And then you reward any companies that avoid being anti-consumer in order to demonstrate to the other companies which ones you WANT to suceed. (eg CDPR which is still making the single player games and giving good value for money compared to other companies)

When bethesda got criticised for horse armour, they explained a lot of people were still buying it despite all the criticisms and this showed that companies will do what profits them to stay alive in the industry. What you have to do is boycott the stuff by withholding the money. And only buy the good stuff so that the bad stuff fails commercially.
If you WERE the company and you wanted to make the most money it is what you would do. So this isn't so much about morals, but more about you as victim of the scam maintaining some self control. After all, can you blame a business for doing what makes it the most money? No that is its purpose and the workers have mouths to feed and bills to pay.

What you as the consumer must do is encourage them to make money while not creating junk products so that they maintain high quality and value WHILE profiting. That's your best interest as a buyer. (because you want them to live long enough to be able to service you i nfuture with things if you like them right?) But since they are sneaky, it takes cynics to point out the bad design decisions not children. Kids don't pay for their games. Their parents do.
If kids don't care about value why should the business that sells the junk if it works to make them money? The fool who bought the junk isn't really being ripped off or scammed because the fool is too dumb to know if anything better existed before to even be able to complain that they don't want that junk. (to them junk is normal level of quality, while junk is junk to people who seen better deals in the past)

So this is why they will go with a boiling frog strategy. (ie hope people are too dumb to notice, and sneak this stuff in by not mentioning when they are fiddling with the numbers like market manipulators do to rob people of their wealth) Just exploit ignorance so that eventually people get sick of talking about the topic and give up. When the hardcore gamers are no longer needed because they only make up a tiny slice of the profits, the greedy companies can then keep quality and value low while prices for the product or service high without anyone complaining that it's bad service since the masses of new consumer zombies are USED to that level of quality for years and don't see it as low quality anymore. After all, if everything you experienced was low quality since your birth, and your environment is full of bad deals, an ok deal must seem like a bargain. What greedy companies want is a marekt full of low quality but high priced product to maximise profits while being able to take shortcuts without anyone noticing the water down quality. To do that requires diluting the content a little bit each time a new game comes out so people don't notice. By the time they do, it's become 'normal', so complaininig about it is considered being whiny and entitled to the masses around you who don't notice anything getting worse, because of a nomalcy bias. (kids and their parents who spoiled them with so much money that they don't care how expensive the game is in total or how bad a deal is) In fact instead of attacking the greedy corporation they may even defend them (if they are shareholder) or just out of fanboyish passion which comes from emotional bond to the faceless corporation. Think of it like Stockholm syndrome or battered wife syndrome by the victim of wallet rape who feels sympathy for the abuser. (ie pretty much any destiny fan when you explain to them that Warframe is superior :P )
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by unfnknblvbl »

GeneraL CyberFunK wrote:I want them to suffer.
Me too. They've gotten incredibly lazy and complacent. They rely on only a small handful of annularised franchises that everybody is sick to death of, while ignoring their vast back-catalogue that gamers would go nuts for.
  • Road Rash
  • Skitchin
  • Strike
  • Theme Park
  • Theme Hospital
  • Dungeon Keeper
  • Andretti Racing
  • Boulder Dash
  • Ultima
  • Wing Commander
  • Dune
  • Command & Conquer
  • James Pond
I want them to suffer just for not bothering with these franchises (plus many more) anymore, let along this loot crate/MTX nonsense that they're pulling.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

We have reached a point now where it's best to assume they are all shape shifting reptilions just to be on the safe side. The plan to starve them should be the consumer's main strategy still..That is until they repent.

Withold your money. The suits need to feel pain. They won't know if you are serious until you stop buying the pay to win LB. (teach your kids math so they know how much the get reamed.) Unless it's a free to play game then you shouldn't be having to pay for decent game progress speed.
If EA gets away with it, companies like capcom and CDProjekt Red will end up following. Other companies are watching your reaction to lootcrates to see how far they can get away with wallet rape like a little bratty kid who is annoying you to see what you'll do. If you are a pushover they continue more abuse unless you draw the line in the sand and set firm boundaries and enforcing them. (witholding money is the equivalent to spanking the kid)
Last edited by GameHED on 29 Nov 2017 07:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by Rorschach »

Don't forget Syndicate. Even the update was awesome. Still illegal to buy in Australia but managed to get a key off Amazon
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

And mail order monsters.
Would love to see a live action movie based on this game. Sort of like Jurassic Park mixed with Hunger games and G-Gundam.
In the future humans colonise the galaxy and to entertain the aliens, monstr tournaments are held on earth featured captured monster species from other worlds to see which is the most powerful monster.

You'd have reptilian types like in monster hunter, robotic lifeforms like Horizon Zero Dawn (these would be dumb as doornails), hybrid human-monsters (the result of experiments in military labs to create the ultimate bioweapons and super soldiers which went rogue (think wolverine with adamantium bones) mythical beasts from the past which were brought back from extinction (the stuff you see in final fantasy games) and rare creatures nobody thought existed (bigfoot) and horror movie monsters from space that need a host to feed from (xenomorph, the monster in the' john carpenter remake of 'the thing') , and finally 'magick' monsters with elemental powers that were summoned from another dimension and made from the thoughforms of highly advanced beings that converted them from their own minds into reality. (these are made of pure energy. Think of Pyron from Darkstalkers)

The good monsters plot their escape and break their mind control devices to attack man for using them as entertainment. (the hero look like the EVA from evangelion and goes berserk on the scientists)

If EA were smart they could have an ip as big as pokemon but noooo they just make sport sim shit now.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by lestat » ... TSUFC3BETA" onclick=";return false;
UFC 3 looking lootalicious. :D
"Whilst EA Sports UFC 2 featured many similar microtransaction mechanics, it truly feels as though the online competition has reached a new level of inconsequence. Bear in mind that the microtransactions and all systems in effect, are part of a beta test. Despite this, it is equally significant to consider that the release date of February 2nd is looming ever closer, thus, it may be too late for drastic changes to be effectively implemented.

Every single technique, ability, fighter, and stat roll, is entirely acquired and upgraded through the loot box system. A brand-new player fresh out of the tutorials, can dump $1,000 into the game, acquire the rarest loot drops and immediately jump into online competition with a beastly custom fighter that has an exceedingly large health pool, vastly improved endurance, and substantially stronger strikes than the average player who simply pays the $60 price of admission. The higher the rarity of the item, the more significant the improvement overall. Pressing the square button to throw a punch at an opponent, quite literally the simplest and most obvious mechanic in an MMA game, perfectly exemplifies the absurdity of the microtransactions in question. A base level jab will do minimal damage to online opponents, however a fighter that purchases a loot box and acquires a five-star rarity level jab, will not only have a more efficient and powerful technique in combat, but will also be treated to a host of stat increases in all regards, making their player undeniably better in every scenario.

Microtransactions are also the only means of acquiring perks and boosts. Perks are powerful abilities that can be equipped for a small number of fights before expiring. They can range from a low-level stamina improvement during a certain phase, whether that be striking, grappling or ground game, to a significant hit point increase during pivotal health events, wherein your opponent has damaged you enough to potentially end the fight. Boosts on the other hand are similarly temporary enhancements that offer endurance boosts and durability bonuses. It is clear to see that in combination with technique enhancements and overall stat increases, EA has taken every single aspect of genuine competition and buried it."
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

I think I'll play offline games in couch multi from now on....Oh wait, I always preferred that. Fuck the spyware and 'pay to cheat' crap. Everyone should just buy tekken 7 instead. Lol

Literally going to re-buy ultimate marvel vs capcom3 on ps4 right now btw.. $15 only. Love buying real games. (Still saving for MVC Infinite. Too much missing shit for me to buy on launch..KOF14 and DBFighterZ have loads of content day 1)
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by unfnknblvbl »

lestat wrote: ... TSUFC3BETA
UFC 3 looking lootalicious. :D
"Whilst EA Sports UFC 2 featured many similar microtransaction mechanics, it truly feels as though the online competition has reached a new level of inconsequence. Bear in mind that the microtransactions and all systems in effect, are part of a beta test. Despite this, it is equally significant to consider that the release date of February 2nd is looming ever closer, thus, it may be too late for drastic changes to be effectively implemented.

Every single technique, ability, fighter, and stat roll, is entirely acquired and upgraded through the loot box system. A brand-new player fresh out of the tutorials, can dump $1,000 into the game, acquire the rarest loot drops and immediately jump into online competition with a beastly custom fighter that has an exceedingly large health pool, vastly improved endurance, and substantially stronger strikes than the average player who simply pays the $60 price of admission. The higher the rarity of the item, the more significant the improvement overall. Pressing the square button to throw a punch at an opponent, quite literally the simplest and most obvious mechanic in an MMA game, perfectly exemplifies the absurdity of the microtransactions in question. A base level jab will do minimal damage to online opponents, however a fighter that purchases a loot box and acquires a five-star rarity level jab, will not only have a more efficient and powerful technique in combat, but will also be treated to a host of stat increases in all regards, making their player undeniably better in every scenario.

Microtransactions are also the only means of acquiring perks and boosts. Perks are powerful abilities that can be equipped for a small number of fights before expiring. They can range from a low-level stamina improvement during a certain phase, whether that be striking, grappling or ground game, to a significant hit point increase during pivotal health events, wherein your opponent has damaged you enough to potentially end the fight. Boosts on the other hand are similarly temporary enhancements that offer endurance boosts and durability bonuses. It is clear to see that in combination with technique enhancements and overall stat increases, EA has taken every single aspect of genuine competition and buried it."
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

Jim Sterling is back to hating nintendo again:
And people think game industry isn't doomed._.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

Scary stuff:
Game as a service is here to stay. Single player games are doomed.

Indie companies will save us. The next generation of gamer is doomed. Notice how there are no plans for GTA sequels because GTA5 Online is the big money maker? Just like megaman dying off the old way of making money from games is dead.
Will avoid triple A gaming from now on.(except nintendo games and CDPR stuff)
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

I don't agree with this but worth chucking in here:
Cosmetics don't affect the balance of a game so to me it's fine. If they give you new unlockable characters which are free I am ok with this. Let the hipster buy stupid horsey armour shit. Just don't cripple my performance because I didn't buy my way to victory. He is being extreme now. If you want to look different, you should pay extra to be cooler than others. If you want power, you got to earn it otherwise poor guys will never be incentivised to bother even playing.

The ideal is to just make everything unlockable with no need to pay. But companies will never go back to something that makes them less money once asking for money to buy skins has been normalised which it has already..Nobody forces you to buy skins, so you can ignore that. But power boosts can't be ignored because it ruins balance. Games are games. Not paintings. The fun is the stuff you can do in them, not showing off or getting attention for how well dressd you can be.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

I played through the Battlefront 2 campaign and enjoyed it quite a bit.
Seeing the Death Star blow up while on the ground on Endor as an Imperial was pretty cool, as was seeing the Starkiller Base beam shooting across the galaxy from another perspective, and securing the plans to the First Order Dreadnaught Poe takes out at the start of The Last Jedi linked things up nicely too. I hope we get more single player content.
The space battles looked so good (from what I understand Criterion developed those segments) but were quite dull to play which sucked. We need a new X-Wing/TIE Fighter game.

I liked the banter between the characters too. I found them all likeable, the newbies plus the classics. It felt a bit Mass Effect-ish.

Haven't touched MP and the loot box side of things yet.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by lestat »

I came across this comic, thought it was quite appropriate these days.

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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by flipswitch »

So in the first frame he rang up the helpline and was charged $1.50 a minute for cheats, and the second frame he just used his credit card and unlocked them. ;)
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

We are never going to go back to the way things used to be.

Once the big businesses get a taste of power they are seduced by the darkside of the force.

Same thing with the feminism of today that even 2nd wave feminists are against.
There comes a point where instead of being about being fair to customers it becomes a race to see how far they can push things to up the share price of the company. With feminism once they got their power they were happy for a time and then new entitled women took over the operations, hijacked it and made it a vehicle for getting free stuff and sucking money out of males for power and control over the world.

Lestat my best advice is to invest your money into companies that don't do this and encourage friends to avoid buying games from companies that don't respect the customer. Even if it doesn't DO anything, it's the principle. You can use that money helping rivel company to compete. At some point hardcore gamers are going to get outnumbered by the casuals and business turns the atention away from us towards the group that they can most milk of money. But that doesn't mean you can't support ones that are trying to make things fair.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

The core promise of the Nemesis System is the ability to build relationships with your personal allies and enemies in a dynamic open world. While purchasing Orcs in the Market is more immediate and provides additional player options, we have come to realize that providing this choice risked undermining the heart of our game, the Nemesis System.

It allows you to miss out on the awesome player stories you would have otherwise created, and it compromises those same stories even if you don’t buy anything. Simply being aware that they are available for purchase reduces the immersion in the world and takes away from the challenge of building your personal army and your fortresses.

In order to fully restore the core promise of the Nemesis System, we’ll be permanently removing Gold, War Chests and the Market from Shadow of War.
Unused gold will be converted to in-game items if not spent before May 8, with the market, war chests and gold being permanently removed on July 17 internationally.

As part of the same update, Monolith confirmed that the Shadow Wars element of Shadow of War's campaign would be updated. "This portion of the game will be improved with new narrative elements and streamlined for a more cohesive experience," Monolith wrote, adding that more updates to the Nemesis system, skill tree, gear and progression would be detailed in the coming weeks and months.
Shadow Of War Is Removing Its Marketplace, Gold And War Chests
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by Froggy »

Too late
Vzzzbx, you lose again!
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

Not for me. I am interested in buying it now. I want to reward the developers for showing that they do care what fans/gamers think and will react to criticism.

Far Cry 5 also has loot box shit too but you don't need to really buy anything to win. It's for the kiddy crowd who grew up on mobile phone games and got used to purchasing their way to easy victory. Games that Candy Arse hoped would kill nintendo entertainment systems forever but which have failed to, causing him to be enraged that the savior of the console game industry (after the americans destroyed it by not caring about kwality) is still alive even after all this time with underpowered hardware and stealing all the indie game developers from his beloved steam. heehee :lol:

Anyway....congratulations all of you who refused to give them a cent of your money. This is the only languge the businessman understands. And it's the only leverage you have against them to give you what you actually want. If nintendo and all these other companies have to make proper games without shops dictating how much you can see, why should these other guys get to ruin the experience by reminding us that we are handicapped if we don't give them more money? When a game is designed around needing to spend more money, it defeats the whole purpose of competing and playing games. Imagine if you had to buy chess pieces when you play chess? Stupid imo... But it makes them so much money. So to make them NOT make money, then enough of us (a critical mass) have to avoid buying the entire thing for them to notice, if you want to send a message that is clear. It's not enough to buy the core game but ignore the in-game purchases. You still gave them SOME of your money to allow them to continue it. Also they won't respond to whining and complaint. They will respond to loss of profit. If you don't want future generations of gamers getting used to having to pay extra to get the full game, then you got to act now or they will think you don't care enough for it to make much difference to thier bottom line. I think the future is games that are highly polished but which get remastered with expanded content in future editions. (so that people double dip to see the old games in a new light. Kind of like when holywood does remakes of old movies. Example Mario Kart DX. Zelda Wind Waker Wii U, Monster Hunter 3U which is really just Monster Hunter tri in final form with HD upgraded graphics etc)

When a game is highly polished, well balanced, and tested, with good core design, (the foundation of the game is trustworthy from the start) the hardcore gamer notices this. This is why I believe quality standard will increase as more and more gamers wake up to anti-consumer business practices and turn towards quality over marketing hype. Although marketing hype can help (as we see with monster hunter world) consumers are getting smarter. You can't pull off the same bullshit you could get away with like you did with mobile phone gamers. After hours of playing games, your brain starts to notice all the flaws in design and the constant nagging by the shops to stop playing the game fair and instead be a dirty cheater and rape everyone with overpowered toys.

At some point you will realise: where is the honor in doing this? Who gets the glory? My toys which did all the hard work for me or my player skill? And that's when it sets in that you are not really competitive but just showboating in front of a crowd for popularity to get your narcissistic fix for the day. You are like that little kid in school who bullied the smallest guy in lower grades than yourself because you were too scared to take on others the same size as you in your own grade. :D
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

With the success of both God of War reboot and Spiderman, it's time Disney took the Star Wars IP game rights from EA and gave them to competent developers who are passionate about the franchise and not just interested in cashing in on the name:

Yong Yea does a rant that few can disagree with.
Imagine if Obsidian had the rights to Star Wars to make RPGs. Fuck EA. Fuck SJW and feminist cunts. And hurry up and die off loot box buyers who think of games as gambling minigames. You guys are why gaming is turning to shit. Disney has a chance to earn big money if they select the right people to make games from their properties and keep fans happy. Now that it has been proven that single player experiences can be good while being profitable too without needing horse armor or pay to progress quickly business models, there is no excuse to hand control of the game titles to the likes of EA.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by lestat »

Star wars is a dead IP bro, Disney killed it good with their shite movies.

As good as spiderman is, is it good long term for the Spiderman IP to be locked into one system? We'll see how the sales number goes but possibly Marvel/Disney should be building their own AAA studio to make these games themselves, Warner Bros has their own games division that has seen great success with the Batman games and Rocksteady are about to announce their new Superman game.
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by GameHED »

It's not dead if you ignore the movies after episode 6. They can pretend those movies don't exist just like George Lucas can ignore whatever books or comics were made when he did all his 6 movies any time the movie event clashes with anything from the merchandise (events that went down in books or comics or games made without his knowledge of the story in them) of the past.

Instead of ignoring the merchandise storylines and pretending they never happened, this time you just ignore any non-GL movies and then continue on from that point.

You had this problem in Macross: they made a sequel to Macross called MAcross II without the knowledge of the original creator of Macross and so it isn't considered canon now but part of some alternate timeline/universe/dimension of existence. You just do that to anything kathleen kennedy was involved in and pretend it was just made up stories or propaganda created by war veterens who smoked too many death sticks and is just made up stuff to make the story sound interesting but in reality those events never happened.

Everyone thinks it's dead but they said that about Superman once and that was just a gimmick to get people interested in Superman again. This death is caused by SJW creating fan ficton. All the true fans have to do is say to the SJW that those events never happened. IT will piss them off but it's true because it goes against the lore of the universe. And this is where the game developers can create I guess 'better fan fiction' by hiring the really good writers and the best talent to work on RPG games while the SJW make shit movies that nobody from the older fan base has to accept as canon. (face it disney just bought star wars to cash in on toys and merchandise so they don't fucking care - but that doesn't mean the game developers have to not care. All that needs to happen is get Obsidian or some RPG company to put all their energy into it like Spiderman and this becomes where the good SW is and let hollywood have the cinematic universe)

Marvel movies have done a good job of staying true to what fans want so far. While the comics have gone all SJW. Well for star wars it can be the reverse of this. So the movies can be the SJW infested nonsense with characters people hate. And the Star Wars games is where the true fans put their hope in. Games like Witcher 3, CyberPunk, are examples of what the people want. What fans need to do is stop worrying about cinematic starwars stuff and instead put all their money into projects that are based around the universe we knew of pre-episode 7 and focus on that. If disney like money they will back it.

The universe has laws. If SJW star wars is the dark side of the universal force. The light side must be the non-SJW games. Disney now know they fucked up because so many people didn't like TLJ movie and boycotted. This is the power of voting with your wallet. But if you get a game company to repair the damage done to the IP, disney might be pressured to approve of that if the content is bloody good. Mark Hamil himself doesn't even believe he was playing Luke Skywalker in the bloody Last Jedi movie heheheh so why should we as fans accept the cinematic SW stuff? Answer: we shouldn't. Mark got his pay and he should be laughing that he finally got the money from Disney. We as fans however need to withdraw support for the crap stuff if they want to listen to us. Just rely on head canon.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Mad loot box bro

Post by lestat »

Results of Australian study into loot boxes, expect to see these findings sooner or later be drafted into new laws. ... faa9ed34df" onclick=";return false;
Key highlights:

Our large-scale study (n=7,422) found important links between loot box spending and problem gambling. The more severe gamers’ problem gambling was, the more likely they were to spend large amounts of money on loot boxes.

These results strongly support claims that loot boxes are psychologically akin to gambling.

These results also suggest that there is a serious risk for loot boxes to cause gambling-related harm. More specifically, they suggest that either:

Loot boxes act as a gateway to problem gambling amongst gamers.

Loot boxes provide games companies with an unregulated way of exploiting gambling disorders amongst their customers.

Given the relationship between loot box use and problem gambling outlined above, we recommend that

Games containing loot boxes carry parental advisories

Games containing loot boxes carry descriptors that indicate the presence of in-game gambling content.

Serious consideration is given to restricting games that contain loot boxes to players of legal gambling age
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