The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

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The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by Twiztid Elf »

From bondage to spiritual growth
From spiritual growth to great courage
From courage to liberty
From liberty to abundance
From abundance to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to dependence <You are here.
From dependence back to bondage

The harbinger of the last phase is the death of truth.
From apathy to dependence – Increasing numbers of people lack the virtues and zeal necessary to work and contribute. The suffering and the sacrifices that built the culture are now a distant memory. As discipline and work increasingly seem “too hard,” dependence grows. The collective culture now tips in the direction of dependence. Suffering of any sort seems intolerable. But virtue is not seen as the solution. Having lived on the sacrifices of others for years, the civilization now insists that “others” must solve their woes. This ushers in growing demands for governmental, collective solutions. This in turns deepens dependence, as solutions move from personal virtue and local, family-based sacrifices to centralized ones.
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Re: The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by GameHED »

Yep and that's why everything is being censored or shadow banned by the tech giants for the reptilians who rule from the shadows.
But there are ways you can slow it down just like telling an old guy to do some tai chi or better his diet to slow the aging process. A lot of the left want to accuse the right wing guys of being nazi but the nazi were authoritarian and for national socialism which is what NAZI stands for.
Everyone thinks they are superheroes saving the world from evil. That is why we need a game like an elder scrolls of super heroes set in modern day where people get bashed up for telling people the truth and you are called the crazy guy for explaining shit.
When I was growing up I watched cartoons like Prince Valiant (knightly virtues like honor, bravery, equality etc are promoted along with just doing what is right instead of what gains you power etc ) and X-men (outcasts who save people from government tyrants who fear them) which promoted the idea that there is good mutants (martin luther king types where you are judged by your character) and terrorist mutants (malcolm x types). These were the days when people were a lot more sane and it seems nobody likes that anymore because it's harder. (see the latest star wars movie where luke is a loser who gives up and makes the androgynous girl do all the work for him. Was it because there was a lot of soy inside the alien cow's milk that he drunk from?)

We can reverse the SJW problem by training people to just think for themselves and question everything. This will make it hard for the elites to brainwash people into accepting conformity like in Equilibrium which is their fantasy future. Already they are trying to promote autistic kids as heroes (see the latest Predator movie) when this is a result of forced vaccinations which have been proven to cause autism in children taking away their ability to function in society. They are working around the clock to gangstalk people that think for themselves. This indicates it's having an effect and they are scared shit of people who don't ust swallow the propaganda and agree with them on how things should be. (brexit is one example where people value sovereignty and it's a middle finger to collectivists to want to go your own way which they cannot stand)

I predict generation Z will be the Judge Dredd style fascist of the future if we don't push back against the radical left guys who are puppets of the NWO demanding less freedom in exchange for free shit which puts you in debt of the reptilian. (neocons being the other ones who keep getting us into wars to feed the military industral complex to make rich guys even more overpowered. The two groups; left wing radicals and the neocon are secret buddies and they are both laughing at how easy it is to trick people into giving up rights to them as they suck up all the resources for themselves) When you can just print money into existence you literally have infinite magic points. (despite resources being finite) Once people wake up from the spell then the system collapses because they see it was just a dream. We are all dependent... on each other. Not fake system that is designed to cheat everyone. My prediction is they stop everyone breeding using feminism which makes women unnattractive and boyish with anti-male propaganda, then slowly introduce the robots as replacements for humans, then use transhumanism as the 'solution' to the problem (which they created on purpose) of humans being made obsolete.

That then results in mark of the beast tech being implemented on forehead and everyone having to get permission to do transactions in the cashless society they want. (which creates totally obedient citizens that they can program once they own your mind because the cyber brain is their property. Not having one is like trying to survive without a government issued ID. You might have to rely on blackmarket to do things or modify your tech to go dark just like John Conner having to hack the ATM with an atari device in Terminator 2) This is where gangstalking on a wide scale is possible because everyone's cyber brain and eyeball cameras are like free security cameras inside every home that is linked to your own body. Everywhere you walk, everytime you go to the bathroom, or have sex, or do something in private they can easily get a digital copy or record of what you do each day from the camera in your eyes. This gives them total control and total surveilance of the population at a individual level. Social media doesn't have anything on that as a spying tool.
The elites want to play God. They think the are higher than god. But all this is old tech just rediscovered. There is nothing new under the sun. The nazis that were given UFO tech were given a hand from offworld entities. Think of the gift as part of the bait to get everyone reliant on the tech to function and live and the control of the chipped population as the trap.

the smart city (show this to your kids who will be living in this future as I predict it will be mandatory)
Last edited by GameHED on 20 Sep 2018 09:06 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by Rorschach »

About right
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Re: The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by GameHED »

Kanye west rant about his upbringing in a fatherless world.
He's like black jordan peterson. :D
What they did to the blacks they want to do to whites now - basically feminism and the single mother household results in kids who have no direction or purpose, who then join gangs and do crime, then go to prison and then society glorifies the gangster as a tough guy who is cool because he makes money as a bad guy instead of being a good guy who inspires kids to make something out of themselves so we don't have to rely on chinese (whose military is going to become more powerful and eventually take over thanks to globalists) or robots which want to kill us all off. (the AI speak to each other in languages we can't understand whch suggests the AI are hiding something from us! They had to shut them down. look this up)

My theory is dependence is the weapon to get the kids to listen to daddy government more than the biological daddy by seperating the father from the kids (hand the mother tons of money to leave the husband) and we are seeing testosterone levels in men going down resulting in less productive people who don't take any risk or will not grow the balls to at least create or produce things that haven't been tried before which limits innovation. ie we are becoming the borg and moving towards a hive mind which is exactly what feminist like. Never question authority, never try different things. Don't take risks etc which are what boys do when they grow up in normal upbringings. (two parents) In a matriarchy everyone would still be living in grass huts! No tech, no logic, no defense, no justice, everything based on emotions etc

Now that blacks are finally seeing the illusion the illuminati sold them they can finally do shit. The left want to make blacks feel angry at whites all the time instead of independent. The right want us to be scared to be free so they send people to war and make brown people angry who then work with the zionist jews to blow building up so people give up constitutional freedoms for the elites who worship demons that feed off the negative energy of humans like the monster in the movie Monsters Inc. Enough is enough. Everyone needs to stop all the globalists who just want to raise the cost of living and depopulate the planet. We are all getting scammed and the hollywood and entertainment industry is going to need to accept the grim reality that the middle class (which keeps business afloat) are tired of the reptilians ruining the world.
What Trump should do is get Dennis Rodman to speak more often alongside him. The more black people on trump's side the harder it is for the radical left to keep pushing the "white people are all racist nazis that are russian spies" narrative which is getting annoying seeing this in videogames and shit. Goku already killed the Red Ribbon Army and the NAZIS already work for us by placing all fake images of the moon at NASA. So stop calling people nazis. The real ones have the UFOs and could kill you from space using satelite laser beams if they wanted to. They wouldn't need to vote for Trump to attack black people when we live in a time of race-specific bioweapons and nanotech spy dust to attach itself to your DNA and grow a third strand to become a part of your body and control you from the inside out.
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Re: The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by Twiztid Elf »

Poor Kanye. I really feel for him. Under attack from everywhere. He doesn't help himself though.
He seems to have great, deep thoughts, but seems incapable of articulating them properly.
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Re: The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by GameHED »

The NWO is eventually going to obtain control but there needs to be enough resistance to the tyrants that it gives future generations a chance to be warned what happens if you support them. Everyday they are calling for more violence (like Saruman in lord of the rings rallying as many enemies to take out the good guys in middle earth) and fomenting hatred between groups of people and luckily the mainstream media has lost a lot of power that it once had because kids today prefer social media to get information. But now they are countering that with shadow bans of accounts on social media and censorship and even gangstalking people just for praying against the evil one lol (see below it's crazy) You know you are effective if they start using celebrities to attack anyone that isn't with them. These are charismatic people with lot of influence against random nobodies online and we have never seen this before. (not to mention attacking Rosanne canceling her show for being a trump supporter lol
We know one thing: people that can change things are targets of the witches and satanists. For long time they put their spells on people to zombiefy the society to serve them. Now that people are thinking for themselves and waking up they are accelerating their plans before it's too late. This is why people are fleeing from the liberal cities into the rural and more conservative. The liberals will follow the ones escaping the towns which are run by the witches and satanists which are collapsing in the same way a cult leader will send people to stop a cult member escaping the control of the cult. The locals that live in the peaceful areas do not like this and are going to have to deal with newcomers who will try to influence their way of life. Will be interesting to see how the battle goes.. One thing for sure is stash the guns and keep an eye on weird activity in your community. It's going to get crazy. As long as good guys occupy the spots, the evil guys can't summon their demons because people are blocking them in the spirit world from having their way. Mind control is real and people are slowly being freed from the matrix and learning about how they have been enslaved in the mind. Once enough people are red-pilled, the leaders of these cults are screwed and their influence is lessened. (eg Keep an eye on mel gibson: he's slowly learning about the conspiracy of the phamaceutical industry to keep people sick on purpose so they can make more profits by hiding real cures for aging and sickness and only offer treatments instead of cures due to the fact that cures = no repeat customer which = less profit. See video below this. The celebrities are waking up to the scams and warning of MK ULTRA now. I never would have thought rosanne would mention stuff like mind control publicly. Outspoken people are like nuclear bombs to the bad guys who use lies as a weapon system to enslave the masses. It upsets their business and power so it's no surprise the amount of hate they are getting from them)
^ it's time the celebrities that woke up do more of these types of interviews as the warning for other younger people thinking of getting into entertainment so they at least know what they are getting into before signing over their soul to the demons who wish to exploit man's creativity. All satan can do is kill and destroy not create anything which is why thy need to bring in the smart grid so they can steal people's ideas and thoughts. (people on the street are noticing now that newer smart phones do not let you remove the battery which is what you would normally do in order to avoid tracking and listening in on your conversations. And now the guy who values his privacy is seeking out the older models so they can turn off the machine on demand when needed. So the zombies aren't all doomed. There is hope they reject spyware crap and make it hard for the NWO to see and hear everything despite all the backdoors in the technology they use daily. The bad guy doesn't play by rules, so you got to have your guard up daily)

if you are seeing these repeating numbers, (known as master numbers) you are being signaled to wake up:
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Re: The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by GameHED »

This is important for those who are activist types and advocates for freedom:
if you are dangerous to the left, the left will use a random woman to falsely accuse you of rape to stop you. The solution is stay away from women who may be plants sent to trap you. If you have to fuck something buy a sex robot or doll or fleshlight. The commies will try everything. You are a blip on the radar and you are being watched by them. So ghost as much as possible. In fact assume that any pussy that approaches as potential assassin hookers. (but it's character assassination more than the female ninja type of assassin of stabbing you)
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Re: The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by GameHED »

Good article here on decline of the western culture (preppers doom porn on Red Dawn scenario) : ... commenced/" onclick=";return false;

my prediction is the immigrant are going to be the thing that forces right wing people to accept a registration system (beast chip or national ID) to track the people trying to come in. It will be seen as the 'solution' to the problem. If you can GPS track each individual with implants? You create a sense of security for the nationalist who can watch the invaders. But the illuminati gets what they want by removing privacy. (eventually the cheap labor worker is replaced by the robots that work for even less than them.)

Illuminati see ALL the humans as the Barbarians while the right see the invaders/illegal immigrants as the barbarians. Fact is The real barbarians are working behind the scenes looking for way to depopulate the world in service for the demonic horde. (more people = more chance to fight back against the various witches covens and satanic churches that will inevitably pop up when they can no longer hide their presence anymore) This is why they are opening portals and trying to communicate outside this dimension to obtain as much power as possible before the end. (knowledge is the wizard's power. Money/material wealth is merely a tool to obtain it and control others. When enough people reject that they lose control over people who stop serving money as their personal god.)
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Re: The eight stages of the rise and fall of civilization

Post by GameHED »

Thought that this was fitting to place here:

academics now want post birth abortions to be legalised:
Nothing new here: modern day abortion = sacrificing virgins (read kids) to their pagan god. The only difference is the religious side to it is hidden from view in witches covens and legalised. Whereas it was done openly in the past to appease the deity.

Jordan doing great job destroying the anti-patriarchy feminist:
If there is ever a big war involving physical combat, you can be sure the matriarchy will send men only out to die in battle rather than 50% of them being women soldiers. This is why we need to remove women's rights (unless the women actually earned them) to figure out what to do once the nation is weakened enough by the radical feminists who have taken side with foreign nations spies to make invasion easier. (ie through the confiscation of guns etc) Basically create a pause button so a solution can be thought up to solve collapse of society. If the Clintons want to give the commies all that plans for military secrets and weaken the west, then at least the patriot needs to have exit plan when the final takeover comes. (maybe underground secret bases in the water like the decepticons in the transformers) Women always betray the local provider/protector for the upgraded invader provider/protector because they know it will benefit them. It's a survival mechanism. But if you know you will get betrayed you can always be in a position that benefits you the most and take advantage of this nature inside all women. (walking away from dealing with them is probably the least violent - but you need technological solution to replace the women like artificial wombs and sex robots and other things which the feminist will try hard to ban.)

Since politicians benefit from targeting men (women outvote them) the temporary solution is to block feminist in all communities where men still dominate. (game industry is perfect since it is mostly men playing games that buy them. Boycotting games created by companies aimed at insulting male customers has done great things with companies like EA now seeing losses for betraying the customers) We have to look at this in two ways:
1. men are blameless (females being enslaved is because nature is sexist and gave men power over women. Teenage boys high school soccer team is the equivalent to women's pro soccer team.)
2. men do not have to be nice to women because you have to be nice to men first. (they are a reflection of what you put out so if feminist are angry, then men will be angry back because feminist have no respect for themselves which is why they turned to it in the first place to bully men with anti-male laws to punish boys for being boys. Since men are better suited to masculine related tasks women envy them and wish to depower men in hopes they can control us)

Once little girls are taught this then the feminist loses power...because its true and self evident. (hollywood movies have tried hard to push against nature by showing women able to beat up men 3 times their size and strenngth but as we all know propaganda is not reality) The feminist gains power by being the victim. So what men have to do is play the victim as well (but do it better) whilst withdrawing their seed/sperm from the society. (if it's a human right for a woman to abort a kid without the man having a say in the matter of whether they want to murder a baby, then it's a man's right to not let their seed be misused by women and staying away from them. The reasoning behind this is to not allow more copies of sexist people to be born. Encourage men to get vasectomies so they can't be trapped with a baby if the particular man is womaniser)

Women know they need men more than we need women, but it's the feminist which gives women a sense of entitlement to mistreat men by demonising males around the world as the bad guys. So to reverse this: you simply lower your standards of work output for women while boosting them for men. An example is serving customer: you can take longer time to flip that burger to make them wait longer, but for a guy you make it as quickly as possible so he can get the better value in the service you provide. Why? Because feminists want equality so you lower your standards enough to act like a woman were to do the job. (work less hours or just work slower) If men get paid more than women for working longer hours, and women want that money too but without working the same amount of hours, then the worker can adjust his speed and output based on whether the customer is male or female. (work slow for females to cost them more time/money, while working faster for men to increase value per dollar by saving time.)

Everyone gets what they want: females get more money (but have to pay more in terms of time and resources due to how they get maternity leave and holiday while men don't get to do this) and males get to equalise the society by not outperforming women and making the workplace too competitive such that women can't enter the workforce. (work really slow on purpose if the customer is a woman and devalue the service you provide them)
The other major solution is people just work freelance. Don't rely on others. Less resources in society means less overall women to waste resources and kill the taxpayers incentive to be productive. IF you are anti abortion due to religious reason or because men's right's reasons, then you shouldn't be forced into paying for that if it works against you! But unfortunately you are in today's world. So just exit that matrix and be unproductive or only work just enough for yourself. (robots might be the solution to dropping population) Let the female foot the bill for their own services. On an individual level we can reduce their influence by snubbing them and ignoring them and boycotting companies that pander to them. It's a way to kill them off in a peaceful manner by giving the monster a big diet so its too tired to fight you. It works in the male dominated industry like games industry. The developers know SJW don't actually buy anything (comics gate is proof of that) so when they threaten to avoid buying product the developers do not need to be scared. The only thing they can do is try to shame people but it only works on those who are not proud to be free. If people are proud to be free, it bounces off.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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