Far Cry 5

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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

:lol: Damn. Will try again tomorrow. Thanks!
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Re: Far Cry 5

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Works now :up:
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

Ambrose Burnside wrote:Far Cry 3 and 4 are 60% off on Steam. Just picked up the Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition for ~$18 because it seems that a lot of people consider it the best in the series, and I wasn't prepared to pay full price for Far Cry 5 (even though I reckon I'll love the GameHED-inspired nutjob baddies of Far Cry 5).
The bad guys are closer to lumbersexuals and hipsters than doomsday preppers. The normal doomsday preppers (which are considered nutjobs by non-prepping society but are just woke) have all their weapons stolen from them by the cult or placed in bunkers and actually good guys trying to push the bad guy out of the community. (collectivist cult members are akin to illuminati coming into your neighborhood to enslave everyone by forcing you to join them)

3 may be considered the best for the villain but 5 blows it out of the water in terms of features and stuff. It is like comparing new saints row games to the old ones. The new ones are more polished with better graphics. The old ones have the better story. I don't play games for story when it comes to shooters. You have to understand that when you can choose what direction you can go the story has to suffer in these games because it might not make sense if the player is not guided by trigger events or signposted by restriction to their movements and led to places like metroid titles.
I choose gameplay over story any day. The old games like Far Cry 2 feel like shit to play vs the newer ones. Nostalgia clouds people's judgement in the case of far cry. Being able to ride in chopper and have the CPU partner drive you to the location (put autodrive on and set the map marker on the map or just direct him by pointing to the area and press the left/right on DPAD. Click autodrive off when you want them to stop) while you gun people down is fun.

Within Far Cry 5 there is a hint that Hurk may start his own cult soon called Hurk's Gate. That would be a great clan in a society where all the other cults are gone. You join and force everyone to worship his Monkey God which you can kill after you realise it was a bad idea and free everyone from it. Hurk would make a better villain. His Dad and Mom pay you large sum of money to kill him but his Monkey God grants him the power to come back to life after every sequel. (sort of like Dracula in castlevania games after the members of the cult do a certain ritual to bring him back from the dead) You have to pull the silver bullet from his butt to recruit him in undead mode. His perk is that he can command undead monkeys to arm themselves with pistol and melee weapons to help you fight like in the new Planet of the Apes movies.

Note that in far cry 4 you could not skin monkey which I find odd. Perhaps there is a certain respect for them by the development team compared to the other animals

Disaster preparedness people who prepped and were laughed at by neighbours prior to disasters (but now respected):
resisting the cashless society: (both left wing and right wing guys need to stop arguing about nonsense and prep against the NWO plan)
old vid
what the NWO want to do to you in future (very old: Aaron Russo is dead.) and how feminism fits into the plan of the globalist
Now you know why the new feminists (despite having more power than men) are invading the male spaces and MGTOW is growing. Although small, MGTOW is going to be more and more popular in future and people will stop breeding which fits in nicely with the depopulation plan of these satanists. That's why people need to control wealth by buying gold, hiding wealth through things like bitcoin and forming anti-NWO communities to push out any globalist in your communities. Killing vampires requires staking them in the heart. So go for their banking empire which is the heart of the beast system. China has gold backed curency. Everyone needs to wake up before its too late. And pimp smasck your bitches if there is a hint that they are joining the NWO by being third wave feminists. It may seem harsh but you are saving future generations. You don't want to breed with supporters of tyrants. You want them to starve to death by getting the government to foot the bill (other socialists who believe in the "equality dream") while you hide somewhere and wait for it to collapse under its own weight. It all comes back to sovereignty and authority. If you rely on them too much then they own you and will exploit you like cattle. If you like that, then more power to you. But for the rest of society, you got to have exit plan to prevent them owning your life.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

Finished the game. (main missions, side missions, outposts, sub missions within outpost etc 100% completion ) I liked all the content. Accept the ending needing more meat to it. Very interesting villain who acts all nice on the surface and hides all the brutality his minions did against everyone in the county by using bible verses to weasal out of things. Very Darth Vader ish. Half the time you can actually agree with the cherry picked things he speaks of in his long speeches and the other half you want to shoot him for ignoring the evil actions of the cult.

Spoiler (endings mentioned)
[Click to see hidden content]
after winning the game I thought about the intention of the developers. It seems like they tend to favour a bad guy's perspective in the hopes they can drag this out to a sequel? And it wasn't a good ending in the sense that you felt you could control anything within the cinematics. This felt bad as in videogames you usually get to choose your path and if the boss can't be killed you feel ripped out of the game and never able to really "complete" it. The seed family gets away with all the bad stuff, doesn't get to pay for his evil actions and apart from the small bosses working under him which you can kill like usual bad guys, you never have a chance to fight or kill the main bad guy. Not my stye of game design personally, but I can respect it because they really wanted to tell a story where the player can't just solve everything with force. (just like real world)

However..... here is where I offer a solution to this problem. Let us enter a dialogue with the religious fanatic by using his own belief against him so he gives up on being a cult leader and joins you but his minions kill him for not going through with the plan to take over the county. You fight your way out all by yourself and the liberated people deal with the mob in a rescue op.
This would be a lot more interesting to me because then the player feels satisfied that he saved the good guys, the bad guy turns against his followers who scare him enough to have become bigger than himself, and you have a final mission where remnants of eden's gate plan a final assault on all the bases which are like horde mode activities. This would give us the big action scene at the end and make the game ending feeling like you completed the game and achieved the original objective of stoppingthe violence.

The problem with the game designers of today is they let players only choose between shooting something or letting the guy go. What about the third option of talking with him like the Freeman does to police in real life to explain that the common law and corporate laws are seperate things and build an understanding between the two parties? Have the game designers ever thought about that? By letting the bad guy escape being killed jailed or reformed, they leave a bad taste in the players mouth playing the game because it felt like you were too lazy to think up a way where the county wins, Joseph's visions of doom come true (he dies as a martyr as his rogue members think he is weak for stuffing up against you), but the player can still be a badass by killing the religious mob in self defence that has gotten out of control and continues to be violent and kidnap and kill and torture people.

I think ubisoft is probably full of fatalistic types. So they like the mind fuck style ending as a type of troll against american who are proud of freedom. It's what makes the world respect and want to model themselves after them. Not only because of the freedom and liberty ideals, but the power of having guns to push back against a tyrant if they attempt to bully the people on behalf of greedy corporations with occult symbols and satanic logos on their products whose leaders meet at bohemian grove to cremate humans to destroy the care of the fellow man for pursuit of power for the devil.

anyway.. if they make a sequel to the story I think a good idea is the rise of a satanic cult in the next game over a christian one. Lets say the mind control is worn off and a satanic cult saves you and then brainwashes you to serve them to get Joseph Seed because they are rival cults and do not like Joseph and have heard about you so they use you as their inside man to assassinate him. Jospeh gets word of the plot and runs away and the whole game is you hunting him down just like story in saints row 2 where it is all about revenge. That would be interesting. Hurk would be the third Cult leader with his Hurk's gate cult and the neutral side in the war of the two cults who is the bridge between the two other cults but later becomes a resistence leader for his Monkey God who orders him to wipe out the other religions so he can bring peace. The reality is, they stole his women and recruited his member to thier cult and this loss of power makes him angry so he fights against them after they moved in on his land and stole it.

Will speed run this on hard now. I feel it was just the right difficulty on normal but once you get all the perks it gets too easy. (normally a game gets more difficult towards the end but I did everything and the result was after all that exploring and killing my character was a bit too overpowered. This happens when you take your time with a game instead of just completing the necessary things in it to complete it)

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

Killed all the mid bosses in hard mode. Just got to kill Joseph now.

Starting to get the hang of grappling hook onto a chopper piloted by a cpu buddy. You can spawn a chopper for the other two, then one for you and then start attacking everything as a flying death team. It makes you overpowered but it explain now why people were having trouble with the mobs: the game was probably adjusting for the fact that now that flying around in vehicles with heavy weapons is doable (not possible in last far cry) enemies need to also be equiped to meet player power level.

When you are on foot, anti tank weapons and pipe bombs can pretty much end any enemy ambush as the splash damage takes out groups of them so even if you just solo there is always option to escape. Introducing smoke bombs also helps with the sniper section when you face Jacob who is on top of a mountain picking off your health bar as you are attacked from al sides by his minions. Then you buff yourself up with drugs (one is called fast to make you move quickly, the other is called furious which lets you punch people and kill in one hit which will send their body flying back like the saints row 2 insurance fraud missions, and then there is one that lets you locate all enemies instantly and the final one is high defense) to kill in style without need for strategy and you could argue that this is the easiest of games in the series if you bother to grind up your character by seeking the most powerful stuff and abusing the shit out of it. Without all the buffs, health extension, and chopper it becomes true hard difficulty where enemy overpowers you and you got to run away and hide like trying to get away from cops in GTA5 with 5 star wanted level.

There is no reason to feel underpowered in this game when you have armor piercing rounds, 50 calibur sniper rifle, anti-tank, and smoke bomb to run away from mobs. I think it's the best game after my second run through and having 2 cpu characters allows you to get revived (doesn't work well when enemy is pinning you down with 50 calibur turret gun as soon as you get up though - perhaps ubisoft need a special perk that makes you invincible for a few seconds during the helping animation so players can escape this?)

I do feel that so far Faith is the most interesting character. Is she just a ghost of the original person, or a hallucination? Or maybe your conscience as you gut innocent braindead zombies who are joining the cult because they are interested in avoiding catastrophe but not necessarily harming other people. With Jacob I had no problem filling him with lead as he was asking for it, but there is something about Faith that when you do fight her in the matrix dimension you feel like a dick. But maybe that is the point: never to let your guard down as it is all a scam to get you to join willingly through persuasion which is how the non-violent people of the county are targeted for recruitment and end up supporting the bad guys.

The music in this game is amazing stuff.

I have the help me faith song stuck in my head now. (there are so many versions of it that it haunts you and you start to whistle it in the shower)
[Verse 1]
I once was a child
With innocent eyes
And my family swore
They knew best for my life (knew best for my life)
I followed the rules (followed their rules)
As I played with my friends (played with my friends)
When it came to the world
Never thought it would end

Help me faith, help me faith
Shield me from sorrow (shield me from sorrow)
From fear of tomorrow (from fear of tomorrow)
Help me faith, help me faith
Shield me from sadness
From worry and madness
Lead me to the bliss

[Verse 2]
And as I grew up
I can never be free
Coz' the shackles I wore
Can't be touched or be seen
My heart never loved (heart never loved)
And my soul couldn't laugh (my soul couldn't laugh)
So much hate in my life, couldn't make out the path

Help me faith, help me faith
Shield me from sorrow (shield me from sorrow)
From fear of tomorrow (from fear of tomorrow)
Help me faith, help me faith
Shield me from sadness
From worry and madness
Lead me to the bliss

And when I grew old
I was riddled with sin
Locked my soul in the dark
Never let the light in
I crawled through the gate
With little time left
I cried what have I done
As I took my last breath

Help me faith, help me faith
Shield me from sorrow (shield me from sorrow)
From fear of tomorrow (from fear of tomorrow)
Help me faith, help me faith
Shield me from sadness
From worry and madness
Lead me to the bliss
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by GameHED »

Hours of Darkness DLC:
Looks like far cry 3. Would love a full blown nam era Far Cry title. You are a hybrid, the aliens take you back in time with their UFO to test your stealth ability, put a implant in your head and send you out to investigate the way the humans fight in this time in preparation for an upcoming Hunger Games style tournament in a jungle like planet where the aliens place bets on who will survive. This could be Ubisoft's answer to Timesplitters. Joseph Seed sold you out to the reptilians and is helping to strengthen you for the aliens who need a new champion after the last earthling soldier died.

I just finished FC5 on hard with almost all but one camp completed undetected. (the one I missed was no alarms. grrr)

Now I am going to unbox Far Cry Primal and play through that now that I'm still in a FC mood. (probably won't revisit 3 again, it's hard to go back to old graphics) That should get me through until the dlc expansion arrives.

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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by unfnknblvbl »

unfnknblvbl wrote:
lestat wrote:Native 4k on Xbone X, pretty impressive considering it's open world and looks amazing.
Xbottery aside, that is pretty impressive.

Also, this game looks fucking gorgeous. I'm tempted to buy it just to experience the prettiness. Shame Ubisoft apparently spent all their budget on the graphics and none on the story.
So, I've been playing a Canadian version of FC5 for the past couple of days. Sure, I have to play at 1920x1200 and locked at 30fps, but my god this is gorgeous. It's hands-down the best-looking game I've played in forever.
I mean, I just loaded up Far Cry 4 for comparison, and that just looks like a big pile of steaming dog turds now! I don't even care about the story, even though it's nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. It's just a fun game.
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Re: Far Cry 5

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IT's the best Far Cry in terms of fun too. PEople forget how shit things used to be in the past.

Yes the old games had more simmy shit in it, but this is the game that punishes you for not using the right tools at the right time.
Without the smoke bombs those choppers would cut you to pieces. Without the AI doggy to draw fire, you wouldn't be able to set up better angle to approach the camp from the unguarded side and plant the explosives or get hostages out that kind of shit. The stuff you saw in the beginning of the first predator movie when arnie is plotting how to do the rescue mission by sneaking in silently to do the recon and then having his team overwhelm the bad guys? You can do that with the 2 assist guys and not feel like it was scripted or fake part of a mission like the GTA5 games do. (which is just story mission shit not gameplay) In this you can order people to enter choppers while you run on the ground taking out the indoor threats while your AI buddy defends the entrance and exit from reinforcements like that scene in terminator where arnie has to mow down cops. Then when it is over you enter your own chopper (or grapple hook onto your buddy's chopper) to make a quick getaway. That's the stuff you see in action movies. But no scripted event stuff as you normally see in Call of Duty with its turret sections and scripted set pieces.

Anyway this forum has shitty taste so don't always believe the haters who say it's not as good as Far Cry 2 set in the african desert.

Plus the music is amazing. Help me faith reminds me of that cowboy bebop song in the church.
You guys don't get it: the Mandela effect is real. We have entered into a hellhole run by demonic forces and your memories of the past are being erased to get you to accept the NWO. They are taking down statues, erasing history, fucking up the timelines. Your reality is shifting like when the SDF-1 was folded into another part of the solar system and took MAcross island with it so now you are emotionally attached to things of the past before the space fold took place in order to maintain your sanity after being placed in another part of the universe which isn't the same as the one before the fold. Your way of coping is to assume anything new must be shittier than older thing you grew up with because you are psychically atached to these old things as if they are part of you. Your space ghost wants to go back to the original spot where you remember it (the joy) happened. But physically you are ripped from it and now have to deal with the new reality and can't cope.

It's the reason candy arse went crazy and stopped moderating after he realised he came from another dimension. (like the warp in the west in the elder scrolls universe) Y can't deal with being in a different universe after yours was destroyed and merged with this one. See below.
Your next challenge is to see how you will cope against a world run by machines where your penis and reproductive ability is no longer of value as sentient machines run from pocket dimension can repair themselves and maintain each other independent of the need of flesh beings so your purpose for existing is taken away as you are bred out of existence and replaced by mind controlled clones and AI which controls their behavior through all the chips and radio towers.
It's all part of the game.
The illuminati is targeting all the awake ones because they fear we will ruin the fun.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

A dude has recreated Goldeneye 007 in full using FC5's level editor. Impressive.

https://www.kotaku.com.au/2021/06/heres ... far-cry-5/
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Re: Far Cry 5

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I miss GameHED.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

Didn’t realise I was bumping a Gamehed thread. I just searched FC5 and clicked the thread link to reply. I see the recent board upgrade migrated my ignore list ok.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Rorschach »

Twiztid Elf wrote: 07 Jun 2021 08:17 am I miss GameHED.
Always felt like I was arguing with someone's alter-ego :wink:
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

I have the final mission unlocked, but piss farting about knocking off collectathon side missions for some reason instead.

World's about to end, but at least some dude has his baseball card collection back.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Peppermint Lounge »

If you're enjoying FC5 I really can recommend FC New Dawn. It's the first direct sequel to a FC game and it backs up FC5 really well.
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Re: Far Cry 5

Post by Ambrose Burnside »

Peppermint Lounge wrote: 17 Sep 2021 11:49 am If you're enjoying FC5 I really can recommend FC New Dawn. It's the first direct sequel to a FC game and it backs up FC5 really well.
Loved it. Took me a while to get into it but once it did I was hooked. Pushed through to the end today.

Will play New Dawn at some point.
Currently playing: Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition (PC), Far Cry 4 (PC), FIFA 23 (Series X)
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